public interface ITaskQueryService
This class provides a programmatic means for retrieving tasks, task details, etc A typical usage would be as follows: 1. Use an authentication method to authenticate a user and obtain a context 2. Use the context and a task list method to retrieve tasks that match some filter criterion 3. Use the context and a task details method to drill down on a task in the list (retrieve task details and actions that can be performed on the task) 4. Use task service, to perform operations on the task A sample code fragment that shows the usage in the above pattern in shown below: import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; //User whose task list needs to be queried String userid="jstein"; // Password for the user String password = "welcome1"; // You can use keyword to specify sql % around the keyword like: %keyword% on the following // attributes: task title, identification key, all textAttributes in task, task number (only // if the keyword is a number) String keyword = null; String nullParam = null; // Get workflow service client IWorkflowServiceClient wfSvcClient = WorkflowServiceClientFactory.getWorkflowServiceClient(WorkflowServiceClientFactory.SOAP_CLIENT); // Get the workflow context IWorkflowContext wfCtx = wfSvcClient.getTaskQueryService().authenticate(userId, password,, null); // Admin can authenticate on behalf of another user //IWorkflowContext adminCtx = wfSvcClient.getTaskQueryService().authenticate(adminUserId, pwd, //, // userId); ITaskQueryService querySvc = wfSvcClient.getTaskQueryService(); // Only for SOAP clients and it is mandatory for SOAP clients Predicate.enableXMLSerialization(true); // Build the predicate Predicate statePredicate = new Predicate(TableConstants.WFTASK_STATE_COLUMN, Predicate.OP_NEQ, IWorkflowConstants.TASK_STATE_ASSIGNED); statePredicate.addClause(Predicate.AND, TableConstants.WFTASK_NUMBERATTRIBUTE1_COLUMN, Predicate.OP_IS_NULL, nullParam); Predicate datePredicate = new Predicate(TableConstants.WFTASK_ENDDATE_COLUMN, Predicate.OP_ON, new Date()); Predicate predicate = new Predicate(statePredicate, Predicate.AND, datePredicate); // Create the ordering Ordering ordering = new Ordering(TableConstants.WFTASK_TITLE_COLUMN, true, true); ordering.addClause(TableConstants.WFTASK_PRIORITY_COLUMN, true, true); // List of display columns // For those columns that are not specified here, the queried Task object will not hold any value. // For example: If TITLE is not specified, task.getTitle() will return null // For the list of most comonly used columns, check the table below // Note: TASKID is fetched by default. So there is no need to explicitly specity it. List queryColumns = new ArrayList(); queryColumns.add("TASKNUMBER"); queryColumns.add("TITLE"); queryColumns.add("PRIORITY"); queryColumns.add("STATE"); queryColumns.add("ENDDATE"); queryColumns.add("NUMBERATTRIBUTE1"); queryColumns.add("TEXTATTRIBUTE1"); // List of optional info // Any optionalInfo specified can be fetched from the Task object // For example: if you have specified "CustomActions", you can retrieve // it using task.getSystemAttributes().getCustomActions(); // "Actions" (All Actions) - task.getSystemAttributes().getSystemActions() // "GroupActions" (Only