
select distinct SNO
from SPJ 
where JNO='J1'

select SNO
from SPJ 
where JNO='J1' and PNO='P1'

select SNO
from P,SPJ
where P.PNO=SPJ.PNO and JNO='J1' and COLOR='红'

select SNO
from SPJ
where JNO='J1' and PNO in
    select PNO
    from P
    where COLOR='红'

select SNO
from SPJ
where JNO='J1' and  exists   --相干子查询
    select *
    from P
    where COLOR='红' and P.PNO=SPJ.PNO


select JNO
from J
where JNO not in
    select JNO
    from S,P,SPJ
    where CITY='天津' and COLOR='红' and S.SNO=SPJ.SNO and P.PNO=SPJ.PNO

select JNO
from J
where JNO <>all
    select JNO
    from S,P,SPJ
    where CITY='天津' and COLOR='红' and S.SNO=SPJ.SNO and P.PNO=SPJ.PNO

select JNO
from J
where JNO !=all
    select JNO
    from S,P,SPJ
    where CITY='天津' and COLOR='红' and S.SNO=SPJ.SNO and P.PNO=SPJ.PNO

select JNO
from J
where not exists
    select *
    from S,P,SPJ
    where CITY='天津' and COLOR='红' and S.SNO=SPJ.SNO and P.PNO=SPJ.PNO and SPJ.JNO=J.JNO

select JNO
from J
select JNO
from S,P,SPJ
where CITY='天津' and COLOR='红' and S.SNO=SPJ.SNO and P.PNO=SPJ.PNO

select distinct JNO
from SPJ  x
where not exists
    select *
    from SPJ y
    where SNO='S1' and not exists 
        select *
        from SPJ z
        where JNO=x.JNO and PNO=y.PNO
