


how difficult is it to write a compiler?

wikipedia compiler

compiler 101 code competetion

pl/0 (cousessource code ,another source code )and pl/I language 

the gentle compiler construction system

compiler lecture notes (algorithm and operating sysytem lecture notes)

compiler construction lecture notes (also see another course (被屏蔽),by examples (java))

compiler construction course (z# language)

another compiler construction course (many useful supplement materials)

lex and yacc page

lex and yacc HowTo (also see: c grammar for lex and yacc , compact guide ,use flex and bison ,references (many links),intro to languaes ,implementation and power of programming languages (course page ) )

90 minute scheme to c compiler


online compiler books:

basics of compiler design

compiler construction,principles and practice

an introduction to compilers(course ,download )

<compiler design,theory tools and examples>(download )

let's build a compiler (forth version )

wirth 's compiler construction (more resources can be found on oberon bibliography )

compiler construction book on wikibooks

compilers and compiler generators-----an introduction with c++



desmet-c compiler

tcc (wikipedia entrance )


acc (dos c compiler)


lcc (被屏蔽,可通过http://proxyie.cn/访问)


open watcom

linux 8086 development environment



small c (related docs )

small device c compiler


compcert c compiler



many compiler source codes

the p4 compiler and interpreter



assembly language

linux assembly


linux system call table

flat assembler

pc assembly language

asm tutorials

x86 assembly guide

introduction to reverse engineering



gdb tutorial

standford cs education library (c pointer,list,tree,unix and perl)

a good pointer tutorial

function pointer tutorial

good c tutorial

sorting and search algorithms (c and vb source code)

introduction to Design and Analysis of algorithms cources(2005 ,2006A ,2006DM ,2007 ,2009 ,2010 ,2011 )

many algorithms source code (in seed7 language, can be easily translated to c language)

algorithm repository (with c source code)

the free country (all kinds of free resources related to computer software)

learning c the harder way

imperative problem solving and data structure course (2009 ,2010 ,2011 )

sol tutorials ( sdl,game programming)

managing projects with gnu make(online book ,examples on the book )

c data structure and exercise

xforms library(a graphics library for linux):homepage ,some demo programs

sed resources

fltk(fast light toolkit,a graphics library which supports opengl):homepage ,code snippet ,pyfltk doc

unix tutorial (bash,sed,awk,regular expression)

alien's bash tutorial

advanced bash scripting guide

curses library(homepage ,samples ,examples ,some applications in github ,ncurses programming howto )

c++ on action(online book ,windows api tutorial , a windows library named RSWL )

free programming books (many books, many are useful)

tech books for free

free computer books

mikeos (a operating system written by assembly language which uses nasm assembler)

menuetos (also a os written by assembly language)

kolibriOS (a fork of menuetos)

os development(xv6 ,minix ,nachos geekos )(tutorial:osdev wiki ,os development series ,many tutorials ,visopsys ,osdev links ,os develop faq )

some good c source codes

unix utilities (with souce code)(also see  similiar site ,other utilities(libslack ,top ,busybox ,emacs tiny tools , many unix utilities ,many open-source programs )

c-faq 繁体中文版

subversion手册 (繁体中文版)
