
    BIEE11.1.1.6安装完企业版本以后,analytics的访问地址为:http://host:9704/analytics ,常常这个端口不太好记。若能把端口换成80就好记一些。
访问后台 console

更改端口号: 把原来的9704更改为 80


$ id
uid=300(oracle) gid=301(oinstall)


Starting up the stack to listen on port 80
You don’t need to run all of the components with root privilege, only those that are binding to port 80. In addition, in an Enterprise installation you have the Node Manager component which is responsible for invoking Managed Servers, and since we need the Managed Server bi_server1 to be run with root privileges, Node Manager must be too.
‘Simple’ installation
1. Start WebLogic, as root
2. Start OPMN and BI Components (not as root)
‘Enterprise’ installation
1. Start NodeManager, as root
o If you don’t start this as root, you won’t be able to start up the Managed Server bi_server1 from within Web Logic Admin Console
o #nohup ./opt/obiee11/wlserver_10.3/server/bin/ &
检查是否起来 ps -ef | grep Node|grep nodemanager|cut -c10-15
2. Start WebLogic (AdminServer) (not as root)
$ nohup ./opt/obiee11/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/bin/ &
3. Start WebLogic Managed Server (bi_server1), as root
#nohup ./opt/obiee11/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/bin/ bi_server1 &
4. Start OPMN and BI Components (not as root)

Stopping the OBIEE 11g Domain Components
1. Oracle BI System Components (started using OPMN)
Open a new Terminal window and execute the following command line:
$OBIEE11g_MW_HOME/instances/instance1/bin/opmnctl stopall
2. Managed Server
In the same Terminal window execute the following command line:
$OBIEE11g_MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/bin/ bi_server1
Insert the credentials for the WebLogic administrator (weblogic/Admin123) when prompted.
This will complete the execution of Managed Server that was open in a Terminal window since  the process was started. You may close this Terminal window now.
3. Node Manager
In the same Terminal window execute the following command line:
ps -ef |grep Node|grep nodemanager |cut -c10-15
This will show the Node Manager process. Write down its PID. Then execute:
kill <NodeManager_PID>
Note that <NodeManager_PID> should be replaced by the PID found in the previous step.
This will complete the execution of Node Manager that was open in a Terminal window since  the process was started. You may close this Terminal window now.
4. WebLogic Domain
In the same Terminal window execute the following command line:
This will complete the execution of WebLogic Domain that was open in a Terminal window since  the process was started. You may close this Terminal window now.
