Now a new and revised version of my old script to word-wrap big words in Firefox.Correctly tested in Firefox and Opera. No more bugs in children or parents elements.More easy to use.
The Firefox dont wrap big words like Internet Explorer. IE have a CSS property called word-wrap that can be set to 'break-word' and break the big words. Firefox and Opera don't have this property yet.This script simulates this property in elements that have class name set to "word-wrap".
1. Get the script in http://naironjcg.googlepages.com/micoxWordWrap.js (4kb)
2. Call this script in your html document: <script type='text/javascript' src='micoxWordWrap.js'></script>
3. Put class name 'word-wrap' in elements (or parents of this element) that you wanna break words. Example: <p class="word-wrap">
<script type='text/javascript' src='micoxWordWrap.js'></script>
#url {
width: 400px;
padding: 20px;
border: 1px solid green;
<div style='width: 350px; border: 1px dotted green;' class='word-wrap'>
<h3>Class word-wrap used just on some parent:</h3>
<p>Normal words Normal words Normal words Normal words Normal words </p>
<p>BigWordBigWordBig<br />
<p><a href='http://elmicoxcodes.blogspot.com'>BigWordAroundedByLink(tagInside)<br /> BigWordAroundedByLink(tagInside)BigWordAroundedByLink(tagInside)BigWordAroundedByLink(tagInside)BigWordAroundedByLink(tagInside)</a></p>
<div style='width: 350px; border: 1px dotted green; padding: 20px;'>
<h3>Class word-wrap used directly in children tags:</h3>
<p class="word-wrap">Normal words Normal words Normal words Normal words Normal words </p>
<p class="word-wrap">BigWordAroundedByLink (tagInside)BigWordAroundedByLink(tagInside)BigWordAroundedByLink(tagInside)BigWordAroundedByLink(tagInside)BigWordAroundedByLink(tagInside)</p>
<p class="word-wrap"><a href='http://elmicoxcodes.blogspot.com'>BigWordAroundedByLink (tagInside)BigWordAroundedByLink(tagInside)BigWordAroundedByLink(tagInside)BigWordAroundedByLink(tagInside)BigWordAroundedByLink(tagInside)</a></p>
<div id='result'>aaa </div>
Ready finish. Bugs, please tell-me.
Vote this link in DZone.
Sorry my bad english.
* Micox Word Wrap 2.0
* elmicoxcodes.blogspot.com - www.ievolutionweb.com - [email protected]
* Creative Commons License - creativecommons.org
* Description:
* Wraps large words in Firefox and Opera.
* Works just like the word-wrap: break-word; CSS property in Internet Explorer
* Usage:
* 1) Include this JS file in your page. Example:
* 2) Set 'word-wrap' as the classname of the elements that you want to word break. Example:
**/function wrap(quem){
var larg_total,larg_carac,quant_quebra,pos_quebra, over_orig;
var elementos,quem, pai, caracs, texto, pai_texto, display_orig, wid_orig;if(quem.nodeType==3){
//elemento tipo texto. tenho que verificar se o pai dele tá quebrandoif(quem.nodeValue.replace('\n','').replace('\t','').trim()==''){
//se o textNode for vazio, não prossigo
return true;
}pai = quem.parentNode;
texto = quem.nodeValue;//pegando a largura setada oficial
display_orig = pai.style.display;
over_orig = pai.style.overflow;
wid_orig = pai.style.width;
larg_oficial = pai.offsetWidth;//pegando a largura real total
pai.style.width = "auto"; //para o Opera
pai.style.overflow = "visible";
larg_total = pai.offsetWidth;
//alert("texto: " + texto + " \r\n larg_oficial:" + larg_oficial + " \r\n larg_total:" + larg_total)
pai.style.overflow = over_orig;if(larg_total>larg_oficial){ //se o pai do text tá extrapolando, quebro o text
pos_quebra = 0;
caracs = pai.textContent.length;
//recalculando a largura real tirando os espaços pra poder calcular
