


create user keda identified by keda;


--select * from system_privilege_map;


grant create session, create table, unlimited tablespace to xiyou;
grant create role to keda;


revoke create session from shiyou;

grant select on student to xiyou;
--select * from shiyou.student;

revoke select on student from xiyou;

--select * from shiyou.student;  会出错


grant connect,resource to keda;


alter user shiyou account lock;


alter user shiyou account unlock;
select sid,serial# from v$session where username='qrj';
alter system kill session '200,96';


drop user qrj cascade;


create role qianqian not identified;
grant create session to qianqian with admin option;
grant select on keda.student to qianqian;
grant qianqian to xiyou;

select * from keda.student;
revoke qianqian from xiyou;


alter user keda identified by dake;

--with admin option用于系统权限授权
--with grant option用于对象权限授权
create role xx identified by xx;

grant create session to xx with admin option;
set role xx identified by 
grant select on keda.student to xx;
grant xx to xiyou;

select * from keda.student;

