Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mapping - Grad-CAM


“Learning Deep Features for Discriminative Localization. In CVPR, 2016” propesed a technique called Class Activation Mapping(CAM) for identifying discriminative regoins used by a restricted class of classification CNNs which do not contain any fully-connected layers.
But this work needs to altering nerwork architecture which requires all net layers to be trained again.

Figure 1: The structure of CAM
CAM has to modify the base network to remove all fully conneted layers at the end, and includiung a tensor product(followed by softmax), which takes as input the Global-Average-Pooling convolutional feature maps, and output the probability for each class. Since I'm not talking about the CAM, so I will neglect the details of it.


  • Grad-CAM可以有哪些应用?
    (1)CNNs with fully-connected layers(VGG)
    (2)CNNs used for structured outputs(caption)
    (3)CNNs used in tasks with multi-modal inputs(VQA) or reinforcement learning.

  • What is guided back-propagation, and why need it?
    intuition: Neglect all the negative influnences(gradients) and focus only on the positive influences(gradients)
    This gives a better picture of the true influence of the input.
    简单来说,就是将forward propagation 和 backward propagation为负数的梯度值设置为0,避免负数的影响。

  • What is grad-cam?
    gradient-weighted class activation mapping (Grad-CAm), uses the gradient of any target concept(say logits for 'dog’or even a caption), flowing into the final convolutional layer to produce a coarse localization map highlighting the importance regoins in the image for predicting the concept.

Figure 2: Grad-CAM overview

(1)给定一张图片和一个label(例如:‘tiger cat’ 或者是其他任一种不同的输出)作为输入,将imgage前向传播通过CNN部分后,通过"task-specific computations’(即选择一种任务), 获得输出结果。
(2)将target class的梯度设为1,其他类别的梯度都设为0.
(3)设置完梯度以后进行反向传播,分别获得一个Grad-CAM localization(Figure2中蓝色heatmap)和一个Guided backprop图像
(4)通过点乘的方式,将蓝色heatmap和Guided backprop合成Guided Gram-CAM

  • 为什么grad-CAM需要Guided back-propagation?
    Because Grad-CAM lack the ability to show fine-grained importance like pixel-space gradient visualization methods.

  • Grad-CAM 详细推倒过程



  • 结果

Figure 3
