The Adventure of TinTin -- The Shooting star


Actor: TinTin(TT), Captain Haddock(CH), Snowy(SN), Observatory staff A(OSA, Philippulus), Observatory staff B(OSB), Observatory staff C(OSC)
Observatory Director(OD, Decimus Phostle), Doctor(DOC), Sailor B(SB), Professor Cantouneau(PC)
President of the European Foundation for Scientific Research(PE),
committee of the Society of Sober Sailors(SS),
Presenter of the departure approaches(PD),
chef in Aurora(CA), Ahoy Steward on Aurora(AA), Radio Operator of Aurora(RA)

Bank boss: Mr. Bohlwinkel(BB), Mr. Bohlwinkel Secretary(BS), Radio Operator(RO), Golden oil man A(GA)

TT: What a wonderful night!
SN: Yes, but jolly hot! You'd think it was mid-summer.
TT: A shooting star! Quick snowy, wish!
SN: If I were you, I'd stop wishing and look where I was going.
TT: And there's the Great Bear...
TT: Hey, Snowy, just look at that big star.
SN: which one?
TT: How extraordinary... there's a star too many in the Great Bear!
SN: A bear? I'm not scared... where?
TT: A star too many in the Great Bear... It beats me!
SN: You know. Tintin, there are millions and millions of stars. What's the one more or less?
TT: I'm intrigued. As soon as I get home I'll ring up the Observatory.
TT: Hello? is that the Observatory? Can you tell me ... I've just noticed a very large, bright star in the Great Bear ... I wonder...
SN: Ask him why it's so hot, too.
TT: Hello? ... What? ... You have the phenomenon under observation? I see... And ... Hello? ... Hello? ... Hello?... They've hung up!
TT: Very odd! Why did they ring off so abruptly? ... Crumbs, how hot it is! Phew!...
TT: I can't believe my eyes! It's getting bigger every minute!
TT: All very peculiar ... and I'm going to get to the bottom of it. Come on. Snowy ... to the Observatory.
TT: Definitely, it's bigger than ever!
TT: I'd like to have a word with the Director, please.
OSA: Impossible. The Director is engaged. (SLAM)
TT: That's the limit! slamming the door in my face.
OSA: You again? ... I told you before, the Director's engaged. He can't ...
TT: That doesn't matter now... The Observatory's on fire!...
OSA: Good gracious! Where?
TT: Here, come and look... (SLAM)
TT: How strangely quiet and empty it all is ... as if there weren't a soul...
TT: Ah, there's somebody.
OSB: A judgement! woe!
TT: Excuse me, sir, could you tell me ...
OSB: That's what I told them: "It's a judgement."
OSB: A judgement! Yea! ... A judgement, and don't you forget it!
TT: Excuse me. I'm looking for the Director of the Observatory.
OD: Ssh! It's me!
OD: It's me, bu ssh!... Silence! Donot disturb my colleague; he's deep in some very complicated mathematics. While he's finishing, have a look through the telescope, if you like; it's a sight worth seeing.
TT: Let's have a look.
TT: Good heavens, sir! It's horrible ... horrible!
OD: Yes, in one sense it's horrible...
TT: It's enormous! Simply enormous!
OD: Enormous, yes!
TT: And its hairy legs! ... It makes me shiver to think of them!
OD: Its legs? ... What legs?
TT: What legs? ... Why, belonging to that gigantic spider ...
OD: Spider? ... Is this your idea of a joke, young man?
TT: Come and see for yourself!
OD: By the rings of Saturn! ... You're right ... It's, quite definitely, a spider! ...
TT: You see now!
OD: How extraordinary! ... It has characterisitics of Meta segmentata... At least ... No! it's an Araneus diadematus! An enormous Araneus diadematus.
TT: Anyway, it's a spider! Ugh! What a monster! ... And it's travelling through space ... Supposing it ...??
TT: Hello, Professor ... I've found the answer ... it was a spider walking across the lens! ... it;s gone now ...
