We are going to jump headlong into creating your first Maven project! To create our first Maven project we are going to use Maven's archetype mechanism. An archetype is defined as an original pattern or model from which all other things of the same kind are made . In Maven, an archetype is a template of a project which is combined with some user input to produce a working Maven project that has been tailored to the user's requirements. We are going to show you how the archetype mechanism works now, but if you would like to know more about archetypes please refer to our Introduction to Archetypes .
On to creating your first project! In order to create the simplest of Maven projects, execute the following from the command line:
mvn archetype:create \
-DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.maven.archetypes \
-DgroupId=com.mycompany.app \
Once you have executed this command, you will notice a few things have happened. First, you will notice that a directory named my-app has been created for the new project, and this directory contains a file named pom.xmlthat should look like this:
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0">
<name>Maven Quick Start Archetype</name>
pom.xml contains the Project Object Model (POM) for this project. The POM is the basic unit of work in Maven. This is important to remember because Maven is inherently project-centric in that everything revolves around the notion of a project. In short, the POM contains every important piece of information about your project and is essentially one-stop-shopping for finding anything related to your project. Understanding the POM is important and new users are encouraged to refer to the Introduction to the POM .
This is a very simple POM but still displays the key elements every POM contains, so let's walk through each of them to familiarize you with the POM essentials:
For a complete reference of what elements are available for use in the POM please refer to our POM Reference . Now let's get back to the project at hand.
After the archetype generation of your first project you will also notice that the following directory structure has been created:
|-- pom.xml
`-- src
|-- main
| `-- java
| `-- com
| `-- mycompany
| `-- app
| `-- App.java
`-- test
`-- java
`-- com
`-- mycompany
`-- app
`-- AppTest.java
As you can see, the project created from the archetype has a POM, a source tree for your application's sources and a source tree for your test sources. This is the standard layout for Maven projects (the application sources reside in ${basedir}/src/main/java and test sources reside in ${basedir}/src/test/java , where ${basedir} represents the directory containing pom.xml ).
If you were to create a Maven project by hand this is the directory structure that we recommend using. This is a Maven convention and to learn more about it you can read our Introduction to the Standard Directory Layout .
Now that we have a POM, some application sources, and some test sources you are probably asking ...
如果是建一个web项目的话 需要在命令中加上
mvn archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.maven.archetypes -DgroupId=com.mcc.ineo4j -DartifactId=ineo4j-work