




            controlModel.Commands.Add(new AddPinPointCommand());
            controlModel.Commands.Add(new ClearPinPointCommand());

            MapInfo.Mapping.Map myMap = GetMapObj();

            if (myMap != null)
                if (myMap.Layers[SampleConstants.TempLayerAlias] != null)
            // Need to clean up "dirty" temp table left by other customer requests.
            // Need to clear the DefautlSelection.

            // Creat a temp table and AddPintPointCommand will add features into it.
            MapInfo.Data.TableInfoMemTable ti = new MapInfo.Data.TableInfoMemTable(SampleConstants.TempTableAlias);
            // Make the table mappable

            MapInfo.Data.Table table = MapInfo.Engine.Session.Current.Catalog.CreateTable(ti);
            // Create a new FeatureLayer based on the temp table, so we can see the temp table on the map.
            myMap.Layers.Insert(0, new FeatureLayer(table, "templayer", SampleConstants.TempLayerAlias));


    private MapInfo.Mapping.Map GetMapObj()
        // Get the map
        MapInfo.Mapping.Map myMap = MapInfo.Engine.Session.Current.MapFactory[MapControl1.MapAlias];
        if (myMap == null)
            myMap = MapInfo.Engine.Session.Current.MapFactory[0];
        return myMap;


    /// <summary>
    /// Summary description for PinPointCommand.
    /// </summary>
    public class AddPinPointCommand : MapInfo.WebControls.MapBaseCommand
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for this command, sets the name of the command
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>None</remarks>
        public AddPinPointCommand()
            Name = "AddPinPointCommand";

        /// <summary>
        /// This method gets the map object out of the mapfactory with given mapalias and
        /// Adds a point feature into a temp layer, exports it to memory stream and streams it back to client.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>None</remarks>
        public override void Process()
            // Extract points from the string
            System.Drawing.Point[] points = this.ExtractPoints(this.DataString);

            MapControlModel model = MapControlModel.GetModelFromSession();
            model.SetMapSize(MapAlias, MapWidth, MapHeight);

            MapInfo.Mapping.Map map = model.GetMapObj(MapAlias);
            if (map == null) return;

            // There will be only one point, convert it to spatial
            MapInfo.Geometry.DPoint point;
            map.DisplayTransform.FromDisplay(points[0], out point);

            IMapLayer lyr = map.Layers[SampleConstants.TempLayerAlias];
            if (lyr == null)
                TableInfoMemTable ti = new TableInfoMemTable(SampleConstants.TempTableAlias);
                // Make the table mappable

               MapInfo .Data.Table   table = MapInfo.Engine.Session.Current.Catalog.CreateTable(ti);
                map.Layers.Insert(0, new FeatureLayer(table, "templayer", SampleConstants.TempLayerAlias));
            lyr = map.Layers[SampleConstants.TempLayerAlias];
            if (lyr == null) return;
            FeatureLayer fLyr = lyr as FeatureLayer;

            MapInfo.Geometry.Point geoPoint = new MapInfo.Geometry.Point(map.GetDisplayCoordSys(), point);
            // Create a Point style which is a red pin point.
            SimpleVectorPointStyle vs = new SimpleVectorPointStyle();
            vs.Code = 67;
            vs.Color = Color.Red;
            vs.PointSize = Convert.ToInt16(24);
            vs.Attributes = StyleAttributes.PointAttributes.BaseAll;

            //BitmapPointStyle vs = new BitmapPointStyle();
            //vs.Name = @"C:\Documents and Settings\董霆\桌面\GIS\sample\images\star.gif";
            //vs.PointSize = Convert.ToInt16(24);
            //vs.Attributes = StyleAttributes.PointAttributes.BaseAll;

            // Create a Feature which contains a Point geometry and insert it into temp table.
            Feature pntFeature = new Feature(geoPoint, vs);
            MapInfo.Data.Key key = fLyr.Table.InsertFeature(pntFeature);

            // Send contents back to client.
            MemoryStream ms = model.GetMap(MapAlias, MapWidth, MapHeight, ExportFormat);
    /// <summary>
    /// Summary description for PinPointCommand.
    /// </summary>
    public class ClearPinPointCommand : MapInfo.WebControls.MapBaseCommand
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for this command, sets the name of the command
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>None</remarks>
        public ClearPinPointCommand()
            Name = "ClearPinPointCommand";

        /// <summary>
        /// This method gets the map object out of the mapfactory with given mapalias
        /// and This method delete the pin point features added by AddPinPointCommand in a given point
        /// and then streams the image back to client.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>None</remarks>
        public override void Process()
            System.Drawing.Point[] points = ExtractPoints(DataString);
            MapControlModel model = MapControlModel.GetModelFromSession();
            model.SetMapSize(MapAlias, MapWidth, MapHeight);
            MapInfo.Mapping.Map map = model.GetMapObj(MapAlias);
            if (map == null) return;
            PointDeletion(map, points[0]);
            MemoryStream ms = model.GetMap(MapAlias, MapWidth, MapHeight, ExportFormat);
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete a feature in the temporary layer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mapAlias">MapAlias of the map</param>
        /// <param name="point">Point in pixels</param>
        private void PointDeletion(Map map, System.Drawing.Point point)
            // Do the search and show selections
            SearchInfo si = MapInfo.Mapping.SearchInfoFactory.SearchNearest(map, point, 10);
            (si.SearchResultProcessor as ClosestSearchResultProcessor).Options = ClosestSearchOptions.StopAtFirstMatch;

            MapInfo.Data.Table table = MapInfo.Engine.Session.Current.Catalog[SampleConstants.TempTableAlias];
            if (table != null)
                IResultSetFeatureCollection ifc = Session.Current.Catalog.Search(table, si);
                foreach (Feature f in ifc)

    /// <summary>
    /// Summary description for SampleConstants.
    /// </summary>
    public class SampleConstants
        public static string TempLayerAlias = "PinPointLayer";
        public static string TempTableAlias = "PinPointTable";

        private SampleConstants() { }