SN: A spider! ... A harmless little spider! That's all it was, scaring them out of their mits! ... This'll kill me!
OD: Come and look now ...
OD: Well?
TT: It looks like ... It looks like a huge ball of fire ...
OD: It is a ball fire! ... A VA-A-A-A-AST ball of fire!
OD: Yes, it's a gigantic mass of matter in fusion ...
TT: But mhy is it growing bigger ... before our very eyes? ... Because it is growing, isn't it?
OD: Naturally, it's growing bigger -- it's heading towards us, at an incredible speed.
TT: Heading towards us? ... But if it keeps on coming ... ?
OD: Yes!... That fire-ball is going to collide with the Earth!
TT: Great heavens! But that'll mean ...
OSC: I've finished, sir. Here are the calculations. The collision will take place tomorrow morning at 0812 hours and 30 seconds preciously.
TT: The end of the world ...
OD: ... At 8.12 1/2 a.m. ... That's good ... and I, Decimus Phostle, have determined the moment at which the cataclysm will befall us! Tomorrow I shall be famous!
TT: But ... It's impossible ... You ... I mean ... Perhaps you made a mistake in your calculations.
OSC: Sir!!!
OD: Made a mistake? Us? You presume to ... ? Very well! Check them!
TT: I... I'm sure they 're all correct Professor! ... I'll take your word for it! Goodbye!
TT: The end of the world!
TT: Hey, Snowy? What's the matter?
TT: Rats!... Millions of rats coming up from the sewers! ... Absolutely panic-stricken!
TT: Whew!... They've gone!... What about Snowy. What's happened to him?
TT: Snowy!
(Bang, Bang!)
TT: The tyres ... they've burst, from the terific heat ...
TT: Oh, so there you are! Well? What are you doing there? Why don't you come when I call you? Come here!
TT: Great snake! He... he can't move ... it looks ... It looks as if he's paralyzed!
SN: Help, Tintin, Help!
TT: My poor Snowy!
TT: What on earth ... ? Oh, now I see ! This frightful heat has melted the tar ...
TT: Confound the star!
TT: Poor things! ... If only they knew! ...
OSA: Judgement is upon us! Repent! The end of the world is at hand!
OSA: I am Philippulus the prophet! I proclaim the day of terror!... The end of the world is high! All men will perish! ... And the survivors will die of hunger and cold!... there will be pestilence, and famine, and measles!
TT: Look here Mr. Prophet, why don't you go home? You'd be better off in bed! ...
OSA: You hear that? He dares to set himself up against Philippulus the prophet ... An advocate of the devil! ... A sone of Satan! ... A tool of Beelzebub!
OSA: Get back to Satan, your Master!
OSA: Oyez, there will be a plague! Bubonic plague! ... and fever! The end of the world is upon us, servant of Satan!
TT: That fellow gets on my nerves!
TT: Here we are, home at last!
TT: What a blinding light!
TT: Crumbs! The window frame is so hot I burnt myself! ...
TT: Poor old Snowy ... dying for a drink. And that poor little plant's all wilted.
TT: The end of the world, Snowy! ... the END of the world! ... The end of the WORLD! D'you understand, Snowy?
OSA: Return to your Master, the Prince of Darkness!
TT: There! ... Now I hope he'll leave me in pease!
TT: I think I'll have a bit of a rest. I'm absolutely worn out ...
TT: Phew! ... I've had enough of this.
TT: How did you get in here?
OSA: Prophets come and go as they please!
TT: I don't know how you get in, but I know jolly well how you're going out! And get a move on!
OSA: Using threats now, eh?
OSA: You sit down! And take a look at what I've brought you.
OSA: Yea! Behold the judgement! An enormous spider!
TT: Get out! Leave alone!
TT: Great snakes! I was dreaming ... the clock woke me up!
TT: Exactly eight o'clock! Twelve minutes more ... At least ... Now I come to think of it. my clock loses...
