progress utf-8

From QAD Support Site

Solution ID: qad63412
Usage: 	3
Status: 	Unverified
Last Modified: 	08/11/2009
Goal: 	How to convert an existing database to Unicode UTF-8?
Goal: 	Ways to convert an existing Database to Unicode
Goal: 	Ways to convert an existing Database to UTF
Fact: 	Progress 9.x
Fact: 	OpenEdge 10.x

You can take one of two approaches, either with or without a dump and load.

WARNING: Before you start either process, have a good backup of your database.

To convert without dump and load, follow these steps:

1) Compile a new version of word break table for UTF-8 to a rule number :

proutil -C wbreak-compiler %DLC%\prolang\convmap\utf8-bas.wbt

Use an absolute path to DLC instead of the environment variable in the command line.

and where is number between 1 and 255.

2) Place the new created file proword. in %DLC% or define the environment variable PROWD=\proword. (in Progress Version 9.0A you must set PROWD).

3) Convert your database:

proutil -C convchar convert UTF-8

4) Apply the new word-rules to the database:

proutil -C word-rules

For example: proutil sports -C word-rules 10

5) Use the Data Administration tool to load the file %DLC%\prolang\utf\_tran.df in order to change the database collation.

Note: If your DataBase was created before 10.1A (in example 10.0B) and you are going to load the _tran.df in 10.1A you need to do the following before being able to load the _tran.df.

proutil -C updateschema

This will bring the DataBase Schema to 10.1A and you will able to load the _tran.df for database collation.

6) Rebuild the indexes:

proutil -C idxbuild ALL -cpinternal UTF-8

To convert using dump and load follow the steps below.

Please note that once you have completed steps 3 and 4, they do not need to be repeated for subsequent databases on the same system.

WARNING: Binary dump does not record the code page of the text being written to the dump file. You must use the Data Dictionary Dump Table Contents plus either the Data Dictionary Load Table Contents or the bulkload utility.

1) Dump the existing database.

2) Create a new empty UTF-8 database:

prodb %DLC%\prolang\utf\empty.db

3) Compile a new version of word break table for UTF-8 to a rule number :

proutil -C wbreak-compiler %DLC%\prolang\convmap\utf8-bas.wbt

where is number between 1 and 255.

4) Place the newly created file proword. in %DLC% or define the environment variable PROWD=\proword. (in Version 9.0A you have to set PROWD).

5) Apply the new word rules to the database:

proutil -C word-rules

6) Load the database.

Note References to Written Documentation:

Progress Solutions:

19071, "I18N. How To Change Database Collation"

19146, "How To Find What I18N Parameters Are Used"

Progress System Administration Reference Guide:

proutil -C wbreak-compiler

proutil -C word-rules

proutil -C idxbuild

proutil -C bulkload
