package org.jgroups.util;
import org.jgroups.logging.Log;
import org.jgroups.logging.LogFactory;
import org.jgroups.TimeoutException;
import java.util.*;
* 这个东西是jgroups开发团队写的一个LinkedList实现,基本原理就是对象之间参考引用实现队列。
public class Queue {
/*head and the tail of the list so that we can easily add and remove objects*/
* 队列头部和尾部的元素,我们可以很容易的来添加和移除对象
private Element head=null, tail=null;
/*flag to determine the state of the queue
* 队列的状态,查看队列是否被关闭
* */
private volatile boolean closed=false;
/*current size of the queue*/
* 队列的长度
private volatile int size=0;
/* Lock object for synchronization. Is notified when element is added */
* 同步锁对象,当新增对象到队列里面会触发通知事件,声明为final表示该对象是线程安全的
private final Object mutex=new Object();
/** Lock object for syncing on removes. It is notified when an object is removed */
// Object remove_mutex=new Object();
/*the number of end markers that have been added*/
* 结束标记
private int num_markers=0;
* if the queue closes during the runtime
* an endMarker object is added to the end of the queue to indicate that
* the queue will close automatically when the end marker is encountered
* This allows for a "soft" close.
* @see Queue#close
private static final Object endMarker=new Object();
protected static final Log log=LogFactory.getLog(Queue.class);
* the class Element indicates an object in the queue.
* This element allows for the linked list algorithm by always holding a
* reference to the next element in the list.
* if is null, then this element is the tail of the list.
* 队列里面的元素,其中一个元素会持有下一个元素参考,如果下一个为空,说明这个元素就是最后一个。
static class Element {
/*the actual value stored in the queue
* 该元素对象的属性
* */
Object obj=null;
/*pointer to the next item in the (queue) linked list
* 引用的下一个元素
* */
Element next=null;
* creates an Element object holding its value
* 初始化函数,初始化元素构造器
* @param o - the object to be stored in the queue position
Element(Object o) {
* prints out the value of the object
* toString()函数
public String toString() {
return obj != null? obj.toString() : "null";
* creates an empty queue
public Queue() {
* Returns the first element. Returns null if no elements are available.
* 返回队列里面的第一个元素
public Object getFirst() {
synchronized(mutex) {//加一个同步锁机制
return head != null? head.obj : null;
* Returns the last element. Returns null if no elements are available.
* 返回队列的最后一个元素
public Object getLast() {
synchronized(mutex) {//返回最后一个元素
return tail != null? tail.obj : null;
* returns true if the Queue has been closed
* however, this method will return false if the queue has been closed
* using the close(true) method and the last element has yet not been received.
* 检查队列是否被关闭,如果关闭返回true
* @return true if the queue has been closed
public boolean closed() {
synchronized(mutex) {
return closed;
* adds an object to the tail of this queue
* If the queue has been closed with close(true) no exception will be
* thrown if the queue has not been flushed yet.
* 向队列尾部加入一个元素
* @param obj - the object to be added to the queue
* @exception QueueClosedException exception if closed() returns true
public void add(Object obj) throws QueueClosedException {
if(obj == null) {
if(log.isErrorEnabled()) log.error("argument must not be null");
/*lock the queue from other threads*/
synchronized(mutex) {
throw new QueueClosedException();
if(this.num_markers > 0)
throw new QueueClosedException("queue has been closed. You can not add more elements. " +
"Waiting for removal of remaining elements.");
/*wake up all the threads that are waiting for the lock to be released
* 提示所有的线程,同步锁被释放了,可以争夺资源了。
* */
* 向尾部加入一个集合
* @param c
* @throws QueueClosedException
public void addAll(Collection c) throws QueueClosedException {
if(c == null) {
if(log.isErrorEnabled()) log.error("argument must not be null");
/*lock the queue from other threads*/
synchronized(mutex) {
throw new QueueClosedException();
if(this.num_markers > 0)
throw new QueueClosedException("queue has been closed. You can not add more elements. " +
"Waiting for removal of remaining elements.");
Object obj;
for(Iterator it=c.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {//循环向队列尾部添加元素;
if(obj != null)
/*wake up all the threads that are waiting for the lock to be released*/
* 唤醒其他线程,可以争夺资源了同步锁已经被释放了
* 添加一个List集合
* @param list
* @throws QueueClosedException
public void addAll(List<Object> list) throws QueueClosedException {
if(list == null) {
if(log.isErrorEnabled()) log.error("argument must not be null");
/*lock the queue from other threads*/
synchronized(mutex) {
throw new QueueClosedException();
if(this.num_markers > 0)
throw new QueueClosedException("queue has been closed. You can not add more elements. " +
"Waiting for removal of remaining elements.");
for(Object obj: list) {
if(obj != null)
/*wake up all the threads that are waiting for the lock to be released*/
* 从队列里面移除首元素
* Removes 1 element from head or <B>blocks</B>
* until next element has been added or until queue has been closed
* @return the first element to be taken of the queue
public Object remove() throws QueueClosedException {
Object retval;
synchronized(mutex) {
/*wait as long as the queue is empty. return when an element is present or queue is closed*/
while(size == 0) {
throw new QueueClosedException();
try {
catch(InterruptedException ex) {
throw new QueueClosedException();
/*remove the head from the queue, if we make it to this point, retval should not be null !*/
if(retval == null)
if(log.isErrorEnabled()) log.error("element was null, should never be the case");
* we ran into an Endmarker, which means that the queue was closed before
* through close(true)
// if(retval == endMarker) {
// close(false); // mark queue as closed
// throw new QueueClosedException();
// }
return retval;
* 带超时时间的移除首元素操作
* Removes 1 element from the head.