TT: Quick, let's dial TIM and check the time ...
(Telephone): ... seconds ... pip ... pip ... pip ... At the third stroke it will be eight twelve and twenty seconds ... pip ... pip ... pip ... At the third stroke it will be eight twelve and thirty seconds ... pip ... pip ...
TT: Help!
TT: This is it! The end of the world!!
TT: We're dead! ...
TT: No! ... On second thoughts, we aren't dead .. and it isn't the end of the world ... It's nothing but an earthquake!
SN: Oh? ... Is THAT all it is?
TT: I wonder how they'll explain this one at the Observatory! ... Hello? ... Hello? ... Hello? ... The telephone's not working. ... come on Snowy, we're gong along there.
TT: Hooray! ... Hooray! ... It's only an earthquake!
OSB: All right! All right! I'm coming!
TT: Hooray! Hooray! ... the end of the world has been postponed!
TT: Hooray! Hooray! ... It's good to be alive!
OD: Bungler! ... Dunderhead!
TT: What has done?
OD: The idiot! He made a mistake in his calculations! The meteor passed 48,000 km away from the earth, instead of colliding with it and causing the magnificent cataclysm I'd hoped for.
TT: never mind, Professor; you've still got it in store... But tell me: what about the earthquake?
OSC: Professor! ... Professor! ...
OSC: It has just been developed, sir, It is indeed remarkable, don't you agree, sir?
OD: Excellent! ... Excellent! ... But, look there, How very extraordinary!
OSC; That group of lines, in the centre? Uranium, I presume.
OD: Uranium? not on your life! ...
OD: By the rings of Saturn! It's prodigious!
OSC: Tralala - la
OD: It may be prodigious, but it's all Greek to me!
OD: It's prodigious! ... Incredible! ... Fantastic! ... Stupefying! ...
OD: My friends, I have made a sensational discovery! I have a new metal! ... A metal hitherto entirely unknown!
OD: You've heard of the spectroscope. It's the instrument that enables us to discover elements in stars, elements not yet isolated here on the earth. This is a spectroscopic photogragh of the meteor which brushed past us today. each of these lines, or each group of lines is characteristic of a metal. those lines in the centre represent an unkown metal, which exists in the meteor. You follow me!
TT: Er... more or less..
OD: I, Decimus Phostle, have discovered a new metal! I shall give my name to it: phostlite.
TT: My heartiest congratulations!
TT: But Professor, to get back to the meteor... it didn't collide with the earth, so why was there an earthquake?
OD: Tell me, young man, do you like bull's-eyes?
OD: Answer me. Do you or do you not like bull's eyes?

TT: I ... er... Bull's-eyes? ... I ... Yes, thank you ... but...

OD: Go out and buy ten penny-worth of bull's eyes! We must have a fitting clelbration of my discovery!
OD: You were asking about the earthquake? ... Oh, yes... It was carsed by part of the meteor crashing to earth. As soon as we know where it fell, there we share find phostlite.
OSC: Professor! ... Professor!Listen to this ...
OSC: "The polar station on Cape Morris(on the northern coast of Greenland) report that a meteorite has undoubtedly fallen in the Arctic Ocean. Sealhunters saw a ball of fire cross the sky and disappear over the horizon. A few seconds later the earth shook violently and icebergs cracked..."
OD: By the rings of Saturn!
OD: It has fallen into the sea! ... it has been engulfed by the saves! And with it, my discovery! Proof of the existence of phostlite.
TT: So that's that, Snowy. The phostlite's sunk.
OD: This is the end! My meteorite! my Phostlite!
TT: Come on, Snowy, we'll leave him.
TT: Poor Professor Phostle. he's terribly upset becarse his meteorite's fallen into the sea.
SN: he's even forgotten to give us a bull's eye.
TT: Now what's up? floods, this time? or is it just a water main cracked by the earthquake?
TT: These bricks will make stepping stones to keep my feet dry.
