linux kudzu作用与操作方法(原创)


ntsysv 工具为激活或停运服务提供了简单的界面。您能够使用 ntsysv 来启动或关闭由 xinetd 管理的服务。您还能够使用 ntsysv 来配置运行级别。按照默认配置,只有当前运行级别会被配置。要配置不同的运行级别,使用 --level 选项来指定一个或多个运行级别。譬如,命令 ntsysv --level 345 配置运行级别 3、4、和 5。ntsysv 的界面和文本模式的安装程式的工作方式相仿。使用上下箭头来上下查看列表。使用空格键来选择或取消选择服务,或用来“按” 「确定」和「取消」按钮。要在服务列表和「确定」、「取消」按钮中转换,使用 [Tab]键。* 标明某服务被设为启动。[F1] 键会弹出每项服务的简短描述。 警告 由 xinetd 管理的服务会立即受到 ntsysv 的影响。其他服务则不会立即生效。您必须使用 service daemon stop 命令来停止某项服务。在前面的例子中,把 daemon 换成您想停止的服务名称,譬如,httpd。把 stop 换成 start 或 restart 来启动或重新启动某服务。


kudzu detects and configures new and/or changed hardware on a system. When started, kudzu detects the current hardware, and checks it against a database stored in /etc/sysconfig/hwconf, if one exists. It then determines if any hardware has been added or removed from the system. If so, it gives the users the opportunity to configure any added hardware, and unconfigure any removed hardware. It then updates the database in /etc/sysconfig/hwconf.

If no previous database exists, kudzu attempts to determine what devices have already been configured, by looking at /etc/modprobe.conf, /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/, and /etc/X11/xorg.conf.



Show short usage message.
--help, -?
Print help information.
-q, --quiet
Run 'quietly'; do only configuration that doesn't require user input.
-s, --safe
Do only 'safe' probes that won't disturb hardware. Currently, this disables the serial probe, the DDC monitor probe, and the PS/2 probe.
-t, --timeout [seconds]
This sets the timeout for the initial dialog. If no key is pressed before the timeout elapses, kudzu exits, and /etc/sysconfig/hwconf is not updated.
-k, --kernel [version]
When determining whether a module exists, use the specified kernel version. (If this is not set, it defaults to the current kernel version.) Do not specify suffixes such as 'smp' or 'summit'; these are automatically searched.
-b, --bus [bus]
Only probe on the specified bus.
-c, --class [class]
Only probe for the specified class.
-f, --file [file]
Read hardware probe info from file file and do not do an actual probe.
-p, --probe
Print probe information to the screen, and do not actually configure or unconfigure any devices.


Listing of current installed hardware.
Configuration for the boot-time hardware probe. Set 'SAFE' to something other than 'no' to force only safe probes.
Module configuration file.
Network interface configuration files.

The serial probe will disturb any currently in-use devices, and returns odd results if used on machines acting as serial consoles. On some older graphics cards, the DDC probe can do strange things.

Running kudzu to configure network adapters post-boot after the network has started may have unintended results.


Red Hat, Inc.








