virsh # help domain
Domain Management (help keyword 'domain'):
attach-device attach device from an XML file(通过XML配置给虚拟机添加设备)
attach-disk attach disk device(添加磁盘设备)
attach-interface attach network interface(添加网络设备)
autostart autostart a domain(给虚拟机添加自动启动配置,当libvirtd服务被拉起的时候,自动启动)
blkdeviotune Set or query a block device I/O tuning parameters.(设置或查询磁盘I/ O参数)
blkiotune Get or set blkio parameters(获取或设置blkio参数)
blockcommit Start a block commit operation.(将磁盘文件的变化保存到备份文件中)
blockcopy Start a block copy operation.(拷贝磁盘备份镜像到目的地)
blockjob Manage active block operations(管理active状态的磁盘任务)
blockpull Populate a disk from its backing image.(从backing file中拷贝数据到磁盘)
blockresize Resize block device of domain.(给虚拟机的块设备扩容)
change-media Change media of CD or floppy drive(更新cdrom或floppy设备)
console connect to the guest console(通过控制连接虚拟机)
cpu-baseline compute baseline CPU(计算基准CPU)
cpu-compare compare host CPU with a CPU described by an XML file(将XML中配置的CPU与HostCPU进行对比)
cpu-stats show domain cpu statistics(显示CPU统计信息)
create create a domain from an XML file(根据XML配置创建并启动一个非持久化虚拟机)
define define (but don't start) a domain from an XML file(根据XML配置创建一个虚拟机)
desc show or set domain's description or title(显示或设置虚拟机的描述或者标题)
destroy destroy (stop) a domain(强制删除一个虚拟机)
detach-device detach device from an XML file(根据XML定义删除虚拟机的设备)
detach-disk detach disk device(删除磁盘设备)
detach-interface detach network interface(删除网络设备)
domdisplay domain display connection URI(显示虚拟机的连接URI)
domfsfreeze Freeze domain's mounted filesystems.(冻结虚拟机的挂载文件系统)
domfsthaw Thaw domain's mounted filesystems.(解冻虚拟机的挂载文件系统)
domfsinfo Get information of domain's mounted filesystems.
domfstrim Invoke fstrim on domain's mounted filesystems.(在虚拟机挂载的文件系统上执行fstrim命令)
domhostname print the domain's hostname(打印虚拟机的hostname)
domid convert a domain name or UUID to domain id(把虚拟机的名字或UUID转化为虚拟机ID)
domif-setlink set link state of a virtual interface(虚拟机设备接口链路状态设置)
domiftune get/set parameters of a virtual interface(获取或者设置虚拟机设备接口得参数)
domjobabort abort active domain job(终止虚拟机的一个处于active的任务)
domjobinfo domain job information(获取虚拟机的任务信息,比如正在virsh save可以查询操作情况)
domname convert a domain id or UUID to domain name(通过虚拟机的ID或者UUID获取虚拟机的名字)
dompmsuspend suspend a domain gracefully using power management functions(使用电源管理功能将虚拟机挂起,需要qga支持)
dompmwakeup wakeup a domain from pmsuspended state(唤醒使用dompmsuspend挂起的虚拟机)
domuuid convert a domain name or id to domain UUID(通过虚拟机的name或ID获取虚拟机的UUID)
domxml-from-native Convert native config to domain XML(将已存在的一组QEMU参数转成可以被libvirt使用Domain XML文件)
domxml-to-native Convert domain XML to native config(将已存在的libvirt使用的Domain XML文件转化为QEMU参数)
dump dump the core of a domain to a file for analysis(dump出虚拟机的core文件,用于分析崩溃原因)
dumpxml domain information in XML(获取虚拟机的XML配置信息)
edit edit XML configuration for a domain(编辑虚拟机的XML配置文件)
event Domain Events(获取虚拟机事件)
inject-nmi Inject NMI to the guest(注入NMI中断到虚拟机内部,当硬件发生不可恢复的错误时使用)