TT: Great snakes! Why on earth didn't we think of it before?
TT: Yow see this brick, Snowy!
SN: of course i can see it!...
TT: Watch!...
TT: Well? What d'you say?
SN: I think that's a pretty silly joke!
TT: Look at it, snowy... sticking out of the water!
SN: I can see: it's sticking out. So what?
TT: That brick is the meteorite. The water is the Arctic Ocean. Now d'you see what I mean, Snowy?
SN: He's as mad as a hatter.
TT: Wll? ... What is it this time?
TT: Professor! Professor!
TT: I've suddenly had an idea, Professor.
OD: An idea?
TT: the meteorite that came down would be enormous, wouldn't it?
OD: Of course! The violence of the earthquake proved that.
TT: Then there's still hope. Part of such a huge mass would surely stick out of the water? ...
OD: By the rings of Saturn, you're right!
OD: We must make a search and find the meteorite. We must organize an expedition. I'm sure we shall be able to obtain the capital we need from the European foundation for scientific Research.
OD: We must get down to organizing the expedition at once. Will you help me?
TT: I'd be glad to.
Radio: (Some time lator...) A scienfific expedition including leading European experts is leaving shortly on a voyage of discovery in Arctic waters. its objective is to find the meteorite which recently fell in the Arctic region. it is believed that a part of the meteorite may be protruding above the surface of the water and the ice...
Radio: The expedition will be led by Professor Phostle, who has revealed the presence of an unknown metal in the meteorite. The other members of the party are:
Radio: ... the Swedish scholar eric Bjorgenskjold, author of distinguished papers on solar prominences; ...
Radio: ... Senor Porfirio Boleroy Calamares. of the University of Salamance;
Radio: ... Herr Doktor Otto Schulze, of the University of Munich;
Radio: ... Professor Paul Cantonneau, of the University of Paris;
Radio: ... Senhor Pedro Joas Dos Santos, a renowned physicist of the University of Coimbra;
Radio: ... Tintin, the young reporter, who will represent the press;
Radio: ... and lastly, Captain Haddock, President of the S.S.S.(Society of Sober Sailors)who will command the "Aurora", the vessel in which the expedition will embark.
(Three days later)
TT: Well, snowy, the "Aurora" sails tomorrow.
TT: We'll go aboard for our last night before setting off for Arctic waters.
SN: I don't think much of this expedition, it's be jolly cold up there.
TT: Hello... someone's running down the gangplank... That's funny... stop! Who are you?
TT: Hey there!... Stop!
TT: Stop!
TT: Confound that rope! ... He's vanished ... Now, I wonder what that fellow was doing aboard ship.
TT: Are you on watch?
SA: Yes.
TT: You haven't seen anyone prowling around the deck?
SA: No.
TT: Oh?... Good!... Er...Is Captain Haddock in his cabin?
SA: Yes.
TT: Yes... No... Not very communicative!
TT: Hello, Where's snowy got to? ... Snowy...Snowy! SNOWY!
CH: Come in.
TT: Hello, Captain. I've just seen a man bolting off the ship. He made off when I challenged him! ...
SN: Wooah!... Wooah!... Wooah!...
TT: Ah, there you are Snowy! hey, what are you doing?
CH: I'd say he wants us to follow him...
TT: Wooah! Wooah!
CH: Dynamite! ... Lucky for us someone put out the fuse!
TT: Good old snowy! ... He... well, he did his best, Captain..
TT: Someone wanted to blowup the ship, or at least damage it badly. But why? ...
CH: One thing, if I ever lay hands on that Pyromaniac, he'll see a good display of fireworks!
TT: Anyway, we must be on our guard. I suggest you go the rounds.
CH: A good idea...

CH: Yes, we must keep our eyes open.
CH: you gangster, you! ... You won't escape me!
CH: i've got you you rat!
OD: Help! Help!
CH: Come on out, centipede! Let's see you in the daylight!
TT: Good gracious? It's Professor Phostle!
