微软TechEd 2008(北美地区)技术大会 Windows Mobile相关课程资料下载

已经将今年微软的TechEd 2008大会北美会场的Windows Mobile相关课件上传到Windows Live Group里面,共计22个课程的讲义。列表如下:
Mobile Web Design with XHTML and .Mobi Standards
Maximizing the Usability and Compatibility of Your Mobile Microsoft Visual C++ Application
Accessing RESTful Web Data Services in the Microsoft .NET Compact Framework: The Lightweight Alternative to SOAP
Building Windows Mobile Applications That Work with Windows Vista Sync Center
Windows Communication Foundation on Devices
Advanced Object-Oriented Data Access with the Microsoft .NET Compact Framework 3.5 and Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5
Microsoft Silverlight UX for Mobile Devices
Peer-to-Peer Windows Mobile Software
Unit Testing for Devices: The Holy Grail, or Something to Use in Your Day-to-Day Work?
Sharing Assets between the Microsoft .NET Compact Framework and the Microsoft .NET Framework
What's New in the Windows Mobile Line of Business Solution Accelerator 2008
An Introduction to LINQ on Devices
Developing for the Windows Mobile 6.1 Home Screen
Microsoft Silverlight on Mobile Devices
Using Microsoft DirectDraw in Windows Mobile Applications
Mobilizing Your Web Applications with Microsoft Internet Explorer Mobile and AJAX
Personal Area Networking on Windows Mobile
What's New in the Microsoft .NET Compact Framework 3.5
Creating a Compelling and Attractive UI When Developing for Windows Mobile and the Microsoft .NET Compact Framework
Building Custom Sync Providers for the Microsoft Sync Framework
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition Ultimate Performance Tuning
The New Windows Mobile Enterprise Architecture
有需要的人,请到我们的Windows Live Group里面下载。地址: http://mobileside.groups.live.com/

你可能感兴趣的:(windows,Microsoft,mobile,silverlight,Windows Mobile)