
去掉 在使用jasperreport导出excel时长数字型字符串会自动已科学计数法显示的方法
exporter.setParameter(JRXlsExporterParameter.IS_DETECT_CELL_TYPE, Boolean.TRUE);
select salary_calculation_detail_id,
        NVL2(referee,referee,' ') refereeTemp,
       NVL2(customer_manager,customer_manager,' ')customermanager,
       NVL2(group_User_Extern_Code, group_User_Extern_Code,' ' ) groupUserExternCode,
        CASE is_Two
         WHEN 1 THEN
         WHEN 2 THEN
       end is_TwoTemp,
       case is_New
         when 1 then
         when 0 then
       end isNewTemp,
       NVL2(ticket_Number, ticket_Number, ' ') as ticket_NumberTemp,
       origin_airport || '-->' || destination_airport airline,
       NVL2(office_Code, office_Code, ' ') as officeCode,
       NVL2(f_Carrier, f_Carrier, ' ') as fCarrier,
       NVL2(product_Code, product_Code, ' ') as productCode,
       NVL2(passenger_Name, passenger_Name, ' ') as passengerName,
       NVL2(berth, berth, ' ') berthTemp,
       NVL2(segment_Fare, segment_Fare, 0) segmentFare,
       NVL2(segment_Precentage, segment_Precentage, 0) segmentPrecentage,
       NVL2(segment_Cash, segment_Cash, 0) segment_Cash,
       NVL2(memo, memo, ' ') memoTemp,
         when null then
         when 0 then
         when 1 then
          (case C_IS_VALID
         when null then
         when 0 then
         when 1 then
          (case P_IS_VALID
         when null then
         when 0 then
         when 1 then
          (case O_IS_VALID
         when null then
         when 0 then
         when 1 then
          (case DB_IS_VALID
         when null then
         when 0 then
         when 1 then
          ((case IB_IS_VALID
         when null then
         when 0 then
         when 1 then
       end)) else '有效' end) else '有效' end) else '有效' end) else '有效' end)
       else '有效' end as valid
  from salary_calculation_detail
where 1=1
String[] refereeArray=new String[1];
  String[] customerArray=new String[1];
  String customerString=trasactionInQuerySql(customerArray);
  String refereelistString=trasactionInQuerySql(refereeArray);
  Map params=new HashMap();
  StringBuffer sql=new StringBuffer();
  String sqlOne=" and referee_no in( "+refereelistString+") and  customer_id in  ( "+customerString+") ";
  sql.append(" and begin_date >= to_date('"+qDate+"','yyyy-MM') and begin_date < add_months(to_date('"+qDate+"','yyyy-MM'),1)");
  sql.append(" and end_date >= to_date('"+qDate+"','yyyy-MM') and end_date < add_months(to_date('"+qDate+"','yyyy-MM'),1) ");
  params.put("paramsStr", sql.toString());
  Connection connection=this.salesAccountCommissionDAO.getHibernateConnection();
  File business_rpt = new File(request.getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath("/")+"/reports/salaryCalculationRDetailReport.jasper");
  JasperPrint jasperPrint = null;
  try {
   jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(business_rpt.getPath(),
     params, connection);
  } catch (JRException e) {
  JRExporter exporter = null;
  exporter = new JRXlsExporter();
  //where referee_code in( $P{refereelistString}) and  to_char(salary_date,'yyyy-MM')= $P{qDate}
  exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jasperPrint);
  exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.CHARACTER_ENCODING, "GBK");
  exporter.setParameter(JRXlsExporterParameter.IS_REMOVE_EMPTY_SPACE_BETWEEN_ROWS,Boolean.TRUE); // 删除记录最下面的空行
  OutputStream ouputStream = response.getOutputStream(); 
  exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_STREAM, ouputStream);
  return null;