group Actions: Actions that can be permoded by the user as a member of a group) // - task.getSystemAttributes().getSystemActions() // "ShortHistory" - task.getSystemAttributes().getShortHistory() List optionalInfo = new ArrayList(); optionalInfo.add("Actions"); //optionalInfo.add("GroupActions"); //optionalInfo.add("CustomActions"); //optionalInfo.add("ShortHistory"); // The following is reserved for future use. // If you need them, please use getTaskDetailsById (or) getTaskDetailsByNumber, // which will fetch all information related to a task, which includes these //optionalInfo.add("Attachments"); //optionalInfo.add("Comments"); //optionalInfo.add("Payload"); List tasksList = querySvc.queryTasks(wfCtx, queryColumns, optionalInfo, ITaskQueryService.ASSIGNMENT_FILTER_MY_AND_GROUP, keyword, predicate, ordering, 0,0); // No Paging // How to use paging: // 1. If you need to dynamically calculate paging size (or) to display/find // out the number of pages, the user has to scroll (Like page X of Y) // Call queryTasks to find out the number of tasks it returns. Using this // calculate your paging size (The number of taks you want in a page) // Call queryTasks successively varing the startRow and endRow params. // For example: If the total number of tasks is 30 and your want a paging size // of 10, you can call with (startRow, endRow): (1, 10) (11, 20) (21, 30) // 2. If you have fixed paging size, just keep calling queryTasks successively with // the paging size (If your paging size is 10, you can call with (startRow, endRow): // (1, 10) (11, 20) (21, 30) (31, 40)..... until the number of tasks returned is // less than your paging size (or) there are no more tasks returned if (tasksList != null) { // There are tasks System.out.println("Total number of tasks: " + tasksList.size()); System.out.println("Tasks List: "); Task task = null; for (int i = 0; i < tasksList.size(); i++) { task = (Task) tasksList.get(i); System.out.println("Task Number: " + task.getSystemAttributes().getTaskNumber()); System.out.println("Task Id: " + task.getSystemAttributes().getTaskId()); System.out.println("Title: " + task.getTitle()); System.out.println("Priority: " + task.getPriority()); System.out.println("State: " + task.getSystemAttributes().getState()); System.out.println(); // Retrive any Optional Info specified // Use task service, to perform operations on the task } } Beyond authentication, all methods require the worklist context as the first argument. The worklist context helps the worklist service determine the user requesting the action, whether the user has permission to perform the requested action on the task and so forth. The context also contains information about the user's locale and timezone information.
Most commonly used columns
Column objects are defined in, and they can also be obtained by passing the column name to the static method getColumn() on
A list task attributes and column names can be obtained by calling the method ITaskMetadataService.getTaskAttributes(
or ITaskMetadataService.getTaskAttributesForTaskDefinition(, java.lang.String)
Column | Description | Column Object | How to retrieve |
ACQUIREDBY | Acquired By | WFTASK_ACQUIREDBY_COLUMN | task.getSystemAttributes().getAcquiredBy() |
