MYSQL 启动错误193

当: net start MySQL 时:
发生系统错误 193。
* 不是有效的 Win32 应用程序。

百度了N久没找到问题,google了一下,在 上找到一点问题,
发现D:\mmysql\mysql-5.1.55-win32\bin 有个mysqld的空文件,删除他即可。

I have read that there might be several reasons for this error. I did some googling and nobody was mentioning my reason of getting this error so I though sharing my case and my solution could help others.

As I said, in my case the problem was with the MySQL Daemon. If you have used the default installation, you could find the daemon under “C:Program FilesMySQLMySQL Server 5.6bin”.
Note: This is for version 5.6. Might change depending on your version of installation.

Check the size of mysqld.exe file. If that is 0 bytes then you have blown the deamon as I did.

To fix this you can just copy a good mysqld.exe file from another MySQL installation’s “C:Program FilesMySQLMySQL Server 5.6bin” directory. Make sure that the installation versions are the same.
Then the error message should be gone. Your MySQL should work now.
