

 --表收缩(删除大表,移动高水位的小表) 查询段
 select segment_name,file_id,extent_id,block_id,bytes
 from dba_extents
 where file_id in(6,8)
 order by file_id,extent_id;
--ORA-01157: 无法标识/锁定数据文件 6 - 请参阅 DBWR 跟踪文件
--ORA-01110: 数据文件 6: 'D:"WEIXIU.DBF'
startup xnb;
alter database create datafile 6;--create
alter database datafile 6 offline drop;--offline drop
alter database open
select owner, segment_name, segment_type
from dba_segments
where tablespace_name='tbs_name'

Delete the physical datafiles belonging to the tablespace
startup xnb;
alter database datafile 6 offline ;--offline
alter database open

startup xnb;
alter database datafile 6 offline ;--offline
recover automatic datafile 'd:\1.dmp'
alter database datafile 6 online
alter database open  (待续...)
