OpenJDK ZGC 源码分析(四)分页

1. 简介



2. 代码分析

2.1 Page的类型


const size_t    ZPlatformPageSizeSmallShift    = 21; // 2M

const size_t    ZPlatformAddressOffsetBits     = 42; // 4TB


// Page types
const uint8_t     ZPageTypeSmall                = 0;
const uint8_t     ZPageTypeMedium               = 1;
const uint8_t     ZPageTypeLarge                = 2;

// Page size shifts
const size_t      ZPageSizeSmallShift           = ZPlatformPageSizeSmallShift;
const size_t      ZPageSizeMediumShift          = ZPageSizeSmallShift + 4;
const size_t      ZPageSizeMinShift             = ZPageSizeSmallShift;
  • small page的size是2M
  • medium page的size是32M
  • large page的size是2*N兆

large page仅允许包含一个对象

inline uint32_t ZPage::object_max_count() const {
  switch (type()) {
  case ZPageTypeLarge:
    // A large page can only contain a single
    // object aligned to the start of the page.
    return 1;

    return (uint32_t)(size() >> object_alignment_shift());


uintptr_t ZObjectAllocator::alloc_large_object(size_t size, ZAllocationFlags flags) {
  assert(ZThread::is_java(), "Should be a Java thread");

  uintptr_t addr = 0;

  // Allocate new large page
  const size_t page_size = align_up(size, ZPageSizeMin);
  ZPage* const page = alloc_page(ZPageTypeLarge, page_size, flags);
  if (page != NULL) {
    // Allocate the object
    addr = page->alloc_object(size);

  return addr;

uintptr_t ZObjectAllocator::alloc_object(size_t size, ZAllocationFlags flags) {
  if (size <= ZObjectSizeLimitSmall) {
    // Small
    return alloc_small_object(size, flags);
  } else if (size <= ZObjectSizeLimitMedium) {
    // Medium
    return alloc_medium_object(size, flags);
  } else {
    // Large
    return alloc_large_object(size, flags);
  • large page分配时,需要按small page size对齐,因此large page的size一定是2M的整数倍。
  • 当对象size小于等于256K时(2M / 8),在small page分配
  • 当对象size小于等于4M时(32M / 8),在medium page分配
  • 当对象size大于4M时,在large page分配

2.2 Page的分配


uintptr_t ZObjectAllocator::alloc_small_object_from_worker(size_t size, ZAllocationFlags flags) {
  assert(ZThread::is_worker(), "Should be a worker thread");

  ZPage* page = _worker_small_page.get();
  uintptr_t addr = 0;

  if (page != NULL) {
    addr = page->alloc_object(size);

  if (addr == 0) {
    // Allocate new page
    page = alloc_page(ZPageTypeSmall, ZPageSizeSmall, flags);
    if (page != NULL) {
      addr = page->alloc_object(size);

  return addr;
  • 在page中分配,如果成功则返回
  • 如果失败,则调用alloc_page函数分配
  • JVM参数ZStallOnOutOfMemory,控制是否当空间不足时,是否同步等待GC完成,false表示立即抛出OOM,默认为true。


ZPage* ZObjectAllocator::alloc_page(uint8_t type, size_t size, ZAllocationFlags flags) {
  ZPage* const page = ZHeap::heap()->alloc_page(type, size, flags);
  if (page != NULL) {
    // Increment used bytes
    Atomic::add(size, _used.addr());

  return page;
  • 调用ZHeap的alloc_page函数分配page
  • 如果分配成功,CAS添加内存占用量


ZPage* ZHeap::alloc_page(uint8_t type, size_t size, ZAllocationFlags flags) {
  ZPage* const page = _page_allocator.alloc_page(type, size, flags);
  if (page != NULL) {
    // Update pagetable

  return page;
  • 调用PageAllocator的alloc_page函数分配page
  • 如果分配成功,则将page添加到page table中


ZPage* ZPageAllocator::alloc_page(uint8_t type, size_t size, ZAllocationFlags flags) {
  ZPage* const page = flags.non_blocking()
                      ? alloc_page_nonblocking(type, size, flags)
                      : alloc_page_blocking(type, size, flags);
  if (page == NULL) {
    // Out of memory
    return NULL;

  // Map page if needed
  if (!page->is_mapped()) {

  // Reset page. This updates the page's sequence number and must
  // be done after page allocation, which potentially blocked in
  // a safepoint where the global sequence number was updated.