// direito a largura dos caracs e quando vou quebrarquem.nodeValue = pai.textContent.replace(/ /g,"Ø") + " ";
larg_total = pai.offsetWidth;
pai.style.display = display_orig;larg_carac = larg_total / caracs ;
quant_quebra = parseInt(larg_oficial/larg_carac) - 2;
quant_quebra = quant_quebra>0 ? quant_quebra : 1 ;
quem.nodeValue = '';while(pos_quebra<=caracs){
quem.nodeValue += texto.substring(pos_quebra,pos_quebra + quant_quebra) + " "
pos_quebra = pos_quebra + quant_quebra;
pai.style.display = display_orig;
pai.style.display = over_orig;
pai.style.width = wid_orig;}else if(quem.childNodes.length==1 && quem.childNodes[0].nodeType==3){
//é o último do nível e o único filho é texto
texto = String(quem.innerHTML); //salvando o original
/*quem.innerHTML = " "
display_orig = quem.style.display;
larg_oficial = quem.offsetWidth;quem.style.display="table";
quem.innerHTML = texto;
larg_total = quem.offsetWidth;*///pegando a largura setada oficial
display_orig = quem.style.display;
over_orig = quem.style.overflow;
wid_orig = quem.style.width;
larg_oficial = quem.offsetWidth;//pegando a largura real total
quem.style.width = "auto"; //para o Opera
quem.style.overflow = "visible";
larg_total = quem.offsetWidth;
//alert("texto: " + texto + " \r\n larg_oficial:" + larg_oficial + " \r\n larg_total:" + larg_total)
quem.style.overflow = over_orig;if(larg_total>larg_oficial){ //quebrando quem extrapolou
pos_quebra = 0;
caracs = texto.length;
//recalculando a largura real tirando os espaços pra poder calcular
// direito a largura dos caracs e quando vou quebrar
quem.innerHTML = quem.innerHTML.replace(/ /g,"Ø");
larg_total = quem.offsetWidth;
larg_carac = larg_total / caracs ;quant_quebra = parseInt(larg_oficial/larg_carac) - 2;
quant_quebra = quant_quebra>0 ? quant_quebra : 1 ;
quem.innerHTML = ""while(pos_quebra<=caracs){
quem.innerHTML += texto.substring(pos_quebra,pos_quebra + quant_quebra) + " "
pos_quebra = pos_quebra + quant_quebra;
quem.style.display = display_orig;
quem.style.display = over_orig;
quem.style.width = wid_orig;}else if(quem.childNodes.length>0){
//se tiver mais que um filho, vou ter que executar de filho em filho nele
for(var i=0;i<quem.childNodes.length;i++){
function wordWrap(){
var elementos = document.body.getElementsByTagName("*")if(navigator.appName.indexOf("Internet Explorer")>-1){
for(var i=0; i<elementos.length;i++){
elementos[i].style.wordWrap = "break-word";
for(var i=0; i<elementos.length;i++){
String.prototype.trim = function() { //Trim ambas direcciones
return this.replace(/^[ ]+|[ ]+$/g,"");
function bodyOnReady(func){
//call the function when DOM loaded
//by Micox - www.elmicox.com - elmicox.blogspot.com - webly.com.br
var func_rep = func;
setTimeout(function(){ bodyOnReady(func_rep) },100);
function wordWrap(){
//Original by Micox - elmicoxcodes.blogspot.com
//Adapted to Prototype by Franco Sabbatini
elementos = $$('.word-wrap');
texto = elemento.innerHTML.gsub(' ', 'Ø');
elemento.innerHTML = ' ';
original = elemento.style.display;
largo = elemento.offsetWidth;
elemento.innerHTML = texto;
largo_total = elemento.offsetWidth;pos_quiebre = 0;
caracteres = texto.length;
texto = elemento.innerHTML.gsub('Ø', ' ');
largo_caracteres = largo_total/caracteres;
cantidad_quiebra = parseInt(largo/largo_caracteres);
cantidad_quiebra = cantidad_quiebra - (parseInt(cantidad_quiebra/6));
elemento.innerHTML = '';
elemento.innerHTML = elemento.innerHTML +
texto.substring(pos_quiebre, pos_quiebre + cantidad_quiebra) + ' ';
pos_quiebre += cantidad_quiebra;
} else {
elemento.innerHTML = texto;
elemento.style.display = original;
}link: http://elmicoxcodes.blogspot.com/2007/06/script-word-wrap-to-firefox-updated.html