* If the queue is empty the operation will wait for timeout ms.
* if no object is added during the timeout time, a Timout exception is thrown
* (bela Aug 2009) Note that the semantics of remove(long timeout) are weird - the method waits until an element has
* been added, but doesn't do so in a loop ! So if we have 10 threads waiting on an empty queue, and 1 thread
* adds an element, all 10 threads will return (but only 1 will have the element), therefore 9 will throw
* a TimeoutException ! If I change this to the 'correct' semantics, however (e.g. the method removeWait() below),
* GMS.ViewHandler doesn't work correctly anymore. I won't change this now, as Queue will get removed anyway in 3.0.
* @param timeout - the number of milli seconds this operation will wait before it times out
* @return the first object in the queue
public Object remove(long timeout) throws QueueClosedException, TimeoutException {
Object retval;
synchronized(mutex) {
throw new QueueClosedException();
/*if the queue size is zero, we want to wait until a new object is added*/
if(size == 0) {
try {
/*release the mutex lock and wait no more than timeout ms*/
catch(InterruptedException ex) {
/*we either timed out, or got notified by the mutex lock object*/
throw new QueueClosedException();
/*get the next value*/
/*null result means we timed out*/
if(retval == null) throw new TimeoutException("timeout=" + timeout + "ms");
/*if we reached an end marker we are going to close the queue*/
// if(retval == endMarker) {
// close(false);
// throw new QueueClosedException();
// }
/*at this point we actually did receive a value from the queue, return it*/
return retval;
* 带超时时间的移除对象
* @param timeout
* @return
* @throws QueueClosedException
* @throws TimeoutException
public Object removeWait(long timeout) throws QueueClosedException, TimeoutException {
synchronized(mutex) {
throw new QueueClosedException();
final long end_time=System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout;
long wait_time, current_time;
/*if the queue size is zero, we want to wait until a new object is added*/
while(size == 0 && (current_time=System.currentTimeMillis()) < end_time) {//用一个死循环来等待
throw new QueueClosedException();
try {
/*release the mutex lock and wait no more than timeout ms*/
wait_time=end_time - current_time; // guarnteed to be > 0
catch(InterruptedException ex) {
/*we either timed out, or got notified by the mutex lock object*/
throw new QueueClosedException();
/*get the next value*/
Object retval=removeInternal();
/*null result means we timed out*/
if(retval == null) throw new TimeoutException("timeout=" + timeout + "ms");
return retval;
* 移除具体某一个对象
* removes a specific object from the queue.
* the object is matched up using the Object.equals method.
* @param obj the actual object to be removed from the queue
public void removeElement(Object obj) throws QueueClosedException {
Element el, tmp_el;
if(obj == null) {
if(log.isErrorEnabled()) log.error("argument must not be null");
synchronized(mutex) {
if(closed) /*check to see if the queue is closed*/
throw new QueueClosedException();
/*the queue is empty*/
if(el == null) return;
/*check to see if the head element is the one to be removed*/
if(el.obj.equals(obj)) {//检查是不是首元素
/*the head element matched we will remove it*/;;
/*check if we only had one object left
*at this time the queue becomes empty
*this will set the tail=head=null
if(size == 1)
tail=head; // null
/*look through the other elements*/
while( != null) {//循环查找那一个元素
if( {;
if(tmp_el == tail) // if it is the last element, move tail one to the left (bela Sept 20 2002)看看是不是最后一个元素
tail=el;;; // point to the el past the next one. can be null.;//设置为null,代表JVM垃圾回收期可以回收了
* 拿出第一个元素,但是不删除,拿不到一直等待,直到有首元素为止
* returns the first object on the queue, without removing it.