  // Update allocation statistics. Exclude worker threads to avoid
  // artificial inflation of the allocation rate due to relocation.
  if (!flags.worker_thread()) {
    // Note that there are two allocation rate counters, which have
    // different purposes and are sampled at different frequencies.
    const size_t bytes = page->size();
    ZStatInc(ZCounterAllocationRate, bytes);
    ZStatInc(ZStatAllocRate::counter(), bytes);

  return page;
  • 根据JVM参数ZStallOnOutOfMemory判断,true则调用alloc_page_blocking,false则调用alloc_page_nonblocking分配page
  • 分配成功后,判断该page是否已经map,如否,则map到marked0、marked1、remapped虚拟内存空间


ZPage* ZPageAllocator::alloc_page_blocking(uint8_t type, size_t size, ZAllocationFlags flags) {
  // Prepare to block
  ZPageAllocRequest request(type, size, flags, ZCollectedHeap::heap()->total_collections());


  // Try non-blocking allocation
  ZPage* page = alloc_page_common(type, size, flags);
  if (page == NULL) {
    // Allocation failed, enqueue request


  if (page == NULL) {
    // Allocation failed
    ZStatTimer timer(ZCriticalPhaseAllocationStall);

    // We can only block if VM is fully initialized

    do {
      // Start asynchronous GC

      // Wait for allocation to complete or fail
      page = request.wait();
    } while (page == gc_marker);

      // Guard deletion of underlying semaphore. This is a workaround for a
      // bug in sem_post() in glibc < 2.21, where it's not safe to destroy
      // the semaphore immediately after returning from sem_wait(). The
      // reason is that sem_post() can touch the semaphore after a waiting
      // thread have returned from sem_wait(). To avoid this race we are
      // forcing the waiting thread to acquire/release the lock held by the
      // posting thread.
      ZLocker locker(&_lock);

  return page;
  • 获取heap锁,该锁为全局锁
  • 调用alloc_page_common分配page
  • 如果分配失败,则触发GC并等待,直到分配成功

zObjectAllocator.cpp alloc_page_common函数

ZPage* ZPageAllocator::alloc_page_common(uint8_t type, size_t size, ZAllocationFlags flags) {
  ZPage* const page = alloc_page_common_inner(type, size, flags);
  if (page == NULL) {
    // Out of memory
    return NULL;

  // Update used statistics
  increase_used(size, flags.relocation());

  // Send trace event
  ZTracer::tracer()->report_page_alloc(size, used(), max_available(flags.no_reserve()), _cache.available(), flags);

  return page;
  • 调用alloc_page_common_inner分配page
  • 分配成功后,更新用量统计

zObjectAllocator.cpp alloc_page_common_inner函数

ZPage* ZPageAllocator::alloc_page_common_inner(uint8_t type, size_t size, ZAllocationFlags flags) {
  const size_t max = max_available(flags.no_reserve());
  if (max < size) {
    // Not enough free memory
    return NULL;

  // Try allocating from the page cache
  ZPage* const cached_page = _cache.alloc_page(type, size);
  if (cached_page != NULL) {
    return cached_page;

  // Try allocate from the pre-mapped memory
  ZPage* const pre_mapped_page = _pre_mapped.alloc_page(type, size);
  if (pre_mapped_page != NULL) {
    return pre_mapped_page;

  // Flush any remaining pre-mapped memory so that
  // subsequent allocations can use the physical memory.

  // Try ensure that physical memory is available
  const size_t unused = try_ensure_unused(size, flags.no_reserve());
  if (unused < size) {
    // Flush cache to free up more physical memory
    flush_cache(size - unused);

  // Create new page and allocate physical memory
  return create_page(type, size);
  • 首先尝试从page cache中分配,支持NUMA架构,区分local和remote内存
  • 然后尝试从pre mapped中分配,预分配内存一般就是xms参数指定的内存区域
  • 调用create_page从物理内存(ZPhysicalMemory)直接分配

3. 引用

OpenJDK 12 源代码
