NetBeans IDE 7.0 Release Candidate 2 Now Available

The NetBeans Team is pleased to announce that the second release candidate build of NetBeans IDE 7.0 is available for download.

We also want to invite you to a LIVE Oracle TechCast about NetBeans IDE 7.0. Tune in on Tuesday, April 12th at 10:00 a.m. pst (other timezones) as NetBeans Engineering Manager John Jullion-Ceccarelli discusses NetBeans IDE 7.0 and takes your questions live!

In addition, the NetBeans IDE 7.0 Community Acceptance Survey has been extended till Monday, April 11th. Download RC2, give it a try and let us know if you think 7.0 is ready for release.

The final release of NetBeans IDE 7.0 is planned for April.

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