

The major new features of version 2.0 include:

JavaTM Portlet Specification, version 2.0 (2008-01-11) 19
• Events – enabling a portlet to send and receive events and perform state changes
or send further events as a result of processing an event.
• Public render parameters – allowing portlets to share parameters with other
5 • Resource serving – provides the ability for a portlet to serve a resource.
• Portlet filter – allowing on-the-fly transformations of information in both the
request to and the response from a portlet.

This section list all changes that are not editorial in nature:
10 • PLT.1.4: added JAXB 2.0 reference
• PLT 1.8: added V2.0 Acknowledgments
• PLT 2.5: added compatibility section
• PLT 2.6: added complete section with major changes introduced with V2.0
• PLT 2.7: added JavaSE and JavaEE requirements for V2.0, now based on servlet
15 2.4, J2EE 1.4 and Java 5.0 and a special Java 1.4 compiled version.
• PLT 3.0: updated to reflect new portlet capabilities
• PLT 3.2: added section on using servlet application lifecycle listeners for portlet
• PLT 4.1: added portlet section
20 • PLT 4.3: added section about portlets and web frameworks
• PLT 5.0, 5.2: added references to new lifecycle interfaces EventPortlet and
• PLT 5.2.3: moved the End of Service section from end of this chapter to this place
• PLT 5.3: grouped the existing sections Portlet Definition and Portlet Entity and
25 Portlet Window to a new section Portlet Customization Levels
• PLT 5.4: added new event and resource lifecycle methods
• PLT 5.4.2: added Event Request section
• PLT 5.4.3: added reference to HTTP spec that render should be a safe operation
• PLT 5.4.4: added Resource Request section
30 • PLT added Action Dispatching section
• PLT added Event Dispatching section
• PLT added Resource Serving Dispatching section
• PLT added render mode annotation description
• PLT 6.3: added Default Event Namespace section
35 • PLT 6.4: added Public Render Parameter Names section
• PLT 6.5: added Processing Event QNames section
• PLT 6.6: added Publishing Event QNames section
• PLT 6.7: added Supported Locales section
• PLT 6.8: added Supported Container Runtime Options section
40 • PLT 7.1: added resource URLs and clarification that portlet URLs are only valid
within the current request and may not be real URLs.

