Win10 安装SDK解决方法


Win10电脑使用MATLAB mex -setup时遇到错误提醒如下:

Error using mex:No supported compiler or SDK was found. 

For options, bisit

点开链接试图安装Microsoft Windows SDK 7.1时遇到问题如下:

Some Windows SDK components require the RTM .NET Framework 4. Setup detected a pre-release version of .NET Framework 4. If you continue with Setup, these components will not be installed. If you want to install these components, click Cancel, then install the .NET Framework 4 from and then rerun Setup.

Click OK to continue.

点开链接试图安装.NET Framework 4,再次遇到问题:

The Microsoft .NET Framework 4 is already part of the operating system. No need to install the .NET Framework 4 redistributable. More information.An equal or higher version of the .NET Framework 4 has already been installed on the computer.


电脑搜索栏搜 "regedit"(control pannel)进入后进入下列两路径,将Version值从4.6.01038修改到4.0.30319:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client\Version

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Version


依次进入两个路径后Edit-->Permission-->Advanced-->Owner change-->根据Permission entries在最后输入用户的Principle(我的是‘Users’)更改后点OK-->将Users的Permissions勾选Full Control-->Apply-->OK之后就可以更改Version Value了

