数据库中出现大量的latch: shared pool、latch: library cache、cursor: pin S、latch: cache buffers chains和latch: cache buffers lru chain等各种等待。
- Snap Id Snap Time Sessions Curs/Sess
- Begin Snap: 3408 19-Sep-11 09:00:21 4,690 39.5
- End Snap: 3412 19-Sep-11 11:00:07 4,950 38.7
- Elapsed: 119.76 (mins)
- DB Time: 2,900.95 (mins)
- Cache Sizes
- ~~~~~~~~~~~ Begin End
- Buffer Cache: 35,840M 35,840M Std Block Size: 8K
- Shared Pool Size: 6,144M 6,144M Log Buffer: 30,632K
- Load Profile
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Per Second Per Transaction
- Redo size: 1,968,314.84 6,360.04
- Logical reads: 1,038,182.89 3,354.59
- Block changes: 148,577.35 480.09
- Physical reads: 3,541.98 11.44
- Physical writes: 546.31 1.77
- User calls: 7,811.87 25.24
- Parses: 3,187.30 10.30
- Hard parses: 10.07 0.03
- Sorts: 6,258.90 20.22
- Logons: 9.65 0.03
- Executes: 24,100.52 77.87
- Transactions: 309.48
- Instance Efficiency Percentages (Target 100%)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Buffer Nowait %: 100.00 Redo NoWait %: 100.00
- Buffer Hit %: 99.69 In-memory Sort %: 100.00
- Library Hit %: 99.36 Soft Parse %: 99.68
- Execute to Parse %: 86.77 Latch Hit %: 99.64
- Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd %: 45.61 % Non-Parse CPU: 99.46
- Shared Pool Statistics Begin End
- Memory Usage %: 95.44 94.46
- % SQL with executions>1: 89.10 77.18
- % Memory for SQL w/exec>1: 87.82 76.62
- Top 5 Timed Events
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Event Waits Time(s) Avg Wait(ms) % Total Call Time Wait Class
- CPU time 114,107 65.6
- db file sequential read 8,232,067 40,956 5 23.5 User I/O
- db file scattered read 929,509 2,392 3 1.4 User I/O
- log file sync 2,119,459 2,372 1 1.4 Commit
- SQL*Net message from dblink 1,375,619 1,576 1 0.9 Network
- ^LWait Events DB/Inst: CRM2DB/crm2db1 Snaps: 3408-3412
- -> s - second
- -> cs - centisecond - 100th of a second
- -> ms - millisecond - 1000th of a second
- -> us - microsecond - 1000000th of a second
- -> ordered by wait time desc, waits desc (idle events last)
- -> %Timeouts: value of 0 indicates value was < .5%. Value of null is truly 0
- Event Waits %Time -outs Total Wait Time (s) Avg wait (ms) Waits /txn
- db file sequential read 8,232,067 N/A 40,956 5 3.7
- db file scattered read 929,509 N/A 2,392 3 0.4
- log file sync 2,119,459 0 2,372 1 1.0
- SQL*Net message from dblink 1,375,619 N/A 1,576 1 0.6
- SQL*Net more data from clien 1,871,442 N/A 1,428 1 0.8
- control file sequential read 3,010,438 N/A 1,179 0 1.4
- Backup: sbtbackup 12 N/A 1,167 97243 0.0
- gc cr grant 2-way 3,688,572 N/A 993 0 1.7
- log file parallel write 2,205,552 N/A 974 0 1.0
- gc cr multi block request 2,378,748 N/A 721 0 1.1
- gc current block 2-way 1,941,104 N/A 693 0 0.9
- SQL*Net more data to client 5,142,664 N/A 498 0 2.3
- gc buffer busy 166,717 0 428 3 0.1
- direct path read 424,645 N/A 344 1 0.2
- db file parallel read 61,816 N/A 298 5 0.0
- enq: HW - contention 17,487 0 216 12 0.0
- db file parallel write 221,865 N/A 210 1 0.1