OD: I shall complain! I shall complain to the Captain!
TT: Professor Phostle, allow me to introduce Captain haddock... You must excuse him, but we've just discovered an attempt at sabotage..
OD: An attempt at sabotage? can that be possible?
CH: Yes, a stick of dynamite on the deck!
TT: Fortunately Snowy had the sense to put out the fuse. But come and see...
OD: What is it?
TT: The dynamite! It's gone!...
CH: Thundering typhoons!
TT: It was there only two minutes ago!... I simply can't understand it.
CH: Extraordinary!
CH: Hey! The ship's bell!
TT: Did you pick something up from the deck there?
SA: ...No...
CH: Nobody here!
PC: Ahoy there! Captain...
TT: Someone's calling!
PC: I am Professor Cantouneau. I would like to speak to the Captain.
CH: That's me. I'll come down.
OD: Professor Cantonneau! What has happened to him?
CH: I've no idea. Perhaps he tripped over. His suitcase is smashed to bits...
TT: He's alive!
TT: But... that's my suitcase!... My suitcse. I left it in your cabin.
OD: Tell us.
PC: I... I... don't know... A ... frightful blow ... like some huge weight falling on my head..
OSA: Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
OSA: It is the judgement come upon you! Philippulus the prophet gave you the warning!
TT: He did it! ... he dropped the suitcase!
OSA: And here is a pretty rocket I found. Now we'll have a beautiful fireworks display!...
TT: The dynamite! The crazy fool! he's taken the dynamite!... We'll all blow up!
TT: There's not a moment to lose!
OSA: There! ... In half a minute this will go "whooosh"!
OSA: You! I recognise you! You're the servant of Satan! Keep your distance, Fiend!
CH: Whew! That was a close shave! I thought it would explode before it hit the water!...
TT: Great snakes! What's he doing? ... In heaven's name come down!
OSA: You speak not in the name of heaven... but of hell! You will never cast me down!
OSA: Higher and higher! That is my matchword!
TT: Poor old man! He'll himself!
TT: Look here, Mr. Prophet, do be sensible. Look, I'm going down, too...
OSA: Yes! Go down! Return to the shades of hell, whence you should never have strayed!
OD: Please, my dear Philippulus! It is I, Phostle, director of the Observatory. Don't you remember? ... We worked together, come down, I beg of you!
OSA: You are not Phostle! You have assumed his shape, but you are a Fiend!... You are not Phostle!
CH: But I'm captain haddock, by thunder... in command of this ship! And I order you to come down, blistering barnacles, and double quick!
OSA: I'm sorry. I take no orders, except from above! I'm staying here!
CH: Come down, by thunder, or I'll have you clapped in irons!
TT: Don't argue any more. I know how to bring him down.
TT: You'll see. He'll come down at once...
TT: Hello, hello, Philippulus the prophet! This is your guardian angel, speaking from heaven. I order you to return to earth. And be careful: don't break your neck!
OSA: Yes, sir. At once, sir. Don't be angry, sir...
DOC: There he is!
DOC: He's a patient from the mental hospital. We've been looking for him all day.

(Next morning...Wharf 9)
There's quite a crowd to see the "Aurora" sail.
PD: And so, listener, the moment of departure approaches. In a few minutes the "Aurora" will sail away, heading northwards, bound for Arctic waters. A little farewell ceremony is now taking place. the committee of the Society of sober Sailors have just presented a truly magnificent bouquet of flowers to Captain haddock their Honorary President...
SS: Goodbye, Captain, most worthy President. Never forget, the eyes of the whole world and the S.S.S. will upon you. Good luck!
SS: Beg pardon, captain. shall we put them in your cabin?
CH: Put what? my lad?
SS: Those...
PD: ... and here's the President of the European Foundation for Scientific Research with the leader of the expedition, Professor Phostle, handing over the flag to be planted on the meteorite.
