Neo4j: Geo Spatial Query

I follow the spring data neo4j  reference guide to import  GeoSpatial function in my project likes






 @Indexed(type = POINT, indexName = "TaskLocation")
    String wkt;

    public void setLocation(float lon, float lat) {
	this.wkt = String.format("POINT( %.2f %.2f )", lon, lat);



But, there is an error that eclipse report

The attribute type is undefined for the annotation type Indexed


Change the ''type'' to ''indexType"

 @Indexed(indexType = POINT, indexName = "TaskLocation")

But the "POINT" can't be recognized.

The referenced post solves this problem by adding Spational Plugin.   I can't  open the google group due to our Great Wall FireWall.   How and Where the Spation Plugin should be added?


After some goole using gegosu,  I found a post which is not ralted to my situation but I found hints.

The final solution is

@Indexed(indexType = IndexType.POINT, indexName = "TaskLocation")