- Backup: sbtwrite2 36,271 N/A 145 4 0.0
- gc current grant 2-way 445,456 N/A 115 0 0.2
- enq: TM - contention 255 74 102 400 0.0
- Load Profile
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Per Second Per Transaction
- Redo size: 2,420,236.58 6,734.48
- Logical reads: 1,277,888.60 3,555.82
- Block changes: 164,638.57 458.12
- Physical reads: 1,208.59 3.36
- Physical writes: 456.79 1.27
- User calls: 8,785.42 24.45
- Parses: 4,103.35 11.42
- Hard parses: 12.87 0.04
- Sorts: 8,052.30 22.41
- Logons: 9.05 0.03
- Executes: 32,573.41 90.64
- Transactions: 359.38
- % Blocks changed per Read: 12.88 Recursive Call %: 85.01
- Rollback per transaction %: 0.19 Rows per Sort: 8.74
- Instance Efficiency Percentages (Target 100%)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Buffer Nowait %: 99.97 Redo NoWait %: 100.00
- Buffer Hit %: 99.92 In-memory Sort %: 100.00
- Library Hit %: 99.92 Soft Parse %: 99.69
- Execute to Parse %: 87.40 Latch Hit %: 99.33
- Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd %: 29.94 % Non-Parse CPU: 99.17
- Shared Pool Statistics Begin End
- Memory Usage %: 95.42 95.02
- % SQL with executions>1: 61.41 72.38
- % Memory for SQL w/exec>1: 60.04 73.07
- Top 5 Timed Events
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Event Waits Time(s) Avg Wait(ms) % Total Call Time Wait Class
- CPU time 69,736 56.2
- Backup: sbtwrite2 2,319,231 22,510 10 18.1 Administra
- db file sequential read 3,476,830 20,923 6 16.9 User I/O
- latch: shared pool 159,416 9,280 58 7.5 Concurrenc
- Backup: sbtbackup 28 2,746 98056 2.2 Administra
- ^LWait Events DB/Inst: CRM2DB/crm2db1 Snaps: 3602-3604
- -> s - second
- -> cs - centisecond - 100th of a second
- -> ms - millisecond - 1000th of a second
- -> us - microsecond - 1000000th of a second
- -> ordered by wait time desc, waits desc (idle events last)
- -> %Timeouts: value of 0 indicates value was < .5%. Value of null is truly 0
- Event Waits %Time -outs Total Wait Time (s) Avg wait (ms) Waits /txn
- Backup: sbtwrite2 2,319,231 N/A 22,510 10 1.8
- db file sequential read 3,476,830 N/A 20,923 6 2.7
- latch: shared pool 159,416 N/A 9,280 58 0.1
- Backup: sbtbackup 28 N/A 2,746 98056 0.0
- log file sync 1,283,319 0 2,538 2 1.0
- gc buffer busy 1,088,432 0 2,324 2 0.8
- latch: library cache 31,278 N/A 1,328 42 0.0
- control file sequential read 1,512,218 N/A 1,082 1 1.2
- log file parallel write 1,157,491 N/A 1,045 1 0.9
- SQL*Net message from dblink 952,956 N/A 987 1 0.7
- SQL*Net more data from clien 962,454 N/A 837 1 0.7
- kst: async disk IO 17,574 N/A 483 27 0.0
- gc cr grant 2-way 1,539,289 N/A 439 0 1.2
- gc current block 2-way 946,330 N/A 353 0 0.7
- direct path read 291,853 N/A 313 1 0.2
- db file parallel write 261,735 N/A 298 1 0.2
- read by other session 92,451 0 270 3 0.1
- cursor: pin S 304,676,088 N/A 233 0 235.1
- db file scattered read 28,062 N/A 132 5 0.0
- enq: TX - row lock contentio 466 52 123 263 0.0
- direct path write 227,989 N/A 113 0 0.2
从Load profile数据对比来看,应用调整后系统负载有一定的提高,同时每事务逻辑读也有一定的增加(不足10%)。这会是个问题吗?
