Copy and paste the theme_links function from to your template.php file. change the name of the function to YOURTHEME_links where YOURTHEME is the name of your theme.
Add the following code snippet on the second line of the function, after the "$output=' ';"
// | delimiter added here.
if($attributes['class'] == 'links secondary-links') {
$linklist = array();
foreach ((array)$links as $key => $link) {
$linklist[] = l($link['title'], $link['href'], $link);
// Return the links joined by a '|' character
return join(' | ', $linklist);
As it is currently setup the secondary links will have the delimiter.
Next go to your page.tpl.php file and insert the following code into where you want the links to show up.
print YOURTHEME_links($secondary_links, array('class' => 'links secondary-links'));