Circular view path [ok]: would dispatch back to the current handler URL [/user/ok] again. Check your

最近在学习SpringBoot的时候遇到:Circular view path [ok]: would dispatch back to the current handler URL [/user/ok] again. Check your ViewResolver setup! (Hint: This may be the result of an unspecified view, due to default view name generation.)

当没有声明ViewResolver时,spring会给你注册一个默认的ViewResolver,就是JstlView的实例, 该对象继承自InternalResoureView。

JstlView用来封装JSP或者同一Web应用中的其他资源,它将model对象作为request请求的属性值暴露出来, 并将该请求通过javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher转发到指定的URL.

Spring认为, 这个view的URL是可以用来指定同一web应用中特定资源的,是可以被RequestDispatcher转发的。


if (path.startsWith("/") ? uri.equals(path) : uri.equals(StringUtils.applyRelativePath(uri, path))) {
    throw new ServletException("Circular view path [" + path + "]: would dispatch back " +
                        "to the current handler URL [" + uri + "] again. Check your ViewResolver setup! " +
                        "(Hint: This may be the result of an unspecified view, due to default view name generation.)");

从这段代码可以看出,如果你的view name和你的path是相同的字符串,根据Spring的转发规则,就等于让自己转发给自己,会陷入死循环。所以Spring会检查到这种情况,于是抛出Circular view path异常。


但是我这里引入了 thymeleaf 还是不行,并且自己定了版本,这样的情况将properties中的注释掉,在dependecy中定义版本即可 解决

Circular view path [ok]: would dispatch back to the current handler URL [/user/ok] again. Check your_第1张图片


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