从第2份数据来看,latch: shared pool 和 latch: library cache有明显的增加。
- Snap Id Snap Time Sessions Curs/Sess
- Begin Snap: 3744 26-Sep-11 09:00:01 4,504 38.2
- End Snap: 3748 26-Sep-11 11:00:26 4,916 52.7
- Elapsed: 120.41 (mins)
- DB Time: 21,868.27 (mins)
- Cache Sizes
- ~~~~~~~~~~~ Begin End
- Buffer Cache: 35,840M 35,840M Std Block Size: 8K
- Shared Pool Size: 6,144M 6,144M Log Buffer: 30,632K
- Load Profile
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Per Second Per Transaction
- Redo size: 1,790,430.57 5,945.33
- Logical reads: 1,162,875.15 3,861.46
- Block changes: 154,064.15 511.59
- Physical reads: 3,007.80 9.99
- Physical writes: 337.21 1.12
- User calls: 8,227.28 27.32
- Parses: 3,603.24 11.96
- Hard parses: 11.25 0.04
- Sorts: 7,304.40 24.26
- Logons: 11.27 0.04
- Executes: 25,994.53 86.32
- Transactions: 301.15
- % Blocks changed per Read: 13.25 Recursive Call %: 82.87
- Rollback per transaction %: 0.21 Rows per Sort: 8.14
- Instance Efficiency Percentages (Target 100%)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Buffer Nowait %: 99.99 Redo NoWait %: 100.00
- Buffer Hit %: 99.75 In-memory Sort %: 100.00
- Library Hit %: 99.94 Soft Parse %: 99.69
- Execute to Parse %: 86.14 Latch Hit %: 98.90
- Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd %: 14.69 % Non-Parse CPU: 84.51
- Shared Pool Statistics Begin End
- Memory Usage %: 95.48 94.33
- % SQL with executions>1: 87.63 74.92
- % Memory for SQL w/exec>1: 86.52 74.66
- Top 5 Timed Events
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Event Waits Time(s) Avg Wait(ms) % Total Call Time Wait Class
- latch: shared pool 991,918 274,715 277 20.9 Concurrenc
- latch: library cache 941,443 232,344 247 17.7 Concurrenc
- CPU time 212,150 16.2
- cursor: pin S ############ 115,049 0 8.8 Other
- latch: cache buffers lru chain 1,106,570 96,442 87 7.4 Other
- ^LWait Events DB/Inst: CRM2DB/crm2db1 Snaps: 3744-3748
- -> s - second
- -> cs - centisecond - 100th of a second
- -> ms - millisecond - 1000th of a second
- -> us - microsecond - 1000000th of a second
- -> ordered by wait time desc, waits desc (idle events last)
- -> %Timeouts: value of 0 indicates value was < .5%. Value of null is truly 0
- Event Waits %Time -outs Total Wait Time (s) Avg wait (ms) Waits /txn
- latch: shared pool 991,918 N/A 274,715 277 0.5
- latch: library cache 941,443 N/A 232,344 247 0.4
- cursor: pin S 9,095,470,035 N/A 115,049 0 4,180.5
- latch: cache buffers lru cha 1,106,570 N/A 96,442 87 0.5
- db file sequential read 7,819,285 N/A 49,564 6 3.6
- latch: cache buffers chains 511,936 N/A 35,753 70 0.2
- latch free 95,257 0 14,609 153 0.0
- latch: object queue header o 221,907 N/A 14,378 65 0.1
- log file sync 2,156,343 1 11,496 5 1.0
- cursor: pin S wait on X 422,320 100 4,603 11 0.2
- gc cr grant 2-way 3,526,856 0 3,430 1 1.6
- db file scattered read 624,480 N/A 3,083 5 0.3
- enq: TX - row lock contentio 5,946 88 2,600 437 0.0
- latch: row cache objects 16,983 N/A 2,281 134 0.0
- SQL*Net message from dblink 1,284,487 N/A 2,179 2 0.6
