Eclipse Galileo and SVN

To prove that I can do short posts as well, here a quick guide to SVN in latest Eclipse release. This was not that easy in previous releases, but now it works like a charm:

1. Help > Install New Software… > Galileo – > Collaboration > Subversive SVN Team Provider (Incubation)

2. Help > Install New Software… > Add > Polarion –

3. > Subversive SVN Connectors > Subversive SVN Connectors

4. > Subversive SVN Connectors > JavaHL 1.6.0 Win32 Binaries (Optional)

Dont get confused by “optional”. Step 1 gets us the SVN integration for Eclipse. Step 2 creates the Polarion update site. Step 3 installs the interface between Eclipse and the Polarion implementation, and step 4 chooses that implementation.
