PostgreSQL 9.0 正式版发布-下载

PostgreSQL 是一个自由的对象-关系数据库服务器(数据库管理系统),它在灵活的 BSD-风格许可证下发行。它提供了相对其他开放源代码数据库系统(比如 MySQL 和 Firebird),和对专有系统比如 Oracle、Sybase、IBM 的 DB2 和 Microsoft SQL Server的一种选择。

PostgreSQL 9.0 的新特性包括:

    * 支持热备份
    * 基于数据流复制
    * 联机升级
    * 提供 64位 Windows 编译版本
    * 更强的权限管理
    * 存储过程匿名块以及命名参数
    * New windowing functions and ordered aggregates



PostgreSQL 9.0 is here! The PostgreSQL Global Development Group announces the availability of our most eagerly awaited release. PostgreSQL 9.0 includes built-in, binary replication, and over a dozen other major features which will appeal to everyone from web developers to database hackers.

9.0 includes more major features than any release before it, including:

Hot standby
Streaming replication
In-place upgrades
64-bit Windows builds
Easy mass permissions management
Anonymous blocks and named parameter calls for stored procedures
New windowing functions and ordered aggregates

... and many more. For details on the over 200 additions and improvements in this version, developed by over a hundred contributors, please see the release notes.

"These kinds of feature additions continue to make a strong case for why mission-critical technology tasks can continue to depend on the power, flexibility and robustness of PostgreSQL,” said Afilias CTO Ram Mohan.

More information on PostgreSQL 9.0:

Release notes
Guide to 9.0

Download 9.0 now:

Main download page
Source code
Binary packages
One-click installer, including Windows packages