ASSIGNEES | Assignees | WFTASK_ASSIGNEES_COLUMN | task.getSystemAttributes().getAssignees() |
REVIEWERS | Reviewers | WFTASK_REVIEWERS_COLUMN | task.getSystemAttributes().getReviewers() |
ASSIGNEEGROUPS | Assignee Groups | WFTASK_ASSIGNEEGROUPS_COLUMN | task.getSystemAttributes().getAssigneeGroups() |
ASSIGNEEUSERS | Assignee Users | WFTASK_ASSIGNEEUSERS_COLUMN | task.getSystemAttributes().getAssigneeUsers() |
CREATOR | Creator | WFTASK_CREATOR_COLUMN | task.getCreator() |
DIGITALSIGNATUREREQUIRED | Digital Signature Required | WFTASK_DIGITALSIGNATUREREQUIRED_COLUMN | task.getSystemAttributes().isDigitalSignatureRequired() |
EXPIRATIONDATE | Expiration Date | WFTASK_EXPIRATIONDATE_COLUMN | task.getSystemAttributes().getExpirationDate() |
IDENTITYCONTEXT | Identity Context | WFTASK_IDENTITYCONTEXT_COLUMN | task.getIdentityContext() |
OWNERUSER | Owner User | WFTASK_OWNERUSER_COLUMN | task.getOwnerUser() |
OWNERGROUP | Owner Group | WFTASK_OWNERGROUP_COLUMN | task.getOwnerGroup() |
PASSWORDREQUIREDONUPDATE | Password Required On Update | WFTASK_PASSWORDREQUIREDONUPDATE_COLUMN | task.getSystemAttributes().isPasswordRequiredOnUpdate() |
PRIORITY | Priority | WFTASK_PRIORITY_COLUMN | task.getPriority() |
SECURENOTIFICATIONS | Secure Notifications | WFTASK_SECURENOTIFICATIONS_COLUMN | task.getSystemAttributes().isSecureNotifications() |
ASSIGNEDDATE | Assigned Date | WFTASK_ASSIGNEDDATE_COLUMN | task.getSystemAttributes().getAssignedDate() |
CREATEDDATE | Created Date | WFTASK_CREATEDDATE_COLUMN | task.getSystemAttributes().getCreatedDate() |
ENDDATE | End Date | WFTASK_ENDDATE_COLUMN | task.getSystemAttributes().getEndDate() |
FROMUSER | From User | WFTASK_FROMUSER_COLUMN | task.getSystemAttributes().getFromUser() |
HASSUBTASK | Has Subtask | WFTASK_HASSUBTASK_COLUMN | task.getSystemAttributes().isHasSubTasks() |
ISGROUP | Is Group | WFTASK_ISGROUP_COLUMN | task.getSystemAttributes().isIsGroup() |
ORIGINALASSIGNEEUSER | Original Assignee User | WFTASK_ORIGINALASSIGNEEUSER_COLUMN | task.getSystemAttributes().() |
OUTCOME | Outcome | WFTASK_OUTCOME_COLUMN | task.getSystemAttributes().getOriginalAssigneeUser() |
STATE | State | WFTASK_STATE_COLUMN | task.getSystemAttributes().getState() |
TASKID | Task Id | WFTASK_TASKID_COLUMN | task.getSystemAttributes().getTaskId() |
TASKNUMBER | Task Number | WFTASK_TASKNUMBER_COLUMN | task.getSystemAttributes().getTaskNumber() |
UPDATEDBY | Updated By | WFTASK_UPDATEDBY_COLUMN | task.getSystemAttributes().getUpdatedBy() |
UPDATEDDATE | Updated Date | WFTASK_UPDATEDDATE_COLUMN | task.getSystemAttributes().getUpdatedDate() |
TEXTATTRIBUTE1 to TEXTATTRIBUTE10 | Textattribute1 to Textattribute10 | WFTASK_TEXTATTRIBUTE1_COLUMN to WFTASK_TEXTATTRIBUTE10_COLUMN | task.getSystemMessageAttributes().getTextAttribute1() to task.getSystemMessageAttributes().getTextAttribute10() |
FORMATTRIBUTE1 to FORMATTRIBUTE5 | FormAttribute1 to FormAttribute5 | WFTASK_FORMATTRIBUTE1_COLUMN to WFTASK_FORMATTRIBUTE5_COLUMN | task.getSystemMessageAttributes().getFormAttribute1() to task.getSystemMessageAttributes().getFormAttribute5() |
URLATTRIBUTE1 to URLATTRIBUTE5 | UrlAttribute1 to UrlAttribute5 | WFTASK_URLATTRIBUTE1_COLUMN to WFTASK_URLATTRIBUTE5_COLUMN | task.getSystemMessageAttributes().getUrlAttribute1() to task.getSystemMessageAttributes().getUrlAttribute5() |