- gc buffer busy 353,228 0 2,054 6 0.2
- gc cr multi block request 2,499,709 0 1,974 1 1.1
- gc current block 2-way 1,969,516 0 1,920 1 0.9
- SQL*Net more data from clien 1,667,513 N/A 1,914 1 0.8
- control file sequential read 2,974,349 N/A 1,735 1 1.4
- db file parallel read 230,795 N/A 1,645 7 0.1
- log file parallel write 1,581,432 N/A 1,303 1 0.7
- Backup: sbtbackup 14 N/A 730 52120 0.0
- buffer busy waits 143,869 0 488 3 0.1
- latch: library cache lock 5,058 N/A 378 75 0.0
- enq: HW - contention 22,039 0 370 17 0.0
- gc current grant 2-way 424,243 N/A 357 1 0.2
- enq: SQ - contention 5,010 1 354 71 0.0
- read by other session 50,153 0 339 7 0.0
- direct path read 324,226 N/A 305 1 0.1
- db file parallel write 207,793 N/A 274 1 0.1
- row cache lock 175,301 0 263 1 0.1
这么多的性能问题相关的现象中,哪个更贴近问题的原因?实际上在主机的CPU长期保持在100%左右时,会放大平时的一些轻微的问题,或者引起另一些问题。从等待来看,latch: cache buffers chains和cursor: pin S都会引起CPU的急剧增加,而其他的latch竞争同样也会引起CPU的上升,虽然上升没有前者大。到底是SQL执行效率不高引起CPU急剧增加然后引起了shared pool latch等与解析相关的资源争用还是因为解析相关的问题导致CPU急剧增加引起了cache buffers chains等与SQL执行相关的latch争用?或者是2者的共同作用?
会不会是因为负载过大引起的问题,这个很容易验证。取业务低谷期,比如下班时间的数据,进行分析可以发现,既然在CPU在稍低(75%以下)的时候,仍然有大量的library cache latch的争用。下面是取自周日19:00-20:00的AWR数据(注:本文涉及故障的分析时间是在星期一):
- Top 5 Timed Events
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Event Waits Time(s) Avg Wait(ms) % Total Call Time Wait Class
- CPU time 49,224 48.3
- latch: shared pool 185,951 41,178 221 40.4 Concurrenc
- latch: library cache 45,636 8,861 194 8.7 Concurrenc
- db file sequential read 815,066 4,763 6 4.7 User I/O
- cursor: pin S ############ 1,732 0 1.7 Other
- Event Waits %Time -outs Total Wait Time (s) Avg wait (ms) Waits /txn
- latch: shared pool 185,951 N/A 41,178 221 0.6
- latch: library cache 45,636 N/A 8,861 194 0.2
- db file sequential read 815,066 N/A 4,763 6 2.8
- cursor: pin S 1,890,998,700 N/A 1,732 0 6,459.2
- latch free 8,549 0 1,278 150 0.0
- control file sequential read 1,507,789 N/A 466 0 5.2
- Backup: sbtbackup 7 N/A 428 61096 0.0
- log file sync 285,442 0 309 1 1.0
- SQL*Net more data from clien 145,137 N/A 221 2 0.5
- db file scattered read 67,716 N/A 173 3 0.2
- gc buffer busy 56,842 0 135 2 0.2
- gc cr grant 2-way 359,146 N/A 99 0 1.2
- SQL*Net message from dblink 123,206 N/A 98 1 0.4
- log file parallel write 289,048 N/A 91 0 1.0
- SQL*Net more data to client 1,242,471 N/A 79 0 4.2
- gc current block 2-way 179,654 N/A 66 0 0.6
- direct path read 62,336 N/A 65 1 0.2
- gc cr multi block request 228,693 N/A 52 0 0.8
再看最后一个问题,这些性能现象中,哪一个更接近问题的原因?幸庆的是,从上面的业务低谷期数据可以看到,这个时候的等待主要是跟解析相关的等待,而其他的latch: cache buffers lru chain等与SQL执行期相关的等待已经不再明显。
所以到此阶段的结论是:性能并不是由于应用调整引起、与负载关系不是太大、主要是与shared pool latch等解析相关的争用有关。
进一步分析上面的数据,其实可以看到latch: shared pool的等待时间占主导地位,同时由于shared pool latch的争用也会一定程度上引起library cache latch的争用(请参考我的另一篇文章《shared pool latch和library cache latch》),所以我们这里主要考虑是什么引起了shared pool latch的争用。另外,cursor: pin S的等待是一个极少出现的等待,一般是由于bug或者高并发地执行同一条SQL引起。那么,cursor: pin S会跟shared pool latch的争用有所关联么?目前不得而知。或者这3者都是相关的?
