insert into t_dict_product_mapping(f_dict_id, f_product_code_jifei, f_product_name_jifei)
select s_dict_product_mapping.nextval dictid,gid,gname from t_dw_fltelecomproduct_all a
group by gid,gname
insert into t_dict_product_mapping(f_dict_id, f_product_code_jifei, f_product_name_jifei)
select s_dict_product_mapping.nextval dictid,gid,gname from (
select gid,gname from t_dw_fltelecomproduct_all a
group by gid,gname
报错原因,group by语句中不能是会用序列,详见帮助文档
Restrictions on Sequence Values You cannot use CURRVAL and NEXTVAL in the
following constructs:
■ A subquery in a DELETE, SELECT, or UPDATE statement
■ A query of a view or of a materialized view
■ A SELECT statement with the DISTINCT operator
■ A SELECT statement with a GROUP BY clause or ORDER BY clause --这个就是我遇到的那种情况
■ A SELECT statement that is combined with another SELECT statement with the
UNION, INTERSECT, or MINUS set operator
■ The WHERE clause of a SELECT statement
■ The DEFAULT value of a column in a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement
■ The condition of a CHECK constrain