big fish小摘

  《big fish》其中几句堪称经典,故摘之。

 sometimes the only way to catch an uncatchable woman is to offer her a wedding ring.
 Having a kid changes everything.There's the diapers and the burping and the midnight feeding.
 Then you spend years trying to corrupt and mislead this child,fill its head with nonsense,and
  still it turns out perfectly fine.
 My muscles and my bones could not keep up with my body's ambition.
 "Kept in a small bowl,the goldfish will remain small,with more space,the fish will grow double,triple,or   quadruple its size".
 After all, a giant man can't have an ordinary-sized life.
 Eward Bloom:If I go back,they will think I'm a coward.I'd rather be dinner than a coward.
              Here,you can start with my hand,it'll be an appetizer.
 Karl : I don't want to eat you,I don't want to eat anybody.I just get so hungry,I'm just too big.
 Eward: Did you ever think that maybe you're not too big,but maybe the twon is just too small?
        I've heard in a real city there are buildings so tall,you can't even see the tops of them.
 Karl : Really?
 Eward: I would't lie to you.and all-you-can-eat buffets.
 Eward: You are a big man,you should be in a big city.
 Karl : You're just trying to get me leave,aren't you?
 Eward: What's your name,giant?
 Karl : Karl.
 Eward: Well,mine's Eward,And truthfully,Well,I do want you to leave,Karl.but I want to leave with you.
        I mean,you think this town is too small for you?Well,it's too small for a man of my ambition.
  This town id more than any man could ask for.if I were to end up here,I would consider myself lucky.
  but the truth is,I'm not ready to end up anywhere.
 Eward: I just saw the woman I'm gonna marry,I know it,but I lost her.
      : tough break.most men have to get married before they lose their wives.
 Eward: I'm gonna spend the rest of my life looking for her.That or die alone.
 Eward: You said I have no plan,I do.I'll find that girl,marry her and spend the rest of my life with her.
        I don't have a job,but I would have a job if you gave me one.and I may not have much,but I have more
        determination than any man you're likely to meet.
      :I'm sorry,I don't do charity.Come on,big boy!
 Eward: Wait,Look,I'll work night and day for you.and you don't have to pay me.
        You just have to tell me who she is.
      : Every month you work for me,I'll tell you one thing about her.This is my final offer.
    Fate has a cruel way jof circling around on you.After all this work to leave Aston,the girl I love was
    now engaged to one of its biggest jerks.There's a time when a man needs to fight and a time when he needs
    to accept that his destiny's lost.the ship has sailed,and only a fool will continue.Truth is.I've always
    been a fool.
 11:  Sandra:You don't even know me.
  Eward :I have the rest of my life to find out.
   Every day,a new advanture.This is my motto.
   Most man in that situation will accept their failure and move on.but Eward is not like most man.
   Life will do that to you,And truthfully,the long way is easier,but it's longer,much longer.
