Ruby on Rails之父获得Google/O'Reilly 2005年度Best Hacker

Ruby on Rails的创造者David Heinemeier Hansson(DHH) 昨天荣获Google和O'Reilly共同颁发的2005年度Best Hacker奖。他获得了5000美元奖金,打算用这笔钱带着自己的家人去夏威夷度假。


Prior to this year the term MVC was low on many people's radar because so many applications that claimed to follow the Model-View-Controller model failed to live up to the simplicity and joy of use often implied and sometimes promised.

With help from Ruby, our recipient put together an application that began delivering on that promise and captured the hearts of many web application designers in the process.

To underscore this achievement Agile Development with Ruby on Rails, a book covering the subject of Ruby on Rails, sold more than 10,000 copies before it was even complete.

David Heinemeier Hansson (Ruby on Rails)