基于上面的分析,下面重点来分析shared pool latch的争用。使用上面提及的业务低谷期的AWR数据,因为这个时候没有了其他的干扰,更容易分析:
- ^LLatch Miss Sources DB/Inst: CRM2DB/crm2db1 Snaps: 3716-3718
- -> only latches with sleeps are shown
- -> ordered by name, sleeps desc
- Latch Name Where NoWait Misses Sleeps Waiter Sleeps
- library cache kglpndl: child: after proc 0 19,599 55
- library cache kglpndl: child: before pro 0 12,653 1,969
- library cache kglpnp: child 0 10,188 34,808
- library cache kglLockCursor 0 632 1,539
- library cache kglhdgn: child: 0 487 3,729
- library cache kglobpn: child: 0 408 2,077
- library cache kgldte: child 0 0 381 747
- library cache kglukp: child 0 184 66
- library cache kglati 0 52 1
- library cache kqlmbpil: parent 0 52 4
- library cache kglpin 0 38 9
- library cache kgldti: 2child 0 32 0
- library cache kglhdbrnl: child 0 13 29
- library cache kglhdgc: child: 0 9 0
- library cache kglobld 0 4 0
- library cache kglic 0 2 7
- library cache kglini: child 0 1 0
- shared pool kghupr1 0 168,465 148,602
- shared pool kghalo 0 9,881 23,589
- shared pool kghfre 0 7,136 13,425
- shared pool kghfrunp: clatch: nowait 0 470 0
- shared pool kghalp 0 204 82
- shared pool kghfrunp: alloc: wait 0 9 0
- shared pool kghfrunp: clatch: wait 0 5 15
- shared pool kghasp 0 4 0
- shared pool kghfrh 0 3 0
- shared pool simulator kglsim_unpin_simhp 0 319 70
- shared pool simulator kglsim_scan_lru: scan 0 3 101
- shared pool simulator kglsim_upd_newhp 0 3 89
- shared pool simulator kglsim_chg_simhp_free 0 1 25
- slave class create ksvcreate 0 2 0
那么从Latch Miss Source的数据可以看到,对于shared pool latch,绝大部分的sleep发生在kghupr1这个函数这里。在oracle中kghupr1这个函数是干什么的呢,简单来说就是un-pin recreatable内存块,其主要目的是要将creatable的内存块链接到shared pool的LRU链表中,在这个过程中要持有shared pool latch。这里我们可以确认不是由于在shared pool中的内存分配引起了latch的争用,而是在sql的execute阶段完成后才应该发生的争用。
从上面的数据同样可以看到,library cache latch的争用主要发生在kglpndl (KGL PiN DeLete)。
再来考虑cursor: pin S等待,这个等待通常发生在2个时间点,第1个是在SQL软解析对cursor进行PIN时增加mutex的引用计数时发生;第2个是在cursor执行完un-PIN时,减少mutex的引用计数时发生。
实际上在SQL整个执行过程中,除了parse阶段,在execute完成后(注意,可能是在fetch完成之前)同样会有shared pool latch、shared pool latch的获取。因为执行后要执行很多的操作,比如将recreated chunk链接到LRU链表中,更新sql的统计信息,un-pin cursor以及引用的某些对象等待。
latch: shared pool、latch: library cache、cursor: pin S这三种基本上都是同时出现,这也验证了前面的结论,这3者是相关的。
等待cursor: pin S的会话其当前的SQL通常为2条并发量很高的SQL,这几条SQL都是存储过程中的SQL,而执行存储过程并发量很高。latch: library cache等待的会话当前的SQL也类似此现象,当然这样的话library cache latch的争用就发生在极少数的child latch上。
等待latch: shared pool的会话其当前的SQL绝大部分为空,这似乎验证了之前提到的shared pool latch的争用发生在SQL执行完之后。同时shared pool latch争用全部发生在同一个child latch上,这个是极不寻常的。
然后使用来自Tanel Poder的脚本@latchprof进行更深入的分析:
- SQL> @latchprofx sid,name,ksllwnam,ksllwlbl % library 10000
- 3146 library cache kglpndl: child: after processing latch 2442 4 24.42 4595.844
- 3138 library cache kglpndl: child: after processing latch 2274 4 22.74 4279.668
- 694 library cache kglpndl: child: before processing latch 1443 2 14.43 2715.726
- 4198 library cache kglpndl: child: after processing latch 1214 2 12.14 2284.748