PE: ... I entrust this flag to you, Professor, confident that it will woon fly from the summit of the meteorite. I am sure you will find it, and also the new metal, whose existence you have already annouced.
SB: Captain! Captain!...
TT: There's something funny going on...
CH: Thundering typhoon!
CH: Read this, Professor. My radio operator has just picked up this signal... He intercepted it quite by accident. while he was testing his equipment...
OD: Sao Rico. The polar ship "Peary" sailed from Sao Rico yesterday evening on a voyage of exploration in Arctic waters. The "Peary" will try to find the meteorite which fell in that area and which, according to exerts, contains an unknown metal...
OD: They've stolen a march on us! They'll take possession of the meteorite! All is lost...
TT: Hold on, they haven't found it yet!
OD: Tintin's right, We've still got a chance...
CH: ALL HANDS ABOARD SHIP!... We sail at once!
CH: Stand by to cast off!
PD: The last moorings have been cast off. this is the moment of departure... The ship is moving slowly away from the quay. The "aurora" has sailed ... Sailed away in search of a shooting star ...
Radio: You have been listening to an eyewitness account of the departure of the polar research ship "Aurora". the programme was relayed through all European networks.
BB: Ha! Ha! Ha! I wish them the best of luck!
BS: You're quite sure that they won't succeed?
BB: My dear fellow, you've be my secretary long enough to know that if the Bohlwinkel Bank has financed the "Peary" expedition, there is no question of failure. Believe me: the "Aurora" hasn't a chance.
BS: I hope so, Mr. Bohlwinkel. But still...
BB: Yes, I know the "Aurora" sailed sooner than I anticipated... the fault of that fool Hayward, bungling his job.But don't worry, I've taken care of everything...
BS: Ah, good, good...
BB: You see, my dear fellow, the scientific expedition is just a cover for my plan to take posession of this meteorite ... and the unknown metal Professor Phostle was naive enough to tell us about. There's a colossal fortune waiting there for us. A colossal fortune, and I don't intend to lose it!
TT: We're on our way, Snowy...
TT: This will blow away the cobwebs, eh, Snowy? What wonderful air... the real tang of the sea!
SN: Yes, you can smell the fish...
TT: Do as I do, Snowy. Breathe deeply. Fill your lungs with fresh air.
TT: Let's go aft to the stern, Snowy. Anyway, it's soon be time for lunch ...
TT: Look, Snowy, there's our seaplane up there, on its catapult. It will help in our search for the meteorite.
CA: Ahoy there, Stedward!... You can announce lunch. Everything's ready.
AA: First service for luncheon!
TT: Where's Snowy got to? I don't see him about.
CH: Hey, Steward, what's the meaning of this? The menu says "Sausages and mash"! Right: where are the sausages?
TT: They'll find their sea-legs in a day or two...

(That Night...)
TT: Impossible to sleep a wink... She's rolling worse than ever... Fairly dancing a jig!

(Meanwhile, In Sao Rico)
BB: Any further news of the "Kentucky Star"?
RO: Nothing more, Mr.BohlWinkel...
TT: I've good mind to go and join the Captain on the bridge.
TT: Come on, Snowy we'll go to the bridge.
TT: Great snakes!... It's blowing a real gale!
TT: Careful, Snowy, mind how you go!
TT: Whew! ... I... honestly, I thought I'd been swept overboard. But Snowy? ... Where's Snowy?
TT: Snowy? Snowy!!
TT: That was a near thing, snowy!... Heavens, what a storm! What a frightful storm!
CH: Oh, It's you... Nice little breeze, isn't it?
TT: What? ... A breeze? Isn't this a gale?
CH: A gale? What an idea!... A mere draught, that's all.
TT: So we aren't in any danger, then?...
CH: None, Still, you've got to be careful: visibility's almost down to zero... and the shipping lane we're in now, the North Channel, is a pretty busy one.
CH: ... Lots of ships use it... However, the chances of a collision are very slight... Each vessel has navigation lights, so...
TT: Help!
