Substring with Concatenation of All Words leetcode java


You are given a string, S, and a list of words, L, that are all of the same length. Find all starting indices of substring(s) in S that is a concatenation of each word in L exactly once and without any intervening characters.

For example, given:
S: "barfoothefoobarman"
L: ["foo", "bar"]

You should return the indices: [0,9].
(order does not matter).






 1     public  static  void swap(String[] str,  int i,  int j){  
 2         String temp =  new String();  
 3         temp = str[i];  
 4         str[i] = str[j];  
 5         str[j] = temp; 
 6     } 
 8      public  static  void arrange (String[] L,  int st, ArrayList<String> re){
 9          if (st == L.length - 1){
10             String temp =  new String();
11              for ( int i = 0; i < L.length; i ++){
12                 temp +=L[i];
13             }  
14             re.add(temp);
15         } else{
16              for ( int i = st; i < L.length; i ++){  
17                 swap(L, st, i);  
18                 arrange(L, st + 1,re);  
19                 swap(L, st, i);  
20             }  
21         }  
22          return ;
23     }  
24      public  static ArrayList<Integer> findSubstring(String S, String[] L) {
25         ArrayList<Integer> result =  new ArrayList<Integer>();
26         ArrayList<String> possible =  new ArrayList<String>();
27         arrange(L,0,possible);
29          for( int j= 0; j<possible.size();j++){
30              if(S.contains(possible.get(j)))
31                 result.add(S.indexOf(possible.get(j)));     
32         }
34          return result;
35     }












code ganker的讲解是这样的:

这道题看似比较复杂,其实思路和Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters差不多。因为那些单词是定长的,所以本质上和单一个字符一样。和Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters的 区别只在于我们需要维护一个字典,然后保证目前的串包含字典里面的单词有且仅有一次。思路仍然是维护一个窗口,如果当前单词在字典中,则继续移动窗口右 端,否则窗口左端可以跳到字符串下一个单词了。假设源字符串的长度为n,字典中单词的长度为l。因为不是一个字符,所以我们需要对源字符串所有长度为l的 子串进行判断。做法是i从0到l-1个字符开始,得到开始index分别为i, i+l, i+2*l, ...的长度为l的单词。这样就可以保证判断到所有的满足条件的串。因为每次扫描的时间复杂度是O(2*n/l)(每个单词不会被访问多于两次,一次是窗 口右端,一次是窗口左端),总共扫描l次(i=0, ..., l-1),所以总复杂度是O(2*n/l*l)=O(n),是一个线性算法。空间复杂度是字典的大小,即O(m*l),其中m是字典的单词数量。

代码部分我自己稍作了修改,主题思想与code ganker相同。


 1       public  static ArrayList<Integer> findSubstring(String S, String[] L) { 
 2          ArrayList<Integer> res =  new ArrayList<Integer>();
 3           if(S== null||L== null||S.length()==0||L.length==0)
 4              return res;
 5           int wordLen = L[0].length(); // same length for each word in dictionary
 7            // put given dictionary into hashmap with each word's count
 8           HashMap<String, Integer> dict =  new HashMap<String, Integer>();
 9           for(String word: L){
10               if(!dict.containsKey(word))
11                 dict.put(word, 1);
12               else
13                 dict.put(word, dict.get(word) + 1);
14          }
16           for( int i = 0; i < wordLen; i++){
17               int count = 0;
18               int index = i; // index of each startpoint
19               HashMap<String, Integer> curdict =  new HashMap<String, Integer>();
20               // till the first letter of last word 
21                for( int j = i; j <= S.length() - wordLen; j += wordLen){
22                  String curWord = S.substring(j, j + wordLen);
23                   // check each word to tell if it existes in give dictionary
24                    if(!dict.containsKey(curWord)){
25                      curdict.clear();
26                      count = 0;
27                      index = j + wordLen;
28                  } else{
29                       // form current dictionary
30                        if(!curdict.containsKey(curWord))
31                         curdict.put(curWord, 1);
32                       else
33                         curdict.put(curWord, curdict.get(curWord) + 1);
35                       // count for current found word and check if it exceed given word count
36                        if(curdict.get(curWord) <= dict.get(curWord)){
37                          count++;
38                      } else{
39                           while(curdict.get(curWord) > dict.get(curWord)){
40                              String temp = S.substring(index, index + wordLen);
41                              curdict.put(temp, curdict.get(temp)-1);
42                              index = index + wordLen; // make index move next
43                           }
44                      }
46                       // put into res and move index point to nextword 
47                        // and update current dictionary as well as count num
48                        if(count == L.length){
49                          res.add(index);
50                          String temp = S.substring(index, index + wordLen);
51                          curdict.put(temp, curdict.get(temp)-1);
52                          index = index + wordLen;
53                          count--;
54                      }
55                  }
56              } // end for j
57           } // end for i
58             return res;
59         } 