PLT 7.1.1: added new BaseURL section with content of the old Portlet URL
section in order to reflect the new BaseURL interface
• PLT added new URL properties section
• PLT 7.1.2: clarified that if a portlet mode or window state is not set on a URL that
5 the current portlet mode and window state is chosen as default
• PLT 7.1.3: clarified setSecure semantics
• PLT 7.2: added Portlet URL listeners section
• PLT 8.4: added portlet managed modes
• PLT 8.5: added renderMode annotation description
10 • PLT 8.7: added Setting next possible Portlet Modes section
• PLT 9.5: added Defining Window State Support section
• PLT 10.4: added Container Runtime Options section
• PLT 11.1.1: listed and described all methods to access request parameters
• PLT added Form and Query Parameters section
15 • PLT added clarification that request parameters are not propagated
between different lifecycle requests
• PLT added events to the description; clarified that the portlet receives
always the render parameters explicitly set on a render URL; clarified that render
parameters are cleared with each processAction and processEvent invocation
20 • PLT added Resource Request Parameter section
• PLT 11.1.2: added Public Render Parameter section
• PLT added User Information Request Attribute section
• PLT : added CC/PP Request Attribute section
• PLT added Render Part Request Attribute for Setting Headers in the
25 Render Phase section
• PLT added Lifecycle Phase Request Attribute section
• PLT added Action-scoped Request Attributes section
• PLT added Cookies section
• PLT 11.1.8: clarify that the getResponseContentType and
30 getResponseContentType methods return the same value within a client request
and added that these methods provide the information based on the HTTP Accept
headers for serveResource calls.
• PLT 11.1.12: added Access to the Portlet Window ID section
• PLT 11.3: added ActionRequest Interface section
35 • PLT 11.4: added ResourceRequest Interface section
• PLT 11.5: added EventRequest Interface section
• PLT 12.1.1: clarify that response properties map to header values and introduce
the new GenericPortlet.doHeaders method
• PLT 12.1.2: added resource URLs; clarified that returned URLs may not be real
40 URLs
• PLT 12.1.3: added Namespacing section
• PLT 12.1.4: added Setting Cookies section
• PLT 12.2: added StateAwareResponse Interface section
JavaTM Portlet Specification, version 2.0 (2008-01-11) 22
• PLT 12.3: removed the parts of the ActionResponse that are now in
• PLT 12.3.1: added description for the new sendRedirect(String location, String
renderUrlParamName) method
5 • PLT 12.4: added EventResponse Interface section
• PLT 12.5: added MimeResponse Interface section
• PLT 12.5.1: reduced the must requirement to set a content type to can and define
the fallback of using the first entry in the getResponseContentTypes list
• PLT 12.5.2: added distinction between render and serveResource calls; clearified
10 that for render the portlet should only use the raw OutputStream for binary
• PLT 12.5.3: added Access to Response Headers section
• PLT 12.5.4: added Setting Markup Head Elements section
• PLT 12.5.6: added Predefined MimeResponse Properties section
15 • PLT 12.6 added RenderResponse Interface section and moved all parts that only
apply to the render response to this new section
• PLT 12.6.1: added that portlets should set the new javax.portlet.renderHeaders
container runtime option when using dynamic titles
• PLT 12.6.2: added Next possible portlet modes section
20 • PLT 12.7: added ResourceResponse Interface section
• PLT 12.8: added processEvent and serveResource references
• PLT 13: added chapter Resource Serving
• PLT 14: added chapter Serving Fragments through Portlets
• PLT 15: added chapter Coordination between portlets
25 • PLT 16.1: added Support for Markup Head Elements section
• PLT 17.1: added processEvent and serveResource references; clarified that
setValue overrides previous values set with setValues
• PLT 17.4: removed the restriction that you need to have one instance of a
validator per VM; added that portlet preferences should not be modified in the
30 validator
• PLT 18.2: clarified that a portlet session object is only valid within the current
client request
• PLT 18.3: added clarification that portlet session objects may be accessed in
parallel; added reference to the new getWindowID method
35 • PLT 18.5: added Writing to the Portlet Session section
• PLT 19.1: removed the restriction of only having include in render
• PLT 19.2: added include and forward for all lifecycle methods; add restriction
that the passed request / response pair must be either the original ones or wrappers
using the new wrapper classes
40 • PLT 19.3: added that the servlet path lookup is based on the rules defined in
• PLT 19.3.2: added attributes for all lifecycle phases
• PLT 19.3.3: added Request and Response Objects for Included Servlets/JSPs
from within the Action and Event processing Methods section
JavaTM Portlet Specification, version 2.0 (2008-01-11) 23
• PLT 19.3.4: getRemotePort and getLocalPort now return ‘0’ instead of null;
clarified that HttpUtils.getRequestURL is undefined; getProtocol now returns
‘HTTP/1.1’ instead of null
• PLT 19.3.5: added Request and Response Objects for Included Servlets/JSPs from
5 within the ServeResource Method section
• PLT 19.3.6: added Comparison of the different Request Dispatcher Includes
• PLT 19.3.8: added Path and Query Information in Included / Forwarded Servlets
10 • PLT 19.4: added The forward Method section
• PLT 19.5: added Servlet filters and Request Dispatching section
• PLT 19.6: added Changing the Default Behavior for Included / Forwarded
Session Scope section
• PLT 20: added Portlet Filter chapter
15 • PLT 21.1: changed that non-mapped user attributes must not be present in the
map to a should
• PLT 21.2: changed the sample to use the new enumeration for P3P UserInfo
• PLT 22.1: changed must requirement of defining expiration based caching
support in the deployment descriptor to should; added private and public cache
20 scopes; added reference to new CacheControl interface; added clarification that
cache settings should be set before writing to the output stream; included new
lifecycle method processEvent and serveResource
• PLT 22.2: added Validation Cache section
• PLT 25: added reference to V1.0 deployment descriptor in the appendix
25 • PLT 25.1: added locale character set mapping
• PLT 25.2.2: added reference to the Java Product Versioning specification
• PLT 25.5: update to new V2.0 deployment descriptor; additions in V2.0 are:
o in custom-portlet-mode section: added portal-managed element
o added resource-bundle element on application level
30 o added filter element on application level
o added filter-mapping element on application level
o added default-namespace element on application level
o added event-definition element on application level
o added public-render-parameter on application level
35 o added listener element on application level
o added container-runtime-option on application level
o added cache-scope on portlet level
o in supports section: added window-state element
o added supported-processing-event element on portlet level
40 o added supported-publishing-event element on portlet level
o added supported-public-render-parameter element on portlet level
o added container-runtime-option element on portlet level
• PLT 25.6: added Pictures of the structure of a Deployment Descriptor section
• PLT 25.7: added uniqueness requirements for new elements event-definition,
45 public-render-parameters and filter

• PLT 25.8.1: added reference to new application level resource bundle
• PLT 25.8.2: added reference to RFC 1766; clarified that the supported locale
information should be leveraged by the portal application
• PLT 25.10: added application level resource bundle description and pre-defined
5 keys; in the portlet resource bundle table added keys for description and displayname
• PLT 26: added new V2.0 namespace; added reference to JSP 2.0 EL
• PLT 26.1: added new request/response variables; added portletSession variable;
added portletSessionScope variable; added portletPreferences variable; added
10 portlet PreferencesValues variable; changed sample to use new cache control API
• PLT 26.2: added attributes copyCurrentRenderParameters, escapeXml, name;
added IllegalStateException; updated sample with new attributes
• PLT 26.3: added attributes copyCurrentRenderParameters, escapeXml; added
15 • PLT 26.4: added resourceURL Tag section
• PLT 26.5: added the restriction that the namespace tag must match
• PLT 26.6: added new resourceURL tag; added description for empty values;
added description for having multiple param tags with the same name
20 • PLT 26.7: added propertyTag section
• PLT 26.8: added Changing the Default Behavior for escapeXml section
• PLT 27: added Leveraging JAXB for Event payloads chapter
• PLT A: added new RenderMode annotation to samples
• PLT B: lessen restriction on iFrames from forbidden to not recommended
25 • PLT C.5: added Tables section
• PLT C.6: added rows portlet-form-field-label, portlet-form-field
• PLT C.7: added rows portlet-menu-cascade, portlet-menu-cascade-item, portletmenu-
cascade-item-selected, portlet-menu-cascade-item-hover, portlet-menucascade-
item-hoverselected, portlet-menu-separator, portlet-menu-cascade30
separator, portlet-menu-content, portlet-menu-content-selected, portlet-menucontent-
hover, portlet-menu-content-hover-selected, portlet-menu-indicator,
portlet-menu-indicator-selected, portlet-menu-indicator-hover,portlet-menuindicator-
• PLT D: split out bdate into year, month, day, hour, minute, second,
35 fractionssecond, timezone; added user.login.id
• PLT E: added Deployment Descriptor Version 1.0 chapter
• PLT.F: updated list with new TCK assertions