CH: Thundering typhoons!
CH: Hard a starboard!...
CH: Pirates!... Shipwreckers!... Sea-lice!... Filibusters!... Hoodlums!... Road-hogs!... Freshwater swabs!
TT: Saved!
CH: The lunatic! A little bit closer and he'd have cut us in two... He must be crazy sailing like that, whithout any lights... He couldn't have judged it better if he'd meant to sink us.
TT: And why not? That might be precisely what he intended.
CH: What do you mean?
TT: I mean, Captain, that someone's already tryed to sabotage the "Aurora"... The night before we sailed. the accident we just avoided looks remarkably like another attempt...
CH: Thundering typhoons!... You're right!... But who on earth...?
TT: Who would be anxious to prevnet us carrying out our search? Who but the "Peary" expedition, or whoever has financed it?...
BB: Is that the "Kentucky star" this time?
RO: Yes, coming in now Mr. Bohlwinkel. A radio signal...
BB: S.S. kentucky star. Obeying orders received, attempted to sink Aurora. Operation miscarried. Awaiting instructions.
BB: They're failed! The bungling fools! Now we're back where we started! ... But I'll gt them yet!
OD?: Oh, misery! I feel so ill! I feel horribly ill!
PC?: I feel sick... Oooooh...
OD: Would you mind if I opened the window a little bit? some fresh air would do us good.
PC: Do as you please... Just let me die in pease.
OD: Aaaah!... I feel better already.

(Some days later..)
TT: Brrr! It's cold this morning. It feels as if we're approaching the Arctic region.
OD: Have you noticed? It froze last night.
OD: You aught to put on warm clothes: you'll catch cold going about like that.
TT: You're quite right.
TT: Come along, Snowy. We need our coats on.
OD: I should have told him to be careful on the deck. This sheet-ice is really...
OD: ... dangerous!
TT: Now we'll go and say good morning to the Captain.
SN: I'm going to cause a sensation!
CH: Here, send this by Radio.
RA: Aye, aye, Captain.

RA: M.S. Aurora to President, E.F.S.R In sight of Iceland. Putting into port at Akureyri, in Eyjafjordur, for refuelling. All well on board.
BS: Here, Mr. Bohlwinkel: it's a message sent by the "Aurora" to the European Foundation for Scientific Research. Our wireless operator just intercepted it.
BB: Give it me.
BB: Aha!... They're putting in at an icelandic port! Excellent! I think, my dear Johnson, that their stay will be long one... let us begin by sending a short note. Take this down, Johnson...
BS: I'm already, Sir...
BB: Bohlwinkel Bank to Smithers, general agent for Golden Oil, Reykjavik, Iceland. Circulate following order immediately to all agents for Golden Oil in Iceland: Absolute prohibition against refuelling polar vessel Aurora... There! Have that sent in the secret code.
BS: Right, Mr. Bohlwinkel.

(The next morning...)
TT: So here we are in Akureyri. Shall we be staying here long, Captain?
CH: Oh, no ...
CH: Just long enough to fill up with oil. then we wet out for Greenland.
CH: There. I'm going to order the fuel. It won't take a minute.
TT: RIght. I'll wait for you here.
CH: Good morning. I want my ship refuelled with oil.
GA: Very good. What's the name of your vessel?
CH: Polar research ship "Aurora". Captain Haddock.
GA: Oh? ... You're the Captain of ... of the "Aurora"?
GA: Oh!... I ... I've bad news for you. Captain. I suddenly remembered we haven't a drop of fuel oil in stock...
CH: What's that you say? No fuel oil? ... That's absurd! I've got to have oil, d'you hear?
GA: I assure you that I can't ... I mean, I haven't got any oil!
TT: That sounds like an argument...
TT: It's disgraceful, I tell you! Disgraceful!
CH: Remember! On your own head be it!
TT: Well? ... Well?... What happened?
CH: There's no fuel to be had from Golden Oil. Not a drop!

