Nevron 2005如何在vs2008中调出工具箱

How to add the Nevron Controls to the Visual Studio toolbox?
Applies to: Nevron .NET Vision components

How to add the Nevron Controls to the Visual Studio toolbox?

Nevron .NET Vision installer should add all Nevron controls automatically to the Visual Studio Toolbox.

In some cases Nevron controls will not be displayed as an option in the VS.NET Toolbox. First, make sure that you have installed version of the controls designed for your version of Visual Studio. To check this, go to the Nevron .NET Vision folder in your start menu. If the control’s folder has “(VS2005)” in the name, e.g. “Nevron .NET Vision for VS2005” you have a Visual Studio 2005 version of the product. Currently Nevron provides support for Visual Studio 2005, 2008 and 2010. If you have the correct version, you can add the control to the toolbox manually by following the instructions below.

1. Right click in the toolbox and select “Add Tab” to create a new tab for the Nevron controls.
2. Right click in the new toolbox tab and select “Customize Toolbox” or “Choose Items” from the popup menu.
3. In the “Customize Toolbox” dialog select the “.Net Framework Components” tab
4. Click “Browse” button and locate the needed DLLs:
on your HDD, these files can be found in the Bin subfolder of where you have installed Nevron .NET Vision controls.
5. In the “Customize Toolbox” dialog please make sure that the control has a check mark right next to its name before clicking OK

After accepting the changes Nevron controls should appear as the list item in your toolbox control list. You can now drag the controls on to your form and start working.
