


不用羡慕ruby的Hpricot 啦,找到了一个类似的html解析和检索工具。








pyquery: a jquery-like library for python

pyquery allows you to make jquery queries on xml documents. The API is as much as possible the similar to jquery. pyquery uses lxml for fast xml and html manipulation.

This is not (or at least not yet) a library to produce or interact with javascript code. I just liked the jquery API and I missed it in python so I told myself “Hey let’s make jquery in python”. This is the result.

It can be used for many purposes, one idea that I might try in the future is to use it for templating with pure http templates that you modify using pyquery. I can also be used for web scrapping or for theming applications with Deliverance.

The project is being actively developped on a mercurial repository on Bitbucket. I have the policy of giving push access to anyone who wants it and then to review what he does. So if you want to contribute just email me.

The Sphinx documentation is available on