- 611 library cache kglpndl: child: after processing latch 1157 2 11.57 2177.474
- 638 library cache kglpndl: child: before processing latch 1123 2 11.23 2113.486
- 5949 library cache kglobpn: child: latch 1103 24 11.03 2075.846
- 5949 library cache kglukp: child child 1062 6 10.62 1998.684
- 584 library cache kglpndl: child: before processing latch 974 3 9.74 1833.068
- 5762 library cache kglpndl: child: before processing latch 960 2 9.60 1806.720
- 5204 library cache kgllkdl: child: no lock handle latch 923 1 9.23 1737.086
- 5949 library cache kghfrunp: clatch: nowait 888 17 8.88 1671.216
- 2338 library cache kglpndl: child: after processing latch 823 2 8.23 1548.886
- 6243 library cache kglpndl: child: before processing latch 822 2 8.22 1547.004
- 6184 library cache kglpndl: child: before processing latch 790 2 7.90 1486.780
- 4121 library cache kglpndl: child: after processing latch 684 2 6.84 1287.288
- 5601 library cache kglpndl: child: before processing latch 675 1 6.75 1270.350
- 3948 library cache kglpndl: child: before processing latch 657 1 6.57 1236.474
- 3277 library cache kglpndl: child: before processing latch 652 1 6.52 1227.064
- SQL> @latchprofx sid,name,ksllwnam,ksllwlbl % shared 10000
- 2338 shared pool kghupr1 Chunk Header 2173 5 21.73 4343.827
- 2338 shared pool simulator kglsim_unpin_simhp 2172 4 21.72 4341.828
- 5710 shared pool kghalo 1107 15 11.07 2212.893
- 3423 shared pool simulator kglsim_unpin_simhp 1075 2 10.75 2148.925
- 3423 shared pool kghupr1 Chunk Header 1075 2 10.75 2148.925
- 5348 shared pool simulator kglsim_unpin_simhp 1025 2 10.25 2048.975
- 5348 shared pool kghupr1 Chunk Header 1025 2 10.25 2048.975
- 2895 shared pool kghupr1 Chunk Header 767 2 7.67 1533.233
- 2895 shared pool simulator kglsim_unpin_simhp 767 2 7.67 1533.233
- 4779 shared pool kghupr1 Chunk Header 609 1 6.09 1217.391
- 2602 shared pool kghupr1 Chunk Header 551 2 5.51 1101.449
- 2602 shared pool simulator kglsim_unpin_simhp 550 1 5.50 1099.450
- 4591 shared pool kghupr1 Chunk Header 523 1 5.23 1045.477
- 5164 shared pool simulator kglsim_unpin_simhp 518 1 5.18 1035.482
- 5164 shared pool kghupr1 Chunk Header 518 1 5.18 1035.482
- 3677 shared pool kghupr1 Chunk Header 493 1 4.93 985.507
- 3040 shared pool kghalo 329 1 3.29 657.671
- 2146 shared pool kghupr1 Chunk Header 272 1 2.72 543.728
- 2146 shared pool simulator kglsim_unpin_simhp 272 1 2.72 543.728
- 5949 shared pool kghalo 63 63 .63 125.937
- 5949 shared pool simulator kglsim_unpin_simhp 28 3 .28 55.972
- 5949 shared pool kghupr1 Chunk Header 28 3 .28 55.972
- 5949 shared pool simulator kglsim_upd_newhp 5 5 .05 9.995
- 0 shared pool kghalo 5 5 .05 9.995
- 1558 shared pool kghalo 3 3 .03 5.997
- 682 shared pool kghalo 2 2 .02 3.998
当然latchprof这个脚本反复执行多次,以确认不会只是一个偶然的结果。从数据上来看,跟AWR的数据是相吻合的。然而,在shared pool latch请求的数据上有了新的发现,同一个会话,在kghupr1过程中请求和持有shared pool latch的时间,与kglsim_unpin_simhp过程中请求和持有shared pool simulator latch的时间几乎是一致的。这是一个很重要的发现!
