
记号意义: P--Page, 第几页; L--Line, 顺数第几行; LL--Last Line, 倒数第几行.


P 64 L 1 ``15)'' should be ``14)''.


P 70 L 8 $-\lap{\bf B}=\mu\rot{\bf j}$.


P 94 L 15 $$\bex \cfrac{\p^2\xi_0}{\p \xi_1^2} =-\cfrac{ L_{\xi_0\xi_0}\sex{\cfrac{\p \xi_0}{\p \xi_1}}^2 +2L_{\xi_0\xi_1} \cfrac{\p \xi_0}{\p \xi_1} +L_{\xi_1\xi_1} }{L_{\xi_0}}. \eex$$


P 94, LL 1 $$\bex \cfrac{1}{L_{\xi_0}^2}\sex{\cfrac{\p \xi_0}{\p L}}^2 (L_{\xi_0\xi_0}L_{\xi_1\xi_1}-L_{\xi_0\xi_1}^2)>0. \eex$$


P 116, LL 1 ``$\grad k$'' should be ``$\grad\kappa$''.


P 118 LL 1 the last determinant was calculated wrong, so that ``$ab^2$'' should be ``$ab^2+b^3$''.


P 119 L 6


``($i=1,\cdots,n$)'' should be ``($i,j=1,\cdots,n$)''.


P 136 LL 5 ``$|v_0|>v(\rho_0)$'' should be ``$|v_0|>c(\rho_0)$''.


P 143-144 In (5.35), $\cfrac{\p u}{\p x}$ should be $\cfrac{\p u}{\p m}$. In (5.36), $p-\cfrac{\p e}{\p \tau}$ should be $p+\cfrac{\p e}{\p \tau}$. In (5.39)', $p-\cfrac{\p e}{\p \tau}$ should be $p+\cfrac{\p e}{\p \tau}$.


P 146 Exercise 4, $\dps{\min_{{\bf w}\in A}\cfrac{1}{2}\int_\Omega \rho |{\bf w}|^2\rd x}$ should be $\dps{\min_{{\bf w}\in A}\cfrac{1}{2}\int_\Omega |{\bf w}|^2\rd x}$.


P 157 (2.19), ``$\rho {\bf u}{\bf u}$'' should be ``$\rho{\bf u}\otimes{\bf u}$''.


P 158 (2.21), ``$H\times \rot{\bf H}$'' should be ``${\bf H}\otimes \rot{\bf H}$''.


P 161 (2.35), ``$\rho {\bf u}{\bf u}$'' should be ``$\rho{\bf u}\otimes{\bf u}$''.


P 175 (5.10), ``$u_1\cfrac{\p H_2}{\p t}$'' should be ``$u_1\cfrac{\p H_2}{\p x}$''.


P 187 L 5 ``(2.15)'' should be ``(2.14)''.


P 187 (2.21), ``$k$'' should be ``$\kappa$''.


P 192 (3.2), ``$(\rho u^2$'' should be ``$\rho u^2$''.


P 193 (3.9), ``$k$'' should be ``$\kappa$''.


P 196 L 8 ``$k$'' should be ``$\kappa$''.


P 221 LL 5 ``$F$'' should be ``${\bf F}$''.


P 252 L 8, ``${\bf P}=\sex{\cdots}$'' should be ``${\bf P}=\sex{\ba{ccc} t_{11}&t_{12}-\gamma t_{11}&0\\ t_{21}&t_{22}-\gamma t_{21}&0\\ 0&0&t_{33} \ea}$''.


P 258 LL 3 ``$\cfrac{d}{d\tau}$'' should be ``$\cfrac{\rd }{\rd \tau}$''.


P 262 (6.36) should be ``$\cof({\bf F}^T{\bf F})=\cof{\bf F}(\cof {\bf F})^T$''. 
