
Basic Activities

Standard Elements:<source><target>


An asynchronous invocation requires only the input variable of the operation because it does not expect a response as part of the operation.

A synchronous invocation requires both an input variable and an output variable这些属性只在executable processes中有用。WSDL fault 由QName标识,target Namespace of the corresponding portType and the fault name.



business process通过<receive>&<reply>向其partner提供服务。<receive>指定了the partner link it expects to receive from,and the portType & operation that it expects the partner to invoke定义一个variable用来接收message data.

The only way to instantiate a business process is to annotate a <receive>activity with the createInstance attribute set to "yes".

Anonoted<receive> acitivities must be initial activities.

<receive>is a blocking activity


send a response to a request previously accepted through a <receive> activity.Such response仅对同步交互有意义。

An asynchronous response is sent by invoking the corresponding one-way operation on the partner link,可定义一个variable包含message data to be sent in reply.


业务流程显式地发出内部故障信号时,使用<throw>。每个故障需要有一个全局唯一的QName。<throw>活动为故障提供QName,可提供一个variable of data,提供故障的其他信息。Fault Handler可使用such data分析处理fault。


允许business process specifies a delay for a certain period of time or until a certain deadline is reached.

<wait (for = "duration-expr"|until = "deadline-expr") ></wait>

典型的应用是invoke an operation at a certain time(一般是个常数,或依赖流程状态的表达式)


When a fault needs to be caught and suppressed.

Structured Activities


  1. 活动间的一般顺序<sequence><while><switch>
  2. 活动间的并发和同步<flow>
  3. 基于外部时间的不确定的选择<pick>


一个sequence包含一个或多个按顺序执行的活动,in the order in which they are listed within the <sequence> element.The sequence activity completes when the final activity in the sequence has completed.


由有序的一个或多个条件分支组成<case>可能有<otherwise>分支。选择条件为true的第一个分支并执行其活动。如果都不符合,选<otherwise>。如<otherwise>未显式制定,an otherwise branch with an <empty>活动将被执行


支持repeated performance of a special iterative activity. Until the given Boolean thile condition no longer hold true.





  1. 消息的到达——调用进站的单向操作或request/response操作。
  2. alarm based on a timer


每个<pick>必须包含至少一个onMessage Event.




<link>用来表达synchronization dependencies.

<source><target><transitionCondition>source 和 target中都要指定linkName.


link不能跨越活动<while>,serializable scope,event handler,compensation handler的边界

A->B link是A的outgoing link(出站)

B->A link是A的incoming link(进站)

Y->X X has a synchronization dependency on Y.

每个座位link target的活动都有一个implicit or explicit joinCondition属性与之关联。

要求至少一个incoming link的status为positive.

joinCondition is a Boolean experession

该表达式由Boolean operators & thebpws:getLinkStatus函数来构造。

  1. A的outgoing link的status positive or negative确定某个link的状态,需要求出transition Condition
  2. A->B B is ready to start; B 的所有incoming links 的status被确定。
  3. 如果1.2条件都true,求B的join condition的值;如果join Condition值为false,bpws:joinFailure抛出,否则activity B is started.

如果一个有多个outgoing links 的活动完成,enable多个target activities such an antivity is often called a "fork activity".