查看shared pool simulator latch的level,发现其比shared pool latch的level高,这就是说,完全有可能shared pool latch的持有之后又去请求shared pool simulator latch,而由于shared pool simulator latch的竞争,而最终导致了shared pool latch的竞争。
shared pool simulator latch用于保护shared pool simulator相关的内存区域。那么shared pool simulator是干什么的呢?简单地说就是用于shared pool advisor。当library cache object被刷出shared pool时,将这个对象的关键信息比如hash value记录下来,当对象load时,会查找这个对象在之前是否存在过,以此来计算shared pool增加一定数量的内存时,会使Shared pool 增加多少命中率。可参考”KGL simulator, shared pool simulator and buffer cache simulator – what are these?“和http://stackoverflow.com/questions/183963/what-is-the-oracle-kgl-simulator。
而在MOS上,使用shared pool simulator为关键字搜索,可以找到一些BUG,比如”TST PERF _LIBRARY_CACHE_ADVICE CAUSES MORE SHARED POOL AND SIMULATOR LATCH GETS“,这个BUG虽然在10.2.0.5中已经修复,但其描述的现象至少证明了当shared pool simulator争用时,将导致shared pool latch的争用。
那么这个问题,到现在为止,大体上可以判断为shared pool simulator latch的争用引起了问题,接下来在业务不太繁忙时间将”_library_cache_advice”参数在线修改为FALSE,观察系统,发现系统有短暂的时间负载冲高,但是很快就恢复到以往的正常水平,长时间的观察发现性能问题已经解决。
cursor: pin S这个等待,在shared pool simulator latch争用时,是如何产生的?
share pool simulator latch的争用是如何产生的,为什么之前没有,是什么引起的?是BUG吗?如果是BUG又是怎么触发的?实际上后面尝试将”_library_cache_advice”参数改回为TRUE,但是该性能问题并没有再次出现。
写到这里,不得不写一点与trouble shooting方法相关的话题。对于一个问题,有的人喜欢找到问题的根源,然后去彻底解决它;有的人喜欢想办法先解决问题再说,至于找原因,事后再找。实际上我是介于二者之间。对于问题,首先尝试去分析产生的原因,即root cause,如果在某个时间点上,能够得到解决办法,或者寻找原因的时间过长,那么就会先偏向于解决问题。实际上针对这个案例,在问题解决之后其根源还没找到,但是如果只是一味去寻找原因,那毫无疑问,时间将会很长,即便是有原厂参与,这已经涉及到比较internal的东西。但是客户的系统能等那么久吗?显然不能。另外,对于一些解决方案,比如这个案例,修改隐含参数,因为没有找到根源,实际上当时并没有100%的把握,然而我是幸运的,因为客户信任我,才让实施这种不会100%能解决问题的方案。在不能100%保证能解决问题的情况下,可以做以下评估:就算不能解决问题,会不会有负面影响?针对这个案例来说,首先实施是在业务低谷期,负载不是最高的时候;其二,对于这个参数相对应的功能有相当的了解,比如shared pool advisor和db cache advisor我一直认为是比较鸡肋的功能,关闭之后对系统基本没什么影响。
同时,对于这个案例,如果仅从AWR很难发现这个问题,与shared pool simulator latch的争用有关,这个latch的等待时间与shared pool latch、library cache latch、cursor: pin S的等待相比,是如此的短。比如在分析问题的当天,性能问题最突出的2小时内,shared pool latch的等待时间为274,715秒,而shared pool simulator latch的等待时间只不过1555秒,甚至还不及row cache objects latch等待的2316秒。而shared pool simulator latch的miss percent也只不过0.1%,远远小于shared pool latch和library cache latch的miss percent。但是通过AWR分析给我们指明了方向,然后通过数据库的实时数据分析,最终找到了解决办法。
--the end.