* If the queue is empty this object blocks until the first queue object has
* been added
* @return the first object on the queue
public Object peek() throws QueueClosedException {
Object retval;
synchronized(mutex) {
while(size == 0) {//检查队列长度是不是0,如果为空则等待
throw new QueueClosedException();
try {
catch(InterruptedException ex) {
throw new QueueClosedException();
retval=(head != null)? head.obj : null;
if(retval == endMarker) {
close(false); // mark queue as closed
throw new QueueClosedException();
return retval;
* 带超时时间的的取得首元素
* returns the first object on the queue, without removing it.
* If the queue is empty this object blocks until the first queue object has
* been added or the operation times out
* @param timeout how long in milli seconds will this operation wait for an object to be added to the queue
* before it times out
* @return the first object on the queue
public Object peek(long timeout) throws QueueClosedException, TimeoutException {
Object retval;
synchronized(mutex) {
if(size == 0) {
throw new QueueClosedException();
try {
catch(InterruptedException ex) {
throw new QueueClosedException();
retval=head != null? head.obj : null;
if(retval == null) throw new TimeoutException("timeout=" + timeout + "ms");
if(retval == endMarker) {
throw new QueueClosedException();
return retval;
/** Removes all elements from the queue. This method can succeed even when the queue is closed
* 清空队列,只需要设置首元素和尾元素为null空就好,回收期会链式回收元素
* */
public void clear() {
synchronized(mutex) {
Marks the queues as closed. When an <code>add</code> or <code>remove</code> operation is
attempted on a closed queue, an exception is thrown.
@param flush_entries When true, a end-of-entries marker is added to the end of the queue.
Entries may be added and removed, but when the end-of-entries marker
is encountered, the queue is marked as closed. This allows to flush
pending messages before closing the queue.
public void close(boolean flush_entries) {
synchronized(mutex) {
if(flush_entries && size > 0) {
try {
add(endMarker); // add an end-of-entries marker to the end of the queue
catch(QueueClosedException closed_ex) {
* 一直等待,直到队列被关闭为止
* Waits until the queue has been closed. Returns immediately if already closed
* @param timeout Number of milliseconds to wait. A value <= 0 means to wait forever
public void waitUntilClosed(long timeout) {
synchronized(mutex) {
try {
catch(InterruptedException e) {
* 队列进行重置操作
* resets the queue.
* This operation removes all the objects in the queue and marks the queue open
public void reset() {
synchronized(mutex) {
* 返回队列的所有元素
* Returns all the elements of the queue
* @return A copy of the queue
public LinkedList values() {
LinkedList retval=new LinkedList();
synchronized(mutex) {
Element el=head;
while(el != null) {
return retval;
* 返回队列的大小
* returns the number of objects that are currently in the queue
public int size() {
synchronized(mutex) {
return size - num_markers;
* 队列toString函数
* prints the size of the queue
public String toString() {
return "Queue (" + size() + ") elements";
/* ------------------------------------- Private Methods ----------------------------------- */
* 向队列尾部添加一个对象
* @param obj
private final void addInternal(Object obj) {
/*create a new linked list element*/
Element el=new Element(obj);
/*check the first element*/
if(head == null) {//检查是不是首元素
/*the object added is the first element*/
/*set the head to be this object*/
/*set the tail to be this object*/
/*set the size to be one, since the queue was empty*/
else {//不是首元素
/*add the object to the end of the linked list*/;
/*set the tail to point to the last element*/
/*increase the size*/
* 从队列里面移除首元素
* Removes the first element. Returns null if no elements in queue.
* Always called with mutex locked (we don't have to lock mutex ourselves)
private Object removeInternal() {
Element retval;
Object obj;
/*if the head is null, the queue is empty*/
if(head == null)
return null;
retval=head; // head must be non-null now;//设置第二个元素为头部元素
if(head == null)//如果第二个元素为null,则设置尾部元素为空。
if(head != null && head.obj == endMarker) {//如果首元素是结束标志,代表队列已经关闭。
return obj;
* 减少队列的长度
* Doesn't need to be synchronized; is always called from synchronized methods */
final private void decrementSize() {
if(size < 0)
/* ---------------------------------- End of Private Methods -------------------------------- */