独家| KNN(k~近邻)算法实践:手写数字识别(附Python详细代码及注释)







独家| KNN(k~近邻)算法实践:手写数字识别(附Python详细代码及注释)_第1张图片 文件夹格式
独家| KNN(k~近邻)算法实践:手写数字识别(附Python详细代码及注释)_第2张图片 数字0样式
独家| KNN(k~近邻)算法实践:手写数字识别(附Python详细代码及注释)_第3张图片 数字2样式



#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
# os 模块中导入函数listdir,该函数可以列出给定目录的文件名
from os import listdir
import operator

def img2vector(filename):
    return_vector = np.zeros((1, 1024))
    fr = open(filename)
    for i in range(32):
        line = fr.readline()
        for j in range(32):
            return_vector[0, 32*i + j] = int(line[j])
    return return_vector

# inX 用于分类的输入向量
# dataSet表示训练样本集
# 标签向量为labels,标签向量的元素数目和矩阵dataSet的行数相同
# 参数k表示选择最近邻居的数目
def classify0(inx, data_set, labels, k):
    diff_mat = inx - data_set   # 各个属性特征做差
    sq_diff_mat = diff_mat**2  # 各个差值求平方
    sq_distances = sq_diff_mat.sum(axis=1)  # 按行求和
    distances = sq_distances**0.5   # 开方
    sorted_dist_indicies = distances.argsort()  # 按照从小到大排序,并输出相应的索引值
    class_count = {}  # 创建一个字典,存储k个距离中的不同标签的数量

    for i in range(k):
        vote_label = labels[sorted_dist_indicies[i]]  # 求出第i个标签
        # 访问字典中值为vote_label标签的数值再加1,
        # class_count.get(vote_label, 0)中的0表示当为查询到vote_label时的默认值
        class_count[vote_label] = class_count.get(vote_label, 0) + 1
    # 将获取的k个近邻的标签类进行排序
    sorted_class_count = sorted(class_count.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
    # 标签类最多的就是未知数据的类
    return sorted_class_count[0][0]

def hand_writing_class_test():
    hand_writing_labels = []  # 手写数字类别标签
    training_file_list = listdir('digits/trainingDigits')  # 获得文件中目录列表,训练数据集
    m = len(training_file_list)   # 求得文件中目录文件个数(训练数据集)
    training_mat = np.zeros((m, 1024))  # 创建训练数据矩阵,特征属性矩阵

    for i in range(m):
        file_name_str = training_file_list[i]  # 获取单个文件名
        file_str = file_name_str.split(' ')[0]  # 将文件名中的空字符去掉,这里的[0]是将文件名取出来
        class_num_str = int(file_str.split('_')[0])  # 取出数字类别
        hand_writing_labels.append(class_num_str)  # 将数字类别添加到类别标签矩阵中
        # 将图像格式转换为向量形式
        training_mat[i, :] = img2vector('digits/trainingDigits/%s' % file_name_str)  

    test_file_list = listdir('digits/testDigits')  # 获得文件中目录列表,测试数据集
    error_count = 0  # 错误分类个数
    m_test = len(test_file_list)  # 测试数据集个数

    for i in range(m_test):
        file_name_str = test_file_list[i]  # 获取单个文件名(测试数据集)
        file_str = file_name_str.split('.')[0]  # 将文件名中的空字符去掉,这里的[0]是将文件名取出来(测试数据集)
        class_num_str = int(file_str.split('_')[0])   # 取出数字类别(测试数据集)
        # 将图像格式转换为向量形式(测试数据集)
        vector_under_test = img2vector('digits/testDigits/%s' % file_name_str)  
        # KNN分类,以测试数据集为未知数据,训练数据为训练数据
        classifier_result = classify0(vector_under_test, training_mat, hand_writing_labels, 3)
        # 输出分类结果和真实类别
        print('the classifier came back with: %d, the real answer is: %d' % (classifier_result, class_num_str))
        # 计算错误分类个数
        if classifier_result != class_num_str:
            error_count += 1

    # 输出错误分类个数和错误率
    print("\n the total number of errors is: %d" % error_count)
    print("\n the total error rate is: %f" % (error_count/float(m_test)))

# 调用手写识别


the classifier came back with: 0, the real answer is: 0
the classifier came back with: 0, the real answer is: 0
the classifier came back with: 0, the real answer is: 0
the classifier came back with: 0, the real answer is: 0
the classifier came back with: 0, the real answer is: 0
the classifier came back with: 0, the real answer is: 0
the classifier came back with: 0, the real answer is: 0
the classifier came back with: 1, the real answer is: 1
the classifier came back with: 1, the real answer is: 1
the classifier came back with: 2, the real answer is: 2
the classifier came back with: 2, the real answer is: 2
the classifier came back with: 9, the real answer is: 9
the classifier came back with: 9, the real answer is: 9
the classifier came back with: 9, the real answer is: 9

 the total number of errors is: 11

 the total error rate is: 0.011628




独家| KNN(k~近邻)算法实践:手写数字识别(附Python详细代码及注释)_第4张图片
