




 import com.pblabs.engine.PBE;
 import com.pblabs.engine.entity.*;
 import com.pblabs.rendering2D.*;
 import com.pblabs.rendering2D.ui.*;
 import flash.display.Sprite;
 import flash.geom.Point; 
 [SWF(width="800", height="600", frameRate="60")] 
 public class test2 extends Sprite
  public function test2()
  private function createScene():void
   var sceneView:SceneView = new SceneView();                           // Make the SceneView
   sceneView.width = 800;
   sceneView.height = 600;
   PBE.initializeScene(sceneView);                                      // This is just a helper function that will set up a basic scene for us
  private function createHero():void
   var hero:IEntity = allocateEntity();                                 // Allocate an entity for our hero avatar
   var spatial:SimpleSpatialComponent = new SimpleSpatialComponent();   // Create our spatial component
   spatial.position = new Point(0,0);                                   // Set our hero's spatial position as 0,0
   spatial.size = new Point(50,50);                                     // Set our hero's size as 50,50
   spatial.spatialManager = PBE.spatialManager;
   hero.addComponent( spatial, "Spatial" );                             // Add our spatial component to the Hero entity with the name "Spatial"
   var render:SimpleShapeRenderer = new SimpleShapeRenderer();          // Create a renderer to display our object
   render.fillColor = 0x0000FF0;
   render.isCircle = true;
   render.lineSize = 2;
   render.radius = 25;
   render.lineColor = 0x000000;
   render.scene = PBE.scene;                                            // Set which scene this is a part of
   // Point the render component to this entity's Spatial component for position information
   render.positionProperty = new PropertyReference("@Spatial.position");
   // Point the render component to this entity's Spatial component for rotation information
   render.rotationProperty = new PropertyReference("@Spatial.rotation");
   hero.addComponent( render, "Render" );                               // Add our render component to the Hero entity with the name "Render"
   hero.initialize("Hero");                                             // Register the entity with PBE under the name "Hero"         