iothreadinfo view domain IOThreads
iothreadpin control domain IOThread affinity
iothreadadd add an IOThread to the guest domain
iothreaddel delete an IOThread from the guest domain
send-key Send keycodes to the guest(往虚拟机发送键盘按键指令)
send-process-signal Send signals to processes(给进程发送信号,qemu不支持)
lxc-enter-namespace LXC Guest Enter Namespace(进入LXC虚拟机的命名空间)
managedsave managed save of a domain state(管理保存虚拟机的内存状态到/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/save/*.save,将虚拟机保存并销毁,后续restore的时候恢复到save之前的状态)
managedsave-remove Remove managed save of a domain(删除虚拟机状态管理设置/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/save/*.save文件)
memtune Get or set memory parameters(获取或者设置内存参数)
metadata show or set domain's custom XML metadata
migrate migrate domain to another host(将虚拟机迁移到另一个节点)
migrate-setmaxdowntime set maximum tolerable downtime(设置停机迁移时间)
migrate-compcache get/set compression cache size(获取或者设置内存压缩的cache大小)
migrate-setspeed Set the maximum migration bandwidth(设置迁移的最大带宽)
migrate-getspeed Get the maximum migration bandwidth(获取迁移的最大带宽)
numatune Get or set numa parameters(获取或者设置numa参数)
qemu-attach QEMU Attach(QEMU Attach)
qemu-monitor-command QEMU Monitor Command(给qemu monitor发送命令)
qemu-monitor-event QEMU Monitor Events(监听qemu monitor事件)
qemu-agent-command QEMU Guest Agent Command(给qemu agent发送命令)
reboot reboot a domain(优雅重启虚拟机,acpi|agent(启用的qga情况下调用qga进行关机)|initctl(upstart命令)|signal|paravirt(xen)),对应qemu只支持agent和acpi
reset reset a domain(强制重启虚拟机)
restore restore a domain from a saved state in a file(通过保存的内存文件恢复虚拟机)
resume resume a domain(唤醒处于pause状态的虚拟机,也就是suspend的虚机)
save save a domain state to a file(将虚拟机内存状态保存到一个文件)
save-image-define redefine the XML for a domain's saved state file(刷新虚拟机配置到save虚拟机的文件中)
save-image-dumpxml saved state domain information in XML(dump出save虚拟机文件中的虚拟机配置信息)
save-image-edit edit XML for a domain's saved state file(出save虚拟机文件中的虚拟机配置信息)
schedinfo show/set scheduler parameters(显示或设置scheduler参数)
screenshot take a screenshot of a current domain console and store it into a file(截取当前虚拟机的屏幕,并将其保存到一个文件中)
set-user-password set the user password inside the domain
setmaxmem change maximum memory limit(改变最大内存限制,停机状态下才可以)
setmem change memory allocation(使用virtio-balloon动态增大或者减小内存大小)
setvcpus change number of virtual CPUs(设置vcpu个数)
shutdown gracefully shutdown a domain(优雅关闭虚拟机,acpi|agent(启用的qga情况下调用qga进行关机)|initctl(upstart命令)|signal|paravirt(xen)),对应qemu只支持agent和acpi
start start a (previously defined) inactive domain(启动一个处于关闭状态的虚拟机)
suspend suspend a domain(暂停一个虚拟机)
ttyconsole tty console(tty console显示)
undefine undefine a domain(删除虚拟机的定义)
update-device update device from an XML file(根据XML配置更新虚拟机的设备)
vcpucount domain vcpu counts(获取虚拟机vcpu个数)
vcpuinfo detailed domain vcpu information(显示虚拟机vcpu的详细信息)
vcpupin control or query domain vcpu affinity(控制或者查询虚拟机的vcpu亲和性)
emulatorpin control or query domain emulator affinity(控制或者查询模拟器的亲和性)
vncdisplay vnc display(获取vnc端口号)