Fires a specified event on the object.


<!----> bFired  =  object.fireEvent(sEvent [,oEventObject])
sEvent Required. String that specifies the name of the event to fire.
oEventObject Optional. Object that specifies the event object from which to obtain event object properties.

Return Value

Boolean. Returns one of the following values:

true Event fired successfully.
false Event was cancelled.


If the event being fired cannot be cancelled, fireEvent always returns true.

Regardless of their values specified in the event object, the values of the four event properties—cancelBubble, returnValue, srcElement, and type—are automatically initialized to the values shown in the following table.

Event object propertyValue
cancelBubble false
returnValue true
srcElement element on which the event is fired
type name of the event that is fired


<!----> < html >
< head >
< script >
function  fnfireevents()
=   "  the cursor has moved over me!  " ;
"  onclick  " );
</ script >
</ head >

< body >
< h1 >  using the fireevent method  </ h1 >
by moving the cursor over the div below, the button is clicked.
< p >

< div  id ="odiv"  onmouseover ="fnfireevents();" >
    mouse over this!
</ div >

< p >
< button  id ="obutton"  onclick ="this.innertext='i have been clicked!'" >
</ button >
</ body >
</ html >