DATEATTRIBUTE1 to DATEATTRIBUTE5 | DateAttribute1 to DateAttribute5 | WFTASK_DATEATTRIBUTE1_COLUMN to WFTASK_DATEATTRIBUTE5_COLUMN | task.getSystemMessageAttributes().getDateAttribute1() to task.getSystemMessageAttributes().getDateAttribute5() |
NUMBERATTRIBUTE1 to NUMBERATTRIBUTE5 | NumberAttribute1 to NumberAttribute5 | WFTASK_NUMBERATTRIBUTE1_COLUMN to WFTASK_NUMBERATTRIBUTE5_COLUMN | task.getSystemMessageAttributes().getNumberAttribute1() to task.getSystemMessageAttributes().getNumberAttribute5() |
TITLE | Title | WFTASK_TITLE_COLUMN | task.getTitle() |
IDENTIFICATIONKEY | Identification key | WFTASK_IDENTIFICATIONKEY_COLUMN | task.getIdentificationKey() |
TASKDEFINITIONID | Task Definition Id | WFTASK_TASKDEFINITIONID_COLUMN | task.getTaskDefinitionId() |
TASKDEFINITIONNAME | Task Definition Name | WFTASK_TASKDEFINITIONNAME_COLUMN | task.getSystemAttributes().getTaskDefinitionName() |
PROTECTEDTEXTATTRIBUTE1 to PROTECTEDTEXTATTRIBUTE10 | ProtectedTextAttribute1 to ProtectedTextAttribute10 | WFTASK_PROTECTEDTEXTATTRIBUTE1_COLUMN to WFTASK_PROTECTEDTEXTATTRIBUTE10_COLUMN | task.getSystemMessageAttributes().getProtectedTextAttribute1() to task.getSystemMessageAttributes().getProtectedTextAttribute10() |
PROTECTEDFORMATTRIBUTE1 to PROTECTEDFORMATTRIBUTE5 | ProtectedFormAttribute1 to ProtectedFormAttribute5 | WFTASK_PROTECTEDFORMATTRIBUTE1_COLUMN to WFTASK_PROTECTEDFORMATTRIBUTE5_COLUMN | task.getSystemMessageAttributes().getFormAttribute1() to task.getSystemMessageAttributes().getFormAttribute5() |
PROTECTEDURLATTRIBUTE1 to PROTECTEDURLATTRIBUTE5 | ProtectedURLAttribute1 to ProtectedURLAttribute5 | WFTASK_PROTECTEDURLATTRIBUTE1_COLUMN to WFTASK_PROTECTEDURLATTRIBUTE5_COLUMN | task.getSystemMessageAttributes().getProtectedURLAttribute1() to task.getSystemMessageAttributes().getProtectedURLAttribute5() |
PROTECTEDDATEATTRIBUTE1 to PROTECTEDDATEATTRIBUTE5 | ProtectedDateAttribute1 to ProtectedDateAttribute5 | WFTASK_PROTECTEDDATEATTRIBUTE1_COLUMN to WFTASK_PROTECTEDDATEATTRIBUTE5_COLUMN | task.getSystemMessageAttributes().getProtectedDateAttribute1() to task.getSystemMessageAttributes().getProtectedDateAttribute5() |
PROTECTEDNUMBERATTRIBUTE1 to PROTECTEDNUMBERATTRIBUTE5 | ProtectedNumberAttribute1 to ProtectedNumberAttribute5 | WFTASK_PROTECTEDNUMBERATTRIBUTE1_COLUMN to WFTASK_PROTECTEDNUMBERATTRIBUTE5_COLUMN | task.getSystemMessageAttributes().getProtectedNumberAttribute1() to task.getSystemMessageAttributes().getProtectedNumberAttribute5() |
APPLICATIONCONTEXT | Application Context | WFTASK_APPLICATIONCONTEXT_COLUMN | task.getApplicationContext() |
CATEGORY | Category | WFTASK_CATEGORY_COLUMN | task.getCategory() |
DUEDATE | Due Date | WFTASK_DUEDATE_COLUMN | task.getDueDate() |
ISPUBLIC | Is Public | WFTASK_ISPUBLIC_COLUMN | task.isIsPublic() |
PARTICIPANTNAME | Participant Name | WFTASK_PARTICIPANTNAME_COLUMN | task.getSystemAttributes().getParticipantName() |
PERCENTAGECOMPLETE | Percentage Complete | WFTASK_PERCENTAGECOMPLETE_COLUMN | task.getPercentageComplete() |
STARTDATE | Start Date | WFTASK_STARTDATE_COLUMN | task.getStartDate() |
TASKDISPLAYURL | Task Display Url | WFTASK_TASKDISPLAYURL_COLUMN | task.getTaskDisplayUrl() |