
由于项目中需要将grid中某列变成超链接,可以在定义列的时候声明一个属性:renderer:handler,其中handler为一个自定义函数,参考ColumnModel的API可知,该函数的参数说明为: 1、Data value. 2、Cell metadata. An object in which you may set the following attributes: 2.1、css A CSS style string to apply to the table cell. 2.2、attr An HTML attribute definition string to apply to the data container element within the table cell. 3、The Ext.data.Record from which the data was extracted. 4、Row index 5、Column index 6、The Ext.data.Store object from which the Record was extracted 于是可以把handler定义成如下的形式: function toHref(s, m, rec) { return "<a href="detail.jsp?id= +rec.data.id+ ">"+s+"</a>"; }; 这样就可以把要求的列变成超链接了。
