magento 问题解答 FQA

1. Is there a way by mysql to set ALL product visibility to catalog, search?  批量修改产品可见


open up the eav_attribute table and find the row where attribute_code = visibility . Take note of the attribute_id , most likely it will be 85. Also take note that backend_type = int . This tells you that the attribute is stored in catalog_product_entity_int . So, now you can run:

update `catalog_product_entity_int` set value = 4 where attribute_id = 85

(assuming of course that the attribute_id was 85!)

Make sure you backup the database before you run it.


2. Is it possible to query the Magento database and display product attributes ? 查询产品信息


What would be a lot easier to do would be to pull in the entire Magento engine into your external page. This [unlike the rest of Magento] is pretty easy to do.


All you have to do is the following:

// Load Up Magento Core define('MAGENTO', realpath('/var/www/magento/'));
require_once(MAGENTO . '/app/Mage.php');
$app = Mage::app();

Now you can use any of the Magento objects/classes as if you were inside of Magento and get your attributes

$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load(1234);

etc etc.



