Oracle培训方案(英文版)_Database Administration I


数据库是任何信息管理系统中必不可少的数据存储中心,随着全球信息化的发展,数据库技术更是被越来越多的企业视为最重要最核心的技术,因为它涉及企业信息的安全.ORACLE是当今世界上最重要的数据库,也是全球500强企业首选的数据库, ORACLE并且代表着未来数据库应用的发展方向,根据Gartner公司的调查,2005Oracle数据库的全球市场份额达48.6%,名列第一.Oracle已经成为全球电信,金融,财务及所有大型企业,机构首先的数据库产品.根据ORACLE中国公司发布的消息,未来2年内他们在亚太区的战略重点是中国的中小企业和新兴行业。这意味着中国将需要更多的懂ORACLE数据库的技术人员.


本课程共分4个部分:ORACLE数据库管理1 (Database Administration I),ORACLE SQLPLSQL, ORACLE数据库管理2(Database Administration II)ORACLE数据库性能调整(Database Performance Tuning).本课程循序渐进,逐步加深的带领学员深入到ORACLE数据库管理的各个领域.

课程主题: Oracle Database 10g: Administration I

Oracle Database 10g: Administration I是您作为 Oracle 专家走向成功的第一步,可以帮助您在数据库管理基础知识方面打下坚实的基础。在本课中,您将学习如何安装和维护 Oracle 数据库。您将了解 Oracle 数据库体系结构的概念,以及各组件的工作原理和交互方式。此外,您还将学习如何创建可操作的数据库,以及如何对一个产品数据训进行最基本的管理,如管理用户及数据库常用对象。通过实践操作,学员将加深对本课主题的理解。本课程旨在帮助学员为参加相应的 Oracle 认证专员考试做好准备及为进一步学习Oracle管理打下坚实的基础.



安装 Oracle Database 10g 并配置数据库


配置Oracle监听和Net services






Lession Content:

Oracle Concept

ØRDBMS and Oracle database server concept

ØWhat is the Oracle database and instance

ØOracle memory architecture

ØUnderstanding the necessary memory component of Oracle

ØThe background processes of Oracle

ØUnderstanding the necessary background processes of Oracle

ØThe physical structure of Oracle(datafile,redo log,control file)

ØThe logical structure of Oracle(tablespace,segment,extent,block)

Oracle Database Installation

ØUnderstanding the tasks of an Oracle DBA

ØOracle database plan before the installation

ØUsing the Optimal Flexible Architecture(OFA)

ØInstall the Oracle database software

ØManually Creating an Oracle Database

ØUsing the Database Configuration Assistant(DBCA) to create an Oracle database

ØInstall the Oracle client and other administration,development tools

Oracle Configuration

ØConfigure the Oracle Listener

ØConfigure the Client to Use a Net Service Name

ØConfigure the Oracle Managerment Server(OMS) using EMCA

Oracle Database Administration I

ØCreating the Oracle user’s tablespace

ØCreating the Oracle user

ØCreating Profiles

ØManaging Resources with Profiles

Oracle Database Administrator Authentication

ØUnderstanding the Oracle database administrator Authentication Method

ØCreating and Maintaining an Oracle Password File

ØUsing Operating System (OS) Authentication

ØThe Management of the SYSDBA privilege and users

Managing User Privileges and Roles

ØUnderstanding User Privileges and Roles

ØUnderstanding the relationship between the privilege,role and user

ØCreating Oracle roles

ØGranting privileges to the roles

ØManging user privileges

ØGranting User Privileges and Roles

ØRevoking User Privileges and Roles

Managing Schema Objects

ØCreating tables

ØCreating indexes

ØCreating DBLINK

ØCreating partitioned tables and partitioned indexs

ØCreating clusters

ØCreating materialized view

ØCreating synonyms

Oracle Data Concurrency and Consistency

ØUnderstanding Oracle Locking Mechanisms

ØUnderstanding the mode and type of Oracle Lock

ØOracle deadlock Detection

ØHow to resolve and avoid the deadlock
