Aptana Rails IDE(Beta with RadRails and RDT)

安装Stand-alone的Aptana Rails IDE:
1,去 http://www.aptana.com/download_rails_rdt.php下载Win或Mac或Linux版的Aptana Rails IDE
2,Open up Aptana, and Navigate to the Help > Software Updates > Find and Install menu.
Select "Search for new features to install", click "Finish"
Select "Ruby on Rails Development Environment", click "Finish"
Select the Ruby on Rails Development Environment feature.
Continue through the dialog boxes until complete.
3,窗口 > 首选项 > 常规 > 键,修改“Ruby Content Assist”的键序列为"Alt+/",因为默认的“Ctrl+Space”容易和系统的输入法切换键冲突。
