kernel Cannot send, host process disconnected: Linux 15871 suid: 1 kernel rt__dpoll: correcting a failed aio_return with 0 for

昨天在使用bcp 备份数据时总是提示如下错误并且每次只能导出几个大表的数据 ,这让我很是奇怪,一连尝试了好几次都没有成功。

00:00000:00053:2007/07/23 09:07:14.25 kernel Cannot send, host process disconnected: Linux 15871 suid: 1
00:00000:00056:2007/07/23 09:07:14.37 kernel Cannot send, host process disconnected: Linux 15875 suid: 1
00:00000:00058:2007/07/23 09:07:14.39 kernel Cannot send, host process disconnected: Linux 15877 suid: 1
00:00000:00060:2007/07/23 09:07:14.41 kernel Cannot send, host process disconnected: Linux 15879 suid: 1

后来数据库提示临时数据库 tempdb的大小不足,我打算分配2个G的空间给他时发现分配空间也总是失败,察看日至后我才明白:原来是设备文件被用光了,发现问题后事情就好办多了 利用yast的分区工具 从新划分一个100G的空间出来 把备份目录 和 新的设备文件 都建立到了新的分区上,然后就 Things couldn't be better!

00:00000:00000:2007/07/24 02:20:14.86 kernel rt__dpoll: correcting a failed aio_return with 0 for 0 bytes
00:00000:00000:2007/07/24 02:20:14.86 kernel rt__dpoll: correcting a failed aio_return with 0 for 0 bytes
