ibatis 配置文件说明



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE sqlMapConfig
PUBLIC "-//iBATIS.com//DTD SQL Map Config 2.0//EN"
<!-- Always ensure to use the correct XML header as above! 
<!-- The properties (name=value) in the file specified here can be used placeholders in this config file (e.g. “${driver}”. The file is relative to the classpath and is completely optional.
文件中的属性(name=value)可以使用占位符在这里指定的配置文件(例如“$ {driver} "。文件是相对于classpath和是完全可选的。
	<properties resource="examples/sqlmap/maps/SqlMapConfigExample.properties " />

<!-- These settings control SqlMapClient configuration details, primarily to do with transaction management. They are all optional (more detail later in this document).
		cacheModelsEnabled="true"	enhancementEnabled="true"	lazyLoadingEnabled="true"	maxRequests="32"	maxSessions="10"	maxTransactions="5"	useStatementNamespaces="false"

<!-- Type aliases allow you to use a shorter name for long fully qualified class names. -->
	<typeAlias alias="order" type="testdomain.Order"/>

<!-- Configure a datasource to use with this SQL Map using SimpleDataSource. Notice the use of the properties from the above resource 
	<transactionManager type="JDBC" >
		<dataSource type="SIMPLE">
			<property name="JDBC.Driver" value="${driver}"/>
			<property name="JDBC.ConnectionURL" value="${url}"/>
			<property name="JDBC.Username" value="${username}"/>
			<property name="JDBC.Password" value="${password}"/>
			<property name="JDBC.DefaultAutoCommit" value="true" />
			<property name="Pool.MaximumActiveConnections" value="10"/>
			<property name="Pool.MaximumIdleConnections" value="5"/>
			<property name="Pool.MaximumCheckoutTime" value="120000"/>
			<property name="Pool.TimeToWait" value="500"/>
			<property name="Pool.PingQuery" value="select 1 from ACCOUNT"/>
			<property name="Pool.PingEnabled" value="false"/>
			<property name="Pool.PingConnectionsOlderThan" value="1"/>
			<property name="Pool.PingConnectionsNotUsedFor" value="1"/>

<!-- Identify all SQL Map XML files to be loaded by this SQL map. Notice the paths are relative to the classpath. For now, we only have one… 
	<sqlMap resource="examples/sqlmap/maps/Person.xml" />

