

https://plot.ly/python/ plotly是现代平台的敏捷商业智能和数据科学库,它作为一款开源的绘图库,可以应用于Python、R、MATLAB、Excel、JavaScript和jupyter等多种语言,主要使用的js进行图形绘制,实现过程中主要就是调用plotly的函数接口,底层实现完全被隐藏,便于初学者的掌握。

Basic Example

In [6]:
import plotly.plotly as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
py . sign_in ( 'deamoncao' , '*******' ) # 注意:这里是plotly网站的用户名和密码
trace = go . Bar ( x = [ 2 , 4 , 6 ], y = [ 10 , 12 , 15 ])
data = [ trace ]
layout = go . Layout ( title = 'A Simple Plot' , width = 800 , height = 640 )
fig = go . Figure ( data = data , layout = layout )
py . image . save_as ( fig , filename = 'a-simple-plot.png' )
from IPython.display import Image
Image ( 'a-simple-plot.png' )

Basic Box Plot


In [22]:
import plotly.plotly as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import numpy as np
y0 = np . random . randn ( 50 ) - 1
y1 = np . random . randn ( 50 ) + 1
trace0 = go . Box (
y = y0
trace1 = go . Box (
y = y1
data = [ trace0 , trace1 ]
py . iplot ( data )

Fully Styled Box Plots

In [9]:
import plotly.plotly as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
x_data = [ 'Carmelo Anthony' , 'Dwyane Wade' ,
'Deron Williams' , 'Brook Lopez' ,
'Damian Lillard' , 'David West' ,]
y0 = np . random . randn ( 50 ) - 1
y1 = np . random . randn ( 50 ) + 1
y2 = np . random . randn ( 50 )
y3 = np . random . randn ( 50 ) + 2
y4 = np . random . randn ( 50 ) - 2
y5 = np . random . randn ( 50 ) + 3
y_data = [ y0 , y1 , y2 , y3 , y4 , y5 ]
colors = [ 'rgba(93, 164, 214, 0.5)' , 'rgba(255, 144, 14, 0.5)' , 'rgba(44, 160, 101, 0.5)' , 'rgba(255, 65, 54, 0.5)' , 'rgba(207, 114, 255, 0.5)' , 'rgba(127, 96, 0, 0.5)' ]
traces = []
for xd , yd , cls in zip ( x_data , y_data , colors ):
traces . append ( go . Box (
y = yd ,
name = xd ,
boxpoints = 'all' ,
jitter = 0.5 ,
whiskerwidth = 0.2 ,
fillcolor = cls ,
marker = dict (
size = 2 ,
line = dict ( width = 1 ),
layout = go . Layout (
title = 'Points Scored by the Top 9 Scoring NBA Players in 2012' ,
yaxis = dict (
autorange = True ,
showgrid = True ,
zeroline = True ,
dtick = 5 ,
gridcolor = 'rgb(255, 255, 255)' ,
gridwidth = 1 ,
zerolinecolor = 'rgb(255, 255, 255)' ,
zerolinewidth = 2 ,
margin = dict (
l = 40 ,
r = 30 ,
b = 80 ,
t = 100 ,
paper_bgcolor = 'rgb(243, 243, 243)' ,
plot_bgcolor = 'rgb(243, 243, 243)' ,
showlegend = False
fig = go . Figure ( data = traces , layout = layout )
py . iplot ( fig )

US Flight Paths Map

In [23]:
import plotly.plotly as py
import pandas as pd
df_airports = pd . read_csv ( 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plotly/datasets/master/2011_february_us_airport_traffic.csv' )
df_airports . head ()
df_flight_paths = pd . read_csv ( 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plotly/datasets/master/2011_february_aa_flight_paths.csv' )
df_flight_paths . head ()
airports = [ dict (
type = 'scattergeo' ,
locationmode = 'USA-states' ,
lon = df_airports [ 'long' ],
lat = df_airports [ 'lat' ],
hoverinfo = 'text' ,
text = df_airports [ 'airport' ],
mode = 'markers' ,
marker = dict (
size = 2 ,
color = 'rgb(255, 0, 0)' ,
line = dict (
width = 3 ,
color = 'rgba(68, 68, 68, 0)'
flight_paths = []
for i in range ( len ( df_flight_paths ) ):
flight_paths . append (
dict (
type = 'scattergeo' ,
locationmode = 'USA-states' ,
lon = [ df_flight_paths [ 'start_lon' ][ i ], df_flight_paths [ 'end_lon' ][ i ] ],
lat = [ df_flight_paths [ 'start_lat' ][ i ], df_flight_paths [ 'end_lat' ][ i ] ],
mode = 'lines' ,
line = dict (
width = 1 ,
color = 'red' ,
opacity = float ( df_flight_paths [ 'cnt' ][ i ]) / float ( df_flight_paths [ 'cnt' ] . max ()),
layout = dict (
title = 'Feb. 2011 American Airline flight paths
(Hover for airport names)'
showlegend = False ,
geo = dict (
scope = 'north america' ,
projection = dict ( type = 'azimuthal equal area' ),
showland = True ,
landcolor = 'rgb(243, 243, 243)' ,
countrycolor = 'rgb(204, 204, 204)' ,
fig = dict ( data = flight_paths + airports , layout = layout )
py . iplot ( fig , filename = 'd3-flight-paths' )

Contour lines on globe


In [24]:
import plotly.plotly as py
import pandas as pd
try :
# Python 2
from itertools import izip
except ImportError :
# Python 3
izip = zip
df = pd . read_csv ( 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plotly/datasets/master/globe_contours.csv' )
df . head ()
contours = []
scl = [ 'rgb(213,62,79)' , 'rgb(244,109,67)' , 'rgb(253,174,97)' , \
'rgb(254,224,139)' , 'rgb(255,255,191)' , 'rgb(230,245,152)' , \
'rgb(171,221,164)' , 'rgb(102,194,165)' , 'rgb(50,136,189)' ]
def pairwise ( iterable ):
a = iter ( iterable )
return izip ( a , a )
i = 0
for lat , lon in pairwise ( df . columns ):
contours . append ( dict (
type = 'scattergeo' ,
lon = df [ lon ],
lat = df [ lat ],
mode = 'lines' ,
line = dict (
width = 2 ,
color = scl [ i ]
) )
i = 0 if i + 1 >= len ( df . columns ) / 4 else i + 1
layout = dict (
title = 'Contour lines over globe
(Click and drag to rotate)'
showlegend = False ,
geo = dict (
showland = True ,
showlakes = True ,
showcountries = True ,
showocean = True ,
countrywidth = 0.5 ,
landcolor = 'rgb(230, 145, 56)' ,
lakecolor = 'rgb(0, 255, 255)' ,
oceancolor = 'rgb(0, 255, 255)' ,
projection = dict (
type = 'orthographic' ,
rotation = dict (
lon = - 100 ,
lat = 40 ,
roll = 0
lonaxis = dict (
showgrid = True ,
gridcolor = 'rgb(102, 102, 102)' ,
gridwidth = 0.5
lataxis = dict (
showgrid = True ,
gridcolor = 'rgb(102, 102, 102)' ,
gridwidth = 0.5
fig = dict ( data = contours , layout = layout )
py . iplot ( fig , validate = False , filename = 'd3-globe' )
