John Grden >>Papervision3D effects demos

  At the end of Sunday's PV3D training class in NYC, I think everyone was in a bliss stupor - including myself. It was the first time I had a real chance to get my head around the possibilities his classes give us with PV3D and as I walked around class to make sure everyone was compiling ok, I was seeing people take off in amazing directions with the effects demo of the Borg cube (above). I could hardly wait to sit down and start playing with this stuff myself! So, in the taxi on the way to the airport, I pulled out the laptop, borrowed Mr Doob's new ball and went to town on the effects api BIG thanks to Moses (Yes, of Fuse Fame) for the color transform that makes it look like fire
   Red Ball Acceleration Demo
  As the ball gets faster, it warms up! The code below shows you how you can use BlendModes and color transforms to really come out with some sick affects. The only thing holding me back with these is my lack of experience with color manipulation. In the hands of someone like Grant, Carlos or Andy, it'd be unbelievable what they could come up with!
  bfx = newBitmapEffectLayer(stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight, true, 0, BitmapClearMode.CLEAR_PRE)
  bfx.addEffect( newBitmapLayerEffect( newBlurFilter(10,10,4)))
  bfx.addEffect( newBitmapColorEffect(.99, .98, .98, 0.98))
  ct = newColorTransform(1, .2, .1, 0.45)// RED
   vardrawCommand:BitmapDrawCommand = newBitmapDrawCommand( null, ct, BlendMode.ADD)
  bfx.drawCommand= drawCommand;
  bfx.drawLayer.blendMode= BlendMode.OVERLAY
   Blue Vapor Trails
  It's supposed to be what it might look like if this really cold blue ball were falling through a evening atmosphere hitting warm pockets of air and creating some sort of vapor trail
  bfx = newBitmapEffectLayer(400, stage.stageHeight, true, 0, BitmapClearMode.CLEAR_PRE)
  bfx.addEffect( newBitmapLayerEffect( newBlurFilter(10,10,4)))
  bfx.addEffect( newBitmapColorEffect(.95, 1.0, .98, 0.98))
  ct = newColorTransform(0, .5, 1, 0.18)// BLUE
   vardrawCommand:BitmapDrawCommand = newBitmapDrawCommand( null, ct, BlendMode.ADD)
  bfx.drawCommand= drawCommand;
  bfx.drawLayer.filters= [ newGlowFilter(0xFFFFFF,.5, 0, 50, 10)]
  bfx.drawLayer.blendMode= BlendMode.MULTIPLY
  bfx.clippingPoint= newPoint(9, -20)
  Francis Lukesh
  Comment on December 6th, 2007.
  John, I did like the effects! I was pissed at you guys for not including them in Great White For this demo, I actually manually created a bitmap layer under the viewport and did the drawing / filtering in the enterframe loop, and then set the viewport’s blendmode to overlay, instead of letting the renderer handle the layering. I used this technique to fake some effects for a holiday e-card with 1.5. I really was pining for the nicely automated effects that were in the source at the conference–the layer architecture makes sense. Again, the team has done such an outstanding job of thinking through the correct architecture of this framework. Just awesome. It feels like its really scalable and ready to be extended. By the way, I’m fairly certain that I’m now the official PV3D fanboy / evangelist here at the agency. It’ll get really bad when I electrical-tape a mesh on my car and stick on a “Filmed in Papervision” window graphic.
  John Grden
  Comment on December 6th, 2007.
  @Francis: Yes, I’m sorry, we talked about getting andy’s effects in there for 2.0, but all agreed that with all the other stuff we’re going to have to manage and fix with what is already a huge upgrade, we’d either provide another branch or make it an add on. I personally want it to be integrated as I think he’s done an unbelievable Job with making very open and powerful. Andy knows’ what he’s doing to say the least
  Comment on December 7th, 2007.
  Great Work Francis… and yes John.. everyone was in a bliss stupor at the sunday class in NY. lol.. you would hear everyone going “OHHHHH…… AAHHHH… WOW! ”every time Andy showed a new effect!! it was awesome! Great CLASS! definitely worth my time money and leaving Miami for a few days! next class .. count me in for sure!
  Aral Balkan
  Comment on December 7th, 2007.
  So cool… can’t wait for Ralph’s class in London next week!
  Wish you were coming along too, John!
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