《机器学习(周志华)》 习题4.3答案





#coding: utf-8 
import math

class Node:
	def __init__(self, divided_by=None, condition=None, sons=[], label=None):
		self.divided_by = divided_by # node is divided by this, None if it's leaf
		self.condition = condition # brunch condition, a float if divided_by type is float, else a list map to sons
		self.sons = sons # pointer of this node's sons 
		self.label = label # None if it's not leaf, else classification result of this leaf node

def cal_ent(count, total_cnt):
	if total_cnt == 0:
		return 0
	prob = [float(count[k])/total_cnt for k in count]
	ent = -sum([math.log(i, 2)*i for i in prob]) # log(n[, base] )
	return ent

def cal_info_gain(entd, divided_res, total_cnt, Y):
	if total_cnt == 0:
		return 0
	# print entd
	# for i in divided_res:
	# 	print i
	# print total_cnt
	return entd - sum(float(len(data))/total_cnt*cal_ent(cal_count(data, Y), len(data)) for data in divided_res)

def cal_count(data_rem, Y):
	count = {}
	for i in data_rem:
		kind = Y[i]
		count[kind] = count.get(kind, 0) + 1
	return count

def build_tree(attr_rem, data_rem, X, Y, attr_dict, trees, fa_label):
	# if attr_rem is None:
	# 	print None
	# else:
	# 	for i in attr_rem:
	# 		print i,
	# 	print
	# print data_rem
	# print fa_label
	divided_by = None
	sons = []
	label = None
	condition = None
	count = cal_count(data_rem, Y) # number of every kind
	total_cnt = len(data_rem) # total number of remain data
	max_kind = max(count, key=lambda x: count[x]) # kind which has the largest number
	ent = cal_ent(count, total_cnt)

	if len(data_rem) == 0:
		label = fa_label
	elif attr_rem is None or len(count) == 1: # remain attribute is empty or all data is one same kind, then this is a leaf node
		label = max_kind
		best_divided_res = []
		best_condition = []
		best_divided_by = None
		best_info_gain = -100

		for attr in attr_rem:
			is_float = type(X[data_rem[0]][attr]) == float
			if is_float:
				points = sorted(attr_dict[attr])
				divided_points = [(points[i]+points[i+1])/2 for i in range(len(points)-1)]
				for divided_point in divided_points:
					divided_res = []
					divided_res.append([i for i in data_rem if X[i][attr] <= divided_point])
					divided_res.append([i for i in data_rem if X[i][attr] > divided_point])
					info_gain = cal_info_gain(ent, divided_res, total_cnt, Y)
					if info_gain > best_info_gain:
						best_info_gain = info_gain
						best_divided_res = divided_res
						best_divided_by = attr
						best_condition = divided_point
				divided_res = []
				for name in attr_dict[attr]:
					divided_res.append([j for j in data_rem if X[j][attr]==name])
				info_gain = cal_info_gain(ent, divided_res, total_cnt, Y)
				if info_gain > best_info_gain:
						best_info_gain = info_gain
						best_divided_res = divided_res
						best_divided_by = attr
						best_condition = attr_dict[attr]
		divided_by = best_divided_by
		is_float = type(X[data_rem[0]][divided_by]) == float
		if not is_float:
			attr_rem = [i for i in attr_rem if i != divided_by] # can't use remove! behaviour not expected when dealing with utf-8

		sons = [build_tree(attr_rem, i, X, Y, attr_dict, trees, max_kind) for i in best_divided_res]
		condition = best_condition

	trees.append(Node(divided_by, condition, sons, label))
	return len(trees)-1

def fit(X, Y):
	attr_dict = {}
	for i in range(len(X[0])):
		attr_dict[X[0][i]] = list(set([X[j][i] for j in range(1,len(X))])) # details of all attributes
	attr_rem = X[0] # remain attribute on this node
	data_rem = range(1, len(X)) # index of remain data on this node
	X = [dict(zip(X[0], row)) for row in X] # convert to more convinient data structure
	# for i in X:
	# 	for j in i.items():
	# 		print j[0], j[1]
	# 	print
	trees = [] # records of the built tree
	root = build_tree(attr_rem, data_rem, X, Y, attr_dict, trees, None) # build the tree recursively
	display(trees, root)

def display(trees, root):
	que = [root]
		pos = que[0]
		del que[0]
		divided_by = trees[pos].divided_by
		condition = trees[pos].condition
		sons = trees[pos].sons
		label = trees[pos].label
		print 'id:'
		print pos
		if divided_by is None:
			print 'label'
			print label
			print 'divided_by'
			print divided_by
			print 'condition:'
			if type(condition) == list:
				for i in condition:
					print i, 
				print condition
			print 'sons:'
			for i in sons:
				print i, 
			for i in sons:

input_path = "西瓜数据集3.csv"
file = open(input_path.decode('utf-8'))
filedata = [line.strip('\n').split(',') for line in file]
filedata = [[float(i) if '.' in i.decode('utf-8') else i for i in row ] for row in filedata] # change decimal from string to float 

X = [row[1:-1] for row in filedata] # attributes
Y = [row[-1] for row in filedata] # class label 
fit(X, Y)

