Restful java web Services

The following constraints that define a RESTful system:

1.It must be a client-server system

2.It has to be stateless—there should be no need for the service to keep users'
sessions; in other words, each request should be independent of others

3.It has to support a caching system—the network infrastructure should
support cache at different levels

4.It has to be uniformly accessible—each resource must have a unique address
and a valid point of access

5.It has to be layered—it must support scalability

6.It should provide code on demand—although this is an optional constraint,
applications can be extendable at runtime by allowing the downloading of
code on demand, for example, Java Applets.

Data action                         HTTP protocol equivalent
CREATE                                            POST
RETRIEVE                                          GET
UPDATE                                             PUT
DELETE                                          DELETE

