
 create user user_name identified by user_name

create temporary tablespace user_name_temp tempfile '/oradata/ORA11G/user_name_temp.dbf' size 50m autoextend on next 50m maxsize 2048m extent management local;
create tablespace user_name_tb logging datafile '/oradata/ORA11G/user_name_tb2.dbf' size 32m autoextend on next 32m maxsize unlimited extent management local
default compress;

create user
user_name identified by "123!"
default tablespace user_name_tb temporary tablespace user_name_temp; grant create session to user_name; grant unlimited tablespace to user_name; grant create any table to user_name; grant drop any table to user_name; grant select any table to user_name; grant insert any table to user_name; grant update any table to user_name;
grant create any procedure to user_name;
grant execute any procedure to user_name;
--drop user user_name;
--drop tablespace user_name_tb;

插入任何数据显示:ora-01658 unable to create initial extent for segment in tablespace

alter tablespace {表空间名字} add datafile '物理数据文件路径' SIZE 『初始大小M』 AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 『自动扩展大小M』

alter tablespace SDK_TB add datafile '/oradata/ORA11G/sdk_tb2.dbf' size 1000m autoextend on next